A-Z All Commands
1: +grab bind a key to +grab
2: +pull bind a key to +pull
3: +push bind a key to +push
4: amx_addban <"authid" or ip> <minutes> [reason]
5: amx_addbind <entry> : Adds a entry
6: amx_adminteam <team> = move admins to specified team and others to the opposite
7: amx_allies <player> = switch player to allies
8: amx_alltalk (1|0) - Turns alltalk on or off, if no arg passed tells if on or off
9: amx_axis <player> = switch player to axis
10: amx_balanceteams = check & balance teams
11: amx_ban <time in mins> <steamID or nickname or #authid or IP> <reason>
12: amx_ban <name or #userid> <minutes> [reason]
13: amx_banhistorymenu - displays banhistorymenu
14: amx_banip <time in mins> <steamID or nickname or #authid or IP> <reason>
15: amx_banip <name or #userid> <minutes> [reason]
16: amx_banmenu - displays ban menu
17: amx_banmenu - displays ban menu
18: amx_beat <nick | steam> <number of slaps> - Slaps person that many times!
19: amx_beatall <number of slaps> - Slaps everyone that many times!
20: amx_beatteam <team number | name> <number of slaps> - Slaps team that many times!
21: amx_bury <nick | steam> - Burys one client
22: amx_buryall Burys everyone on server
23: amx_buryteam <team number | name> - Burys everyone on a team
24: amx_cancelvote - cancels last vote
25: amx_cfg <filename>
26: amx_cfgmenu - displays configs menu
27: amx_chat <message> - sends message to admins
28: amx_clanpractice - Starts a clan practice
29: amx_clcmdmenu - displays client cmds menu
30: amx_cmdmenu - displays commands menu
31: amx_csay <color> <message> - sends center hud message to all players
32: amx_cvar <cvar> [value]
33: amx_cvarmenu - displays cvars menu
34: amx_displaybinds : Display message to all players
35: amx_dodfreecl <player> - force player to join random class>
36: amx_evilbury <player> = Bury target into the ground
37: amx_evilglow <player> = Target glows in his team color
38: amx_evilkick <player> = Boot player off DoD
39: amx_evillowhealth <player> = Target has only 1hp
40: amx_evilmelee <player> = Only allow melee weapons for target
41: amx_evilmirrordmg <player> = Enable MirrorDamage for Target
42: amx_evilnoprone <player> = Disallow proning for target
43: amx_evilpimpslap <player> = Pimpslap target to death
44: amx_evilslay <player> = Slay target with explosion
45: amx_evilslowdown <player> = Depleat targets stamina
46: amx_evilstfu <player> = Disables VoiceComm/Chat for the target
47: amx_evilvision <player> = Change targets view
48: amx_exec <nick | steam> <command> - This will execute a command on the clients machine
49: amx_execall <command> - This will execute a command on all the clients machine
50: amx_execteam <team number | name> <command> - This will execute a command on all the clients machine of team
51: amx_ff < 0/1 >
52: amx_find <steamID>
53: amx_findex <steamID>
54: amx_flamethrowers : toggles flamethrowers on and off
55: amx_flamethrowers_vote : toggles ability for players to start flamethrower votes on and off
56: amx_flamethrowers_vote_default : sets the current flamethrowervote mode to server default
57: amx_gag <nick | steam> - We can gag a player using this command
58: amx_givehat <nick> <mdl #>
59: amx_god <nick | steam> <1 | 0 | on | off>. Sets a player to god mode
60: amx_godall <1 | 0 | on | off> - Sets all players to god mode
61: amx_godteam <team number | name> <1 | 0 | on | off> - Sets player on team to god mode
62: amx_grab Grab client & teleport to you.
