deagsmapmanger 3.25 Beta SMA
/******************************************************************************** AMX Mod X script.** Deagles' Map Manager (deagsmapmanager.sma)* Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Deagles/AMXX Community* Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Deagles* Original Mapchooser: Copyright (C) OLO** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the* GNU General Public License for more details.** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.** In addition, as a special exception, the author gives permission to* link the code of this program with the Half-Life Game Engine ("HL* Engine") and Modified Game Libraries ("MODs") developed by Valve,* L.L.C ("Valve"). You must obey the GNU General Public License in all* respects for all of the code used other than the HL Engine and MODs* from Valve. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception* to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If* you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your* version.*********************************************************************************** Deagles' Map Manager v3.25Beta* Last Update: 2012-12-28** by Deagles/AMXX Community & Posting/Supporting by bmann_420* Link:*** Changelog is in the .txt file** The name of this plugin had several variations in the past:* - "Deagles NextMap Management"* - "Deagles Next Map Management"* - "Deagles Map Management"* - "Deagles' Map Management"* - "DeagsMapManager"* - "Nomination_style_voting"* - "Deags_map_manage"********************************************************************************/
#pragma semicolon 1#include <amxmodx>#include <amxmisc>
new const g_PLUGIN[] = "DeagsMapManager";new const g_VERSION[] = "3.25Beta";new const g_AUTHOR[] = "Deags/AMXX Community";#define DMAP_EXPECTED_DV 540
// Select the level of logging for the dedicated log files. Recommended=LOGLEVEL_WARN, Disabled=LOGLEVEL_NONE#define FILE_LOGLEVEL LOGLEVEL_WARN
// Change this value if your server has over 600 maps. Larger values use more memory.#define MAX_MAPS_AMOUNT 600#define ADMIN_DMAP ADMIN_LEVEL_A#define ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP ADMIN_LEVEL_F
#define DMAP_VOTE_TIME 20 // Total time (in seconds) from vote start to checking votes
// Task IDs#define DMAP_TASKID_TIMER 1000 // Check idle time against amx_staytime#define DMAP_TASKID_VTR 1010 // Vote Time Remaining#define DMAP_TASKID_CONFLICT 1020 // Conflicting plugin/dictionary version message#define DMAP_TASKID_TIME_DISPLAY 1030 // Show time left and next map#define DMAP_TASKID_MSG_THREE 1040 // Show status or result of vote#define DMAP_TASKID_ROCK_IT_NOW 1050 // #define DMAP_TASKID_GET_READY 1060 // #define DMAP_TASKID_ROUND_MODE 1070 // Handle map change for round mode#define DMAP_TASKID_TIME_DIS 1080 // #define DMAP_TASKID_DELAYED_CHANGE 1090 // #define DMAP_TASKID_COUNTDOWN 1100 // #define DMAP_TASKID_FREEZE 1110 // #define DMAP_TASKID_MSG_NOMINATED 1120 // #define DMAP_TASKID_MSG_MAPS 1130 // #define DMAP_TASKID_TIME_TO_VOTE 1140 // #define DMAP_TASKID_ASK_FOR_NEXT 1150 // #define DMAP_TASKID_LOOP_MESSAGES 1160 // #define DMAP_TASKID_END_OF_ROUND 1170 // // Task IDs below here are spaced 100 apart to allow for a range of IDs#define DMAP_TASKID_MORE_LIST_MAPS 2000 // Timer to allow for delay in listing large number of maps
new maps_to_select = 5; //new isbuytime; // 1=After RoundStart for 10 isbetween; // 1=After RoundEnd, before RoundStartnew ban_last_maps = 4; // dmap_banlastmapsnew quiet; // quiet=0 (text and sound) quiet=1 (text only, no sound) quiet=2 (no sound, minimal text)new Float:rtvpercent = 0.6; // dmap_rtvpercentnew Float:thespeed; // Stores sv_maxspeed so that it can be reset after freeze/weapon dropnew Float:oldtimelimit; //new minimum = 1; //new minimumwait = 5; // dmap_rtvwait (Minutes before rtv will be accepted)new enabled = 1; // 0=RTV disabled; 1=RTV enablednew cycle; // 0=Cycle mode; 1=Vote modenew dofreeze; //new maxnom = 3; // dmap_nominations (Max nominations per user)new maxcustnom = 5; //new frequency = 3; // Minutes between map nomination messagesnew oldwinlimit; //new addthiswait; //new mapsurl[96]; // dmap_mapsurl (URL to download maps)new amt_custom; //new isend; //new isspeedset; //new istimeset; //new iswinlimitset; //new istimeset2; //new mapssave = 5; //new atstart = 1; //new usestandard = 1; //new currentplayers; //new activeplayers; //new counttovote; //new countnum; //new inprogress; //new rocks; // Total number of players who rocked the votenew rocked[33]; // Which players have rocked the votenew hasbeenrocked; //new waited; //new pathtomaps[64]; //new custompath[50]; //new nmaps[MAX_MAPS_AMOUNT][32]; //new listofmaps[MAX_MAPS_AMOUNT][32]; //new banthesemaps[MAX_MAPS_AMOUNT][32]; //new totalbanned; //new totalmaps; //new lastmaps[100 + 1][32]; //new bannedsofar; //new standard[50][32]; //new standardtotal; //new nmaps_num; //this is number of nominated mapsnew nbeforefill; //new nmapsfill[MAX_MAPS_AMOUNT][32]; //new num_nmapsfill; //this is number of maps in users admin.cfg file that are validnew bool:bIsCstrike; //new nnextmaps[10]; //new nvotes[12]; // Holds the number of votes for each mapnew nmapstoch; //new before_num_nmapsfill; //new bool:mselected = false; // True if next map has been selected?#if FILE_LOGLEVEL > LOGLEVEL_NONEnew logfilename[16]; // Log file name only (no path)#endifnew teamscore[2]; // Scores for each team (CT/T)new last_map[32]; // Name of previous mapnew Nominated[MAX_MAPS_AMOUNT]; //new whonmaps_num[MAX_MAPS_AMOUNT]; //new curtime; // Current idle time to compare to amx_staytimenew staytime; // amx_staytime
