How To - Most Used Commands
How to quiet a loud Player:
On Mic - using voice
amx_shutup <name | steam id> - You can use a minimum of 4 unique characters of a player's name or steam id
On Keyboard - using typing in game chat
amx_gag <name | steam id> - You can use a minimum of 4 unique characters of a player's name
amx_llama <name | steam id> - Attempts at typing only produce a Llama bleat sound
On Both Mic & Keyboard - same time
amx_evilstfu <name> - You can use a minimum of 4 unique characters of a player's name
These commands last only the duration of one map.
Most used commands:
amx_ban - This will ban the player from set of minutes to perm ban
amx_ban minutes <Steamid | name> "Reason in quote for spaces"
0 = Permanent
60 = 1 hour
120 = 2 hours
720 = 12 hours
1440 = 1 Day or 24 hours
10080 = 1 Week / 7 days / 168 hours
40360 = 1 month / 4 weeks / 28 days/ 672 hours
Examples - if Player name is [Me109] g-man
amx_ban 60 -man "Using Negative Language"
amx_banip <time in mins> <steamID or nickname or #authid or IP> <reason>
To get the ip address for a player, type in console "amx_ip <player>" and then copy and paste that into the proper slot of the amx_banip command.
Some useful chat shortcuts in game:
Instead of using csay, tsay, amx_chat, etc. in the console you can use these shortcuts with say (the "y" key) in game or the say_team (the "u" key) in game.First the say commands: press the "y" key and then enter the following(note there is a space after the @'s but none before)
say:@ message (tsay:message is printed bottom left of screen)
say:@@ message (csay:message is printed top center of screen)
say:@@@ message (message is printed bottom middle of screen)
The space after the @ is for a color code. If you leave it blank then the text will be white. The other colors are:
w = white
b = blue
c = light blue
g = green
m = purple
o = orange
r = red
y = yellow
So if you wanted to print "Me109 rules!!" in green on the top center of the screen this is what you type.
say:@@gMe109 rules!!
Now for the amx_chat or admin chat. Note that anybody can use this. Even people who don't have admin. Non-admins can't read the text produced however but they can still type messages that the admins will see. This would be good for clan members who don't have admin but want to report trouble players or suspected hackers without tipping them off.
First thing you do is press the "u" key for say_team. Then the @ key followed by your message with no spaces before or after the @. So if you wanted to send "I think Accoe is fishy" to the admins type the following.
say_team:@I think Accoe is fishy
More chat/screen-say basics:
bind <key> "messagemode amx_chat"
Whenever you press the key you bound, amx_chat: will appear on the top left of your screen and whatever you type will go to admin chat.
bind <key> "messagemode amx_say"
Whenever you press the key you bound a amx_say: will appear on the top left of your screen and whatever you type will appear where the regular chat shows up. It will have (All) next to it and it will appear all orange like admin chat but eveyone will see it. This isn't used a lot but it may be usefull to draw people's attention to what you are saying because it doesn't look like normal chat. Instead of your name showing up in the color of your team its all orange.
bind <key> "messagemode amx_csay"
Whenever you press the key you bound a amx_csay: will appear on the top left of your screen and as long as you type a " somewhere in your text it will show up.
example: amx_csay:"Don't spawn camp!!!!
will print "Don't spawn camp!!!! in the middle of the screen.
You can add color by typing out the name of the color before your text.
example: amx_csay:blue "Don't spawn camp!!!!
bind <key> "messagemode amx_tsay"
Whenever you press the key you bound a amx_tsay: will appear on the top left of your screen and as long as you type a " somewhere in your text it will show up.
example: amx_tsay:"Don't spawn camp!!!!
will print "Don't spawn camp!!!! in the bottom left of the screen.
You can add color by typing out the name of the colour before your text.
example: amx_tsay:blue "Don't spawn camp!!!!
Give them a try but I think the csay and tsay are harder to use then the @ method. The admin chat and amx_say could be useful though.