63: amx_heal <nick | steam> (amount) - Heals a player to the amount or fully
64: amx_help <page> [nr of cmds (only for server)] - displays this help
65: amx_holyslap <authid, nick or #userid>
66: amx_hostname <hostname> - This will let an admin change the name of the server
67: amx_kick <name or #userid> [reason]
68: amx_kickmenu - displays kick menu
69: amx_kickteam <team> = kick specified team
70: amx_langmenu
71: amx_last - list the last few disconnected clients info
72: amx_leave <tag> [tag] [tag] [tag]
73: amx_listmaps This will list all the maps in the map ini
74: amx_llama <nick | steam> - We can make a lama out of a player using this command
75: amx_lock <player> = lock/unlock player to/from his current team
76: amx_map <mapname>
77: amx_mapmenu - displays changelevel menu
78: amx_menu - displays menus available to client
79: amx_modules
80: amx_nick <name or #userid> <new nick>
81: amx_noclip <nick | steam> <1 | 0 | on | off> - Sets a player to no clip mode
82: amx_noclipall <1 | 0 | on | off> - Sets all players to no clip mode
83: amx_noclipteam <team number | name> <1 | 0 | on | off> - Sets team to no clip mode
84: amx_off - pauses some plugins
85: amx_on - unpauses some plugins
86: amx_password (password) - Will set the password on the server, to remove call with no arguments.
87: amx_pause - pause or unpause the game
88: amx_pausecfg - list commands for pause/unpause management
89: amx_pausecfgmenu - pause/unpause plugins with menu
90: amx_pig <nick | steam> - Screw up bad people
91: amx_plugincmdmenu - displays the plugin command menu
92: amx_plugincvarmenu - displays the plugin cvar menu
93: amx_plugins
94: amx_psay <name or #userid> <message> - sends private message
95: amx_pwar <team to play on 1 | 2> - Starts a public war
96: amx_quit <nick | steam> - Will quit assholes to the desktop
97: amx_rcon <command line>
98: amx_reloadadmins
99: amx_reloadreasons
100: amx_removebind <id> : Removes a entry
101: amx_removehats - Removes hats from everyone.
102: amx_revive <nick | steam> - Revives a player if he is dead
103: amx_rockthevote (option: now) Allows admins to force a vote
104: amx_rtv (option: now) Allows admins to force a vote
105: amx_say <message> - sends message to all players
106: amx_say_commands_toggle <1/on 0/off> Toggle the custom Say Commands off/on
107: amx_sc_add - Add x amount of bots.
108: amx_sc_bring_bots_back
109: amx_sc_change_cfg
110: amx_sc_kick
111: amx_sc_remove_bots
112: amx_sc_show_config
113: amx_sc_vote_off
114: amx_sc_vote_on
115: amx_scrim <"Away Clan Tags In Quotes"> - Starts a scrim
116: amx_setlang <language>
117: amx_showrcon <command line>
118: amx_shrike_control
119: amx_shrike_control_chat
120: amx_shrike_control_gpt
121: amx_shrike_control_gpt13
122: amx_shrike_control_gpt16
123: amx_shrike_control_gpt2
124: amx_shrike_control_reaction
125: amx_shrike_control_skill
126: amx_shutup <nick | steam> - Will shut up loudmouth ppl
127: amx_slap <name or #userid> [power]
128: amx_slap <nick | steam> - Slaps one client
129: amx_slapall Slaps everyone on map
130: amx_slapdmg <value> - Sets slap damage
131: amx_slapmenu - displays slap/slay menu
132: amx_slapteam <team number | name> - Slaps everyone on a team
133: amx_slay <name or #userid>
134: amx_slay <nick | steam> - Slays an individual
135: amx_slayall Slays everyone on the server including admins and caller
136: amx_slayteam <team number | name> - Slays the whole team
137: amx_slayteam <team> = slay specified team
138: amx_spec <player> = switch player to spec
139: amx_speechmenu - displays speech menu
140: amx_swapteams swap all players' teams
141: amx_teamlock <teamname> = lock/unlock specified team
142: amx_teammenu - displays team menu
143: amx_teleportmenu - displays teleport menu
144: amx_timelimit <time> - Resets the time limit, it must be more than we have been playing for
145: amx_tsay <color> <message> - sends left side hud message to all players
146: amx_unban <steamID>
147: amx_unban <"authid" or ip>