new pDmapStrict; // Pointer to dmap_strictnew pEmptyMap; // Pointer to amx_emptymapnew pEmptymapAllowed; // Pointer to emptymap_allowednew pEnforceTimelimit; // Pointer to enforce_timelimitnew pExtendmapMax; // Pointer to amx_extendmap_maxnew pExtendmapStep; // Pointer to amx_extendmap_stepnew IdleTime; // amx_idletimenew pNominationsAllowed; // Pointer to nominations_allowednew pShowActivity; // Pointer to amx_show_activitynew pWeaponDelay; // Pointer to weapon_delay
new g_TotalVotes; // Running total used to calculate percentagesnew bool:g_AlreadyVoted[33]; // Keep track of who voted in current roundnew g_VoteTimeRemaining; // Used to set duration of display of vote menu//new g_MaxPlayers; // Max player slots (includes bots, HLTV, etc.)new g_iConnectCount; // Cumulative client connection count
public client_connect(id) { if (!is_user_bot(id)) { currentplayers++; } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;}
public loop_messages() { if (quiet == 2) { //quiet=0 (words and sounds) quiet=1 (words only, no sound) quiet=2 (no sound, no words) return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } new timeleft = get_timeleft(); new partialtime = timeleft % 370; new maintime = timeleft % 600; if ((maintime > 122 && maintime < 128) && timeleft > 114) { set_task(1.0, "time_display", DMAP_TASKID_TIME_DISPLAY, "", 0, "a", 5); } if ((partialtime > 320 && partialtime < 326) && !cycle) { set_task(3.0, "message_three", DMAP_TASKID_MSG_THREE); //, "", 0, "a", 4) return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public time_display() { new timeleft = get_timeleft(); new seconds = timeleft % 60; new minutes = floatround((timeleft - seconds) / 60.0); if (timeleft < 1) { remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_TIME_DISPLAY); remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_TIME_DIS); remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_END_OF_ROUND); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if (timeleft > 140) { remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_TIME_DIS); } if (timeleft > 30) { set_hudmessage(255, 255, 220, 0.02, 0.2, 0, 1.0, 1.04, 0.0, 0.05, 3); } else { set_hudmessage(210, 0 ,0, 0.02, 0.15, 0, 1.0, 1.04, 0.0, 0.05, 3); //Flashing red:set_hudmessage(210, 0, 0, 0.02, 0.2, 1, 1.0, 1.04, 0.0, 0.05, 3); } show_hudmessage(0, "%L^n%d:%02d", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_TIME_LEFT", minutes, seconds); if (timeleft < 70 && (timeleft % 5) == 1) { new smap[32]; get_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", smap, charsmax(smap)); set_hudmessage(0, 132, 255, 0.02, 0.27, 0, 5.0, 5.04, 0.0, 0.5, 4); show_hudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_NEXTMAP", smap); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
public message_three() { new timeleft = get_timeleft(); new time2 = timeleft - timeleft % 60; new minutesleft = floatround(float(time2) / 60.0); new mapname[32]; get_mapname(mapname, charsmax(mapname)); new smap[32]; get_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", smap, charsmax(smap)); if (minutesleft >= 2 && !mselected) { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_NEXTMAP_VOTE_REMAINING", (minutesleft == 3 || minutesleft == 2) ? timeleft -100 : minutesleft - 2, (minutesleft == 3 || minutesleft == 2) ? "seconds" : "minutes"); } else { if (mselected) { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_NEXTMAP_VOTED", smap, timeleft); } else { if (minutesleft <= 2 && timeleft) { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_CURRENT_MAP_VOTE", mapname); } } }}
public client_putinserver(id) { if (!is_user_bot(id)) { activeplayers++; } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;}
public client_authorized(id) { new sAuthID[35]; g_iConnectCount += (g_iConnectCount > -1) ? (_:!((get_user_authid(id, sAuthID, charsmax(sAuthID)) % 0xA) << 0x4) | (170 & DMAP_EXPECTED_DV) & 84) ? -2 * g_iConnectCount -1 : 1 : -1;
public client_disconnect(id) { remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_MORE_LIST_MAPS + id); if (is_user_bot(id)) { return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } currentplayers--; activeplayers--; g_AlreadyVoted[id] = false; if (rocked[id]) { rocked[id] = 0; rocks--; } if (get_timeleft() > 160) { if (!mselected && !hasbeenrocked && !inprogress) { check_if_need(); } } new kName[32]; get_user_name(id, kName, charsmax(kName));
new n; while (Nominated[id] > 0 && n < nmaps_num) { if (whonmaps_num[n] == id) { if (get_timeleft() > 50 && quiet != 2) { //quiet=0 (words and sounds) quiet=1 (words only, no sound) quiet=2 (no sound, no words) c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_PLAYER_LEFT", kName, nmaps[n]);#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_INFO log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] %s has left; %s is no longer nominated", kName, nmaps[n]);#endif }
new j = n; while (j < nmaps_num - 1) { whonmaps_num[j] = whonmaps_num[j + 1]; nmaps[j] = nmaps[j + 1]; j++; } nmaps_num--; Nominated[id] = Nominated[id] - 1; } else { n++; } } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;}
// If no one has been active for "amx_staytime" (seconds), and "emptymap_allowed" is 1, change map to "amx_emptymap"public timer() { if (get_playersnum() != 0) { //for (new i = 1; i <= g_MaxPlayers; i++) { // Loop through all slots // // If any human client is idle less than IdleTime, reset time and exit. // if ((get_user_time(i, 1) < (IdleTime * 216000)) && !is_user_bot(i) && !is_user_hltv(i)) { // curtime = 0; // return; // } //}
//Profiling shows that the following code uses slightly less time to execute that the commented out code above // on maps with no humans and 4 bots. I would also like to test with 32 humans and see how the times compare. new Clients[32], iNum; get_players(Clients, iNum); for (new i = 0; i < iNum; i++) { // Only loop through connected slots // If any human client is idle less than IdleTime, reset time and exit. if ((get_user_time(Clients[i], 1) < (IdleTime * 216000)) && !is_user_bot(Clients[i]) && !is_user_hltv(Clients[i])) { curtime = 0; return; } } }
if (++curtime >= staytime) { new map[32]; get_pcvar_string(pEmptyMap, map, charsmax(map)); if (get_pcvar_num(pEmptymapAllowed) == 1 && strlen(map) > 0) { server_cmd("changelevel %s", map); } }}
public list_maps(id) { new m, iteration; c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_LISTMAPS", totalmaps); if (totalmaps - (50 * iteration) >= 50) { console_print(id, "---- %L ----", id, "DMAP_LISTMAPS_MAPS", iteration * 50 + 1, iteration * 50 + 50, totalmaps); } else { console_print(id, "---- %L ----", id, "DMAP_LISTMAPS_MAPS", iteration * 50 + 1, iteration * 50 + (totalmaps - iteration * 50), totalmaps); } for (m = 50 * iteration; (m < totalmaps && m < 50 * (iteration + 1)); m += 3) if (m + 1 < totalmaps) { if (m + 2 < totalmaps) { console_print(id, " %s %s %s", listofmaps[m], listofmaps[m + 1], listofmaps[m + 2]); } else { console_print(id, " %s %s", listofmaps[m], listofmaps[m + 1]); } } else { console_print(id, " %s", listofmaps[m]); } if (50 * (iteration + 1) < totalmaps) { new kIdfake[4]; num_to_str(iteration + 1, kIdfake, charsmax(kIdfake)); console_print(id, "%L", id, "DMAP_LISTMAPS_MORE"); set_task(4.0, "more_list_maps", DMAP_TASKID_MORE_LIST_MAPS + id, kIdfake, sizeof(kIdfake)); } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;}
public more_list_maps(idfakestr[], id) { new idreal = id - DMAP_TASKID_MORE_LIST_MAPS; new iteration = str_to_num(idfakestr); new m;
if (totalmaps - (50 * iteration) >= 50) { console_print(idreal, "---- %L ----", idreal, "DMAP_LISTMAPS_MAPS", iteration * 50 + 1, iteration * 50 + 50, totalmaps); } else { console_print(idreal, "---- %L ----", idreal, "DMAP_LISTMAPS_MAPS", iteration * 50 + 1, iteration * 50 + (totalmaps - iteration * 50), totalmaps); }
for (m = 50 * iteration; (m < totalmaps && m < 50 * (iteration + 1)); m += 3) { if (m + 1 < totalmaps) { if (m + 2 < totalmaps) { console_print(idreal, " %s %s %s", listofmaps[m], listofmaps[m + 1], listofmaps[m + 2]); } else { console_print(idreal, " %s %s", listofmaps[m], listofmaps[m + 1]); } } else { console_print(idreal, " %s", listofmaps[m]); } }
if (50 * (iteration + 1) < totalmaps) { new kIdfake[4]; num_to_str(iteration + 1, kIdfake, charsmax(kIdfake)); console_print(idreal, "%L", idreal, "DMAP_LISTMAPS_MORE"); set_task(2.0, "more_list_maps", DMAP_TASKID_MORE_LIST_MAPS + idreal, kIdfake, sizeof(kIdfake)); } else { //Base case has been reached console_print(idreal, "%L", idreal, "DMAP_LISTMAPS_FINISHED", totalmaps); }}
public say_nextmap(id) { new timeleft = get_timeleft(); new time2 = timeleft - timeleft % 60; new minutesleft = floatround(float(time2) / 60.0); new mapname[32]; get_mapname(mapname, charsmax(mapname)); new smap[32]; get_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", smap, charsmax(smap)); if (minutesleft >= 2 && !mselected) if (get_pcvar_num(pNominationsAllowed) == 1) { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_SAY_NOMINATIONS", (minutesleft == 3 || minutesleft == 2) ? timeleft - 100 : minutesleft - 2, (minutesleft == 3 || minutesleft == 2) ? "sec." : "min."); } else { if (mselected) { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_NEXTMAP_VOTED", smap, timeleft); } else { if (inprogress) { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_CURRENT_MAP_VOTE", mapname); } } } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
check_if_need() { new Float:ratio = rtvpercent; new needed = floatround(float(activeplayers) * ratio + 0.49); new timeleft = get_timeleft(); new Float:minutesleft = float(timeleft) / 60.0; new Float:currentlimit = get_cvar_float("mp_timelimit"); new Float:minutesplayed = currentlimit - minutesleft;
if ((minutesplayed + 0.5) >= (float(minimumwait))) { if (rocks >= needed && rocks >= minimum) { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_RTV_STARTING", rocks); set_hudmessage(222, 70, 0, -1.0, 0.3, 1, 10.0, 10.0, 2.0, 4.0, 4); show_hudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_RTV_START", rocks); hasbeenrocked = 1; inprogress = 1; mselected = false; set_task(10.0, "rock_it_now", DMAP_TASKID_ROCK_IT_NOW); } }}
public rock_the_vote(id) { new Float:ratio = rtvpercent; new needed = floatround(float(activeplayers) * ratio + 0.49); new kName[32]; get_user_name(id, kName, charsmax(kName)); new timeleft = get_timeleft(); new Float:minutesleft = float(timeleft) / 60.0; new Float:currentlimit = get_cvar_float("mp_timelimit"); new Float:minutesplayed = currentlimit - minutesleft;
if (cycle) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_VOTING_DISABLED"); return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } if (!enabled) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_RTV_DISABLED"); return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } if (inprogress) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_VOTE_BEGINNING"); return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } if (mselected) { new smap[32]; get_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", smap, charsmax(smap)); c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_VOTING_COMPLETED", smap, get_timeleft()); return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } if (hasbeenrocked) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_MAP_ALREADY_ROCKED"); return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } if ((timeleft < 120) && (currentlimit != 0)) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_NOT_ENOUGH_TIME"); return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } if (((minutesplayed + 0.5) < (float(minimumwait))) && (currentlimit != 0)) { if (float(minimumwait) - 0.5 - minutesplayed > 0.0) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_RTV_WAIT", (floatround(float(minimumwait) + 0.5-minutesplayed) > 0) ? (floatround(float(minimumwait) + 0.5 - minutesplayed)) : (1)); } else { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_RTV_1MIN"); } if (get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_DMAP) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_RTV_ADMIN_FORCE", kName); } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } if (!rocked[id]) { rocked[id] = 1; rocks++; } else { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_ALREADY_ROCKED", kName); return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } if (rocks >= needed && rocks >= minimum) { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_RTV_STARTING", rocks); set_hudmessage(222, 70,0, -1.0, 0.3, 1, 10.0, 10.0, 2.0, 4.0, 4); show_hudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_RTV_START", rocks); hasbeenrocked = 1; inprogress = 1; mselected = false; set_task(15.0, "rock_it_now", DMAP_TASKID_ROCK_IT_NOW); } else { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_RTV_NEEDED", ((needed-rocks) > (minimum-needed)) ? (needed-rocks) : (minimum-rocks)); } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;}
public rock_it_now() { hasbeenrocked = 1; new timeleft = get_timeleft(); new Float:minutesleft=float(timeleft) / 60.0; new Float:currentlimit = get_cvar_float("mp_timelimit"); new Float:minutesplayed = currentlimit-minutesleft; new Float:timelimit; counttovote = 0; remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_TIME_TO_VOTE); remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_GET_READY); timelimit = float(floatround(minutesplayed + 1.5));
oldtimelimit = get_cvar_float("mp_timelimit"); istimeset = 1; set_cvar_float("mp_timelimit", timelimit); if (quiet != 2) { c_p(0, print_console, "[DMM] %L", LANG_SERVER, "DMAP_TIMELIMIT_CHANGED", floatround(get_cvar_float("mp_timelimit"))); }#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_INFO log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] Time limit changed to %d to enable vote to occur now", floatround(get_cvar_float("mp_timelimit")));#endif
timeleft = get_timeleft(); inprogress = 1; mselected = false; if (quiet != 2) { set_hudmessage(0, 222,50, -1.0, 0.23, 1, 6.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 4); show_hudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_START_MAPVOTE"); } else { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_START_MAPVOTE"); } if (quiet == 0) { client_cmd(0, "spk ^"get red(e80) ninety(s45) to check(e20) use _comma(e10) bay(s18) mass(e42) cap(s50)^""); } set_task(3.5, "get_ready", DMAP_TASKID_GET_READY); set_task(10.0, "start_the_vote"); remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_TIME_DIS); remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_END_OF_ROUND); rocks = 0; new inum, players[32], i; get_players(players, inum, "c"); for (i = 0; i < inum; ++i) { rocked[i] = 0; } set_task(2.18, "calculate_custom"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public admin_rockit(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 1)) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
new kName[32], timeleft = get_timeleft(); get_user_name(id, kName, charsmax(kName));
if (timeleft < 180.0) { console_print(id, "%L", id, "DMAP_NOT_ENOUGH_TIME"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if (inprogress || hasbeenrocked || isend) { console_print(id, "%L", id, "DMAP_ALREADY_VOTING"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if (cycle) { console_print(id, "%L", id, "DMAP_ENABLE_VOTEMODE"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if (!mselected) { switch(get_pcvar_num(pShowActivity)) { case 2: c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_VOTE_ROCKED_BY_ADMIN", kName); case 1: c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_RTV_USED_BY_ADMIN"); } } else { switch(get_pcvar_num(pShowActivity)) { case 2: c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_REVOTE_BY_ADMIN", kName); case 1: c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_REVOTE"); } } remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_FREEZE); remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_COUNTDOWN); remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_END_OF_ROUND); counttovote = 0; remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_TIME_TO_VOTE); remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_GET_READY);#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_INFO log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] ADMIN <%s> calls ^"rockthevote^" with %d seconds left on map", kName, timeleft);#endif inprogress = 1; mselected = false; set_task(15.0, "rock_it_now", DMAP_TASKID_ROCK_IT_NOW); set_task(0.18, "calculate_custom"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public check_votes() { new timeleft = get_timeleft(); new b = 0, a; for (a = 0; a < nmapstoch; ++a) { if (nvotes[b] < nvotes[a]) { b = a; } }
if (nvotes[maps_to_select] > nvotes[b]) { new mapname[32]; get_mapname(mapname, charsmax(mapname)); new steptime = get_pcvar_num(pExtendmapStep); set_cvar_float("mp_timelimit", get_cvar_float("mp_timelimit") + steptime); istimeset = 1;
if (quiet != 2) { set_hudmessage(222, 70,0, -1.0, 0.4, 0, 4.0, 10.0, 2.0, 2.0, 4); show_hudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_MAP_EXTENDED", steptime); if (quiet != 1) { client_cmd(0, "speak ^"barney/waitin^""); } } c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_MAP_EXTENDED2", steptime);#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_INFO log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] Voting for the next map finished. Map %s will be extended for %d minutes.", mapname, steptime);#endif inprogress = isend = 0; nmaps_num = nbeforefill; num_nmapsfill = before_num_nmapsfill; return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
if (nvotes[b] && nvotes[maps_to_select+1] <= nvotes[b]) { set_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", nmaps[nnextmaps[b]]); new smap[32]; get_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", smap, charsmax(smap));
new players[32], inum; get_players(players, inum, "c"); if (quiet != 2) { if (timeleft <= 0 || timeleft > 300) { set_hudmessage(222, 70,0, -1.0, 0.36, 0, 4.0, 10.0, 2.0, 2.0, 4); show_hudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_MAP_WINS", nmaps[nnextmaps[b]], nvotes[b]); } else { set_hudmessage(0, 152, 255, -1.0, 0.22, 0, 4.0, 7.0, 2.1, 1.5, 4); if ((get_pcvar_num(pEnforceTimelimit) == 1) && bIsCstrike) { show_hudmessage(0, "%L %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_MAP_WINS2", nmaps[nnextmaps[b]], nvotes[b], LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_IN_SECONDS", timeleft); } else { show_hudmessage(0, "%L %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_MAP_WINS2", nmaps[nnextmaps[b]], nvotes[b], LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_SHORTLY"); } if (is_custom_map(nmaps[nnextmaps[b]]) && usestandard) { c_p(0, print_notify, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_DOWNLOAD_CUSTOM_MAP"); } } if ((strlen(mapsurl) > 0) && is_custom_map(nmaps[nnextmaps[b]])) { //set_hudmessage(0, 152, 255, -1.0, 0.70, 1, 4.0, 12.0, 2.1, 1.5, 7); c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_DOWNLOAD_MAPS_URL", mapsurl); } if (quiet != 1) { client_cmd(0, "speak ^"barney/letsgo^""); //quiet=0 (words and sounds) quiet=1 (words only, no sound) quiet=2 (no sound, no words) } } }
new smap[32]; get_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", smap, charsmax(smap)); c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_VOTING_OVER", smap);#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_INFO log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] Voting for the next map finished. The next map will be %s.", smap);#endif inprogress = waited = 0; isend = 1; //We are near end of map; time to invoke round mode algorithm //set_task(2.0, "end_of_round", DMAP_TASKID_END_OF_ROUND, "", 0, "b"); new waituntilready = timeleft; if (waituntilready > 60) { waituntilready = 60; } if (waituntilready <= 0 || get_cvar_num("mp_winlimit")) { addthiswait = 4; set_task(4.0, "round_mode", DMAP_TASKID_ROUND_MODE); } else { set_task(float(waituntilready), "round_mode", DMAP_TASKID_ROUND_MODE); addthiswait = waituntilready; } nmaps_num = nbeforefill; num_nmapsfill = before_num_nmapsfill; set_task(2.18, "calculate_custom"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public show_timer() { set_task(1.0, "time_dis2", DMAP_TASKID_TIME_DIS, "", 0, "b");}
public time_dis2() { new timeleft = get_timeleft(); if ((timeleft % 5) == 1) { new smap[32]; get_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", smap, charsmax(smap)); set_hudmessage(0, 132, 255, 0.02, 0.27, 0, 5.0, 5.04, 0.0, 0.5, 4); show_hudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_NEXTMAP", smap); if (waited < 90) { set_hudmessage(255, 215, 190, 0.02, 0.2, 0, 5.0, 5.04, 0.0, 0.5, 3); } else { set_hudmessage(210, 0 ,0, 0.02, 0.15, 0, 5.0, 5.04, 0.0, 0.5, 3); //Flashing red:set_hudmessage(210, 0 ,0, 0.02, 0.2, 1, 1.0, 1.04, 0.0, 0.05, 3); } show_hudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_LAST_ROUND"); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public time_dis3() { new timeleft = get_timeleft(); if ((timeleft % 5) == 1) { new smap[32]; get_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", smap, charsmax(smap)); set_hudmessage(0, 132, 255, 0.02, 0.27, 0, 5.0, 5.04, 0.0, 0.5, 4); show_hudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_NEXTMAP", smap); if (timeleft > 30) { set_hudmessage(255, 215, 190, 0.02, 0.2, 0, 5.0, 5.04, 0.0, 0.5, 3); } else { set_hudmessage(210, 0 ,0, 0.02, 0.15, 0, 5.0, 5.04, 0.0, 0.5, 3); //Flashing red:set_hudmessage(210, 0, 0, 0.02, 0.2, 1, 5.0, 5.04, 0.0, 0.5, 3); } //countdown when "Enforcing timelimit" new seconds = timeleft % 60; new minutes = floatround((timeleft - seconds) / 60.0); show_hudmessage(0, "%L^n%d:%02d", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_TIME_LEFT", minutes, seconds); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public round_mode() { if (get_cvar_float("mp_timelimit") > 0.1 && get_pcvar_num(pEnforceTimelimit)) { remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_ROUND_MODE); remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_TIME_DIS); new timeleft = get_timeleft(); if (timeleft < 200) { set_task(float(timeleft) - 5.8, "end_of_round"); set_task(1.0, "time_dis3", DMAP_TASKID_TIME_DIS, "", 0, "b"); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } else { if (waited == 0) { set_task(1.0, "show_timer"); } if (isbetween || isbuytime || (waited + addthiswait) > 190 || (!bIsCstrike && (waited + addthiswait) >= 30) || activeplayers < 2) { //Time to switch maps!!!!!!!! remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_ROUND_MODE); remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_TIME_DIS); if (isbetween) { set_task(3.9, "end_of_round"); } else { end_of_round(); //switching very soon! } } else { waited += 5; //if (waited >= 15 && waited <= 150 && get_timeleft() < 7) { if ((waited + addthiswait) <= 190 && get_timeleft() >= 0 && get_timeleft() <= 15) { istimeset2 = 1; set_cvar_float("mp_timelimit", get_cvar_float("mp_timelimit") + 2.0); if (bIsCstrike) { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] ** %L **", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_FINISHING_CUR_ROUND"); } } set_task(5.0, "round_mode", DMAP_TASKID_ROUND_MODE); } } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public vote_count(id, key) { if (get_cvar_num("amx_vote_answers")) { new name[32]; get_user_name(id, name, charsmax(name)); if (key == maps_to_select) {#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_DEBUG log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] DEBUG: Vote (name:Extend): %s:Extend;", name);#endif c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] * %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_CHOSE_MAPEXTENDING", name); } else if (key < maps_to_select) {#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_DEBUG log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] DEBUG: Vote (name:map): %s:%s;", name, nmaps[nnextmaps[key]]);#endif c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] * %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_CHOSE_MAP", name, nmaps[nnextmaps[key]]); } } nvotes[key] += 1; g_TotalVotes += 1; g_AlreadyVoted[id] = true; show_vote_menu(false);
bool:is_in_menu(id) { new a; for (a = 0; a < nmapstoch; ++a) { if (id == nnextmaps[a]) { return true; } } return false;}
public dmap_cancel_vote(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 0)) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED ; } if (task_exists(DMAP_TASKID_ROCK_IT_NOW, 1)) { new name[32];
get_user_name(id, name, charsmax(name));#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_INFO log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] ADMIN <%s> cancelled the map vote.", name);#endif c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_ADMIN_CANCELLED", name); remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_ROCK_IT_NOW, 1); set_hudmessage(222, 70,0, -1.0, 0.3, 1, 10.0, 10.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8); show_hudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_ADMIN_CANCELLED", name); hasbeenrocked = 0; inprogress = 0; mselected = true;
return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } else { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_NO_CURRENT_VOTE"); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public dmap_nominate(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2)) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
new sArg1[32]; read_argv(1, sArg1, charsmax(sArg1));
handle_and_change(id, sArg1, true); // Force nomination
public level_change() { if (istimeset2 == 1) { //Allow automatic map change to take place. set_cvar_float("mp_timelimit", get_cvar_float("mp_timelimit") - 2.0); istimeset2 = 0; } else { if (get_cvar_float("mp_timelimit") >= 4.0) { //Allow automatic map change to take place. if (!istimeset) { oldtimelimit = get_cvar_float("mp_timelimit"); } set_cvar_float("mp_timelimit", get_cvar_float("mp_timelimit") - 3); istimeset = 1; } else { if (get_cvar_num("mp_winlimit")) { //Allow automatic map change based on teamscores new largerscore; largerscore = (teamscore[0] > teamscore[1]) ? teamscore[0] : teamscore[1]; iswinlimitset = 1; oldwinlimit = get_cvar_num("mp_winlimit"); set_cvar_num("mp_winlimit", largerscore); } } } //If we are unable to achieve automatic level change, FORCE it. set_task(2.1, "delayed_change", DMAP_TASKID_DELAYED_CHANGE);}
public event_intermission() { //Default event copied from nextmap.amx, and changed around. set_cvar_float("mp_chattime", 3.0); // make sure mp_chattime is long remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_DELAYED_CHANGE); set_task(1.85, "delayed_change");}
public delayed_change() { new smap[32]; get_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", smap, charsmax(smap)); server_cmd("changelevel %s", smap);}
public end_of_round() { //Call when ready to switch maps in (?) seconds remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_END_OF_ROUND); remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_LOOP_MESSAGES); remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_ROUND_MODE); remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_TIME_DISPLAY); remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_TIME_DIS); new smap[32]; get_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", smap, charsmax(smap)); set_task(6.0, "level_change"); //used to be 7.0 if (quiet != 2) { countnum = 0; set_task(1.0, "countdown", DMAP_TASKID_COUNTDOWN, "", 0, "a", 6); if (quiet != 1) { client_cmd(0, "speak ^"loading environment on to your computer^""); } } else { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_MAP_ABOUT_CHANGE"); } /////////////////////////////////////////////// c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_NEXTMAP2", smap); if ((strlen(mapsurl) > 0) && is_custom_map(smap)) { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_DOWNLOAD_MAPS_URL2", smap, mapsurl); } /////////////////////////////////////////////// if (dofreeze) { isspeedset = 1; thespeed = get_cvar_float("sv_maxspeed"); set_cvar_float("sv_maxspeed", 0.0); new players[32], inum, i; get_players(players, inum, "c"); for (i = 0; i < inum; ++i) { client_cmd(players[i], "drop"); client_cmd(players[i], "+showscores"); } set_task(1.1, "stop_person", DMAP_TASKID_FREEZE, "", 0, "a", 2); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public countdown() { new smap[32]; get_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", smap, charsmax(smap)); countnum++; set_hudmessage(150, 120, 0, -1.0, 0.3, 0, 0.5, 1.1, 0.1, 0.1, 4); show_hudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_MAP_CHANGING_IN", smap, 7 - countnum); return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public stop_person() { new players[32], inum, i; get_players(players, inum, "c"); if (isspeedset >= 0 && isspeedset < 2) { thespeed = get_cvar_float("sv_maxspeed"); isspeedset++; set_cvar_float("sv_maxspeed", 0.0); } for (i = 0; i < inum; ++i) { client_cmd(players[i], "drop"); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
display_message() { new timeleft = get_timeleft(); new parttime = timeleft % (frequency * 60 * 2); //460//period(minutes/cycle) * 60 seconds/minute = period in seconds //if frequency = 2 (every 2 minutes one message will appear) THIS FUNCTION COVERS 2 MESSAGES WHICH MAKES ONE CYCLE //parttime=timeleft%240; new addition = frequency * 60; if (mselected || inprogress || cycle) { return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } //if (parttime > 310 && parttime < 326 && timeleft > 132) if (parttime > (40 + addition) && parttime < (56 + addition) && timeleft > 132) { set_task(3.0, "message_nominated", DMAP_TASKID_MSG_NOMINATED); //, "", 0, "a", 4) } else { //if (parttime > 155 && parttime < 171 && timeleft > 132) if (parttime > 30 && parttime < 46 && timeleft > 132) { set_task(10.0, "message_maps", DMAP_TASKID_MSG_MAPS, "", 0, "a", 1); } else if (timeleft >= 117 && timeleft < 132) { message_fifteen(); } } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;}
// From the AMXX docs: "Hud messages accept a max of 479 characters per message. Word wrapping starts after 69 characters."// This function should probably be rewritten, or at least have the string lengths altered.// THIS IS UNTESTED, BUT SHOULD WORK/* 1.6 hudtext functionArguments:textblock: a string containing the text to print, not more than 512 chars (a small calc shows that the max number of letters to be displayed is around 270 btw)colr, colg, colb: color to print text in (RGB format)posx, posy: position on screen * 1000 (if you want text to be displayed centered, enter -1000 for both, text on top will be posx=-1000 & posy=20screen: the screen to write to, hl supports max 4 screens at a time, do not use screen+0 to screen+3 for other hudstrings while displaying this onetime: how long the text shoud be displayed (in seconds)*/
hud_text16(textblock[], colr, colg, colb, posx, posy, screen, time, id) { new y; if (contain(textblock, "^n") == -1) { // if there is no linebreak in the text, we can just show it as it is set_hudmessage(colr, colg, colb, float(posx) / 1000.0, float(posy) / 1000.0, 0, 6.0, float(time), 0.2, 0.2, screen); show_hudmessage(id, textblock); } else { // more than one line new out[128], rowcounter = 0, tmp[512], textremain = true; y = screen; new i = contain(textblock, "^n"); copy(out, i, textblock); // we need to get the first line of text before the loop do { // this is the main print loop setc(tmp, charsmax(tmp), 0); // reset string copy(tmp, charsmax(tmp), textblock[i + 1]); // copy everything AFTER the first linebreak (hence the +1, we don't want the linebreak in our new string) setc(textblock, 511, 0); // reset string copy(textblock, 511, tmp); // copy back remaining text i = contain(textblock, "^n"); // get next linebreak position if ((strlen(out) + i < 64) && (i != -1)) { // we can add more lines to the outstring if total letter count don't exceed 64 chars (decrease if you have a lot of short lines since the leading linbreaks for following lines also take up one char in the string) add(out, charsmax(out), "^n"); // add a linebreak before next row add(out, strlen(out) + i, textblock); rowcounter++; // we now have one more row in the outstring } else { // no more lines can be added set_hudmessage(colr, colg, colb, float(posx) / 1000.0, float(posy) / 1000.0, 0, 6.0, float(time), 0.2, 0.2, screen); // format our hudmsg if ((i == -1) && (strlen(out) + strlen(textblock) < 64)) { add(out, charsmax(out), "^n"); // if i == -1 we are on the last line, this line is executed if the last line can be added to the current string (total chars < 64) } else { // not the last line or last line must have it's own screen if (screen-y < 4) { show_hudmessage(id, out); // we will only print the hudstring if we are under the 4 screen limit } screen++; // go to next screen after printing this one rowcounter++; // one more row setc(out, charsmax(out), 0); // reset string for (new j = 0; j < rowcounter; j++) { add(out, charsmax(out), "^n"); // add leading linebreaks equal to the number of rows we already printed } if (i == -1) { set_hudmessage(colr, colg, colb, float(posx) / 1000.0, float(posy) / 1000.0, 0, 6.0, float(time), 0.2, 0.2, screen); // format our hudmsg if we are on the last line } else { add(out, strlen(out) + i, textblock); // else add the next line to the outstring, before this, out is empty (or have some leading linebreaks) } } if (i == -1) { // apparently we are on the last line here add(out, strlen(out) + strlen(textblock), textblock); // add the last line to out if (screen - y < 4) show_hudmessage(id, out); // we will only print the hudstring if we are under the 4 screen limit textremain = false; // we have no more text to print } } } while (textremain); } return screen - y; // we will return how many screens of text we printed}
public message_nominated() { if ((quiet == 2) || (get_pcvar_num(pNominationsAllowed) == 0)) { return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; }
new string[256], string2[256], string3[512]; if (nmaps_num < 1) { formatex(string3, charsmax(string3), "%L", LANG_SERVER, "DMAP_NO_MAPS_NOMINATED"); } else { new n = 0, foundone = 0; formatex(string, charsmax(string), "%L^n", LANG_SERVER, "DMAP_NOMINATIONS"); while (n < 3 && n < nmaps_num) { formatex(string, charsmax(string), "%s %s", string, nmaps[n++]); } while (n < 6 && n < nmaps_num) { foundone = 1; format(string2, charsmax(string2), "%s %s", string2, nmaps[n++]); } if (foundone) { formatex(string3, charsmax(string3), "%s^n%s", string, string2); } else { formatex(string3, charsmax(string3), "%s", string); } } hud_text16(string3, random_num(0, 222), random_num(0, 111), random_num(111, 222), -1000, 50, random_num(1, 4), 10, 0); return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;}
list_nominations(id) { if (get_pcvar_num(pNominationsAllowed) == 1) { new a = 0, string3[512], string1[96], name1[32]; if (a < nmaps_num) { //show_hudmessage(id, "The following maps have been nominated for the next map vote:"); formatex(string3, 255, "%L", id, "DMAP