148: amx_unbury <nick | steam> - Un-Burys one client
149: amx_unburyall Un-Burys everyone on server
150: amx_unburyteam <team number | name> -Un- Burys everyone on a team
151: amx_ungag <nick | steam> - We can ungag a player using this command
152: amx_unllama <nick | steam> - We can unlama a player using this command
153: amx_unpig <nick | steam> - Un screw bad people
154: amx_unshutup <nick | steam> - Will un-shut up loudmouth ppl
155: amx_vote <question> <answer#1> <answer#2>
156: amx_voteban <name or #userid>
157: amx_votekick <name or #userid>
158: amx_votemap <map> [map] [map] [map]
159: amx_votemapmenu - displays votemap menu
160: amx_who - displays who is on server
161: amxbans_custombanreason - configures custom ban message
162: amxmodmenu - displays menus
163: dmap_banlastmaps Bans the last <n> maps played from being voted (0-99)
164: dmap_cancelvote Cancels the rocked vote
165: dmap_cyclemode Disables Voting (To restore voting use dmap_votemode)
166: dmap_default Will restore settings to default
167: dmap_freeze Toggles Freeze/Drop at end of round ON|off
168: dmap_help Shows on-screen help information about Map Plugin
169: dmap_mapsnum Set number of maps in vote (will not take effect until next map
170: dmap_mapsurl Specify what website to get custom maps from
171: dmap_maxcustom Set maximum number of custom nominations that may be made
172: dmap_messages Sets the time interval in minutes between messages
173: dmap_nominate <mapname> - Force nomination of a map by an admin
174: dmap_nominations Set maximum number of nominations for each person
175: dmap_quietmode Usage: <OFF|NOSOUND|SILENT>
176: dmap_rockthevote (option: now) Allows admins to force a vote
177: dmap_rtvpercent Set the percent (3-100) of players for a rtv
178: dmap_rtvplayers Sets the minimum number of players needed to rockthevote
179: dmap_rtvtoggle Toggles on|off Ability of players to use rockthevote
180: dmap_rtvwait Sets the minimum time before rockthevote can occur (5-30)
181: dmap_status Shows settings/status/help of the map management variables
182: dmap_votemode Enables Voting (This is default mode)
183: dod_nonades_help NoNades Command Help
184: dod_nonades_off Plugin Off - Enables grenades for all players
185: dod_nonades_on Plugin On - Disables grenades for all players
186: dod_nonades_player <name or #userid> Toggle Player grenade status
187: dod_nonades_status NoNades Status
188: dod_nonades_team <0|1|2> Set Team grenade status
189: esp_menu Shows admins ESP for Detecting Hackers
190: esp_start Starts the ESP For this User
191: esp_stop Stops the ESP For this User
192: grab_toggle press once to grab and again to release
193: mespec Lets admins spy on players while appearing to be on team to others
194: oob_mode <on|off> Enables/Disables OOB Zones.
195: say @[@|@|@][w|r|g|b|y|m|c]<text> - displays hud message
196: say Say: vote mapname, nominate mapname, or just mapname to nominate a map, say: nominations
197: say
198: say /ff - displays friendly fire status
199: say /hats Shows Hat menu
200: say /hp - displays info. about your killer
201: say /rank - displays your server stats
202: say /stats - displays others stats
203: say /statsme - displays your stats
204: say /top10 - displays top 15 players
205: say /top15 - displays top 15 players
206: say /topx - displays top X players
207: say currentmap - display current map
208: say ff - display friendly fire status
209: say listmaps Lists all maps in a window and in console
210: say nextmap - displays nextmap
211: say nextmap Shows nextmap information to players
212: say rockthevote -Rocks the Vote
213: say rtv - Rocks the Vote
214: say thetime - displays current time
215: say timeleft - displays timeleft
216: say_team @<text> - displays message to admins
217: stopvote - stops vote in progress
218: amx_oneweapon <1|0> - One weapon only mode
219: amx_setoneweapon <1-31> - Set weapon for One weapon only mode
220: amx_ip <player> - shows ip address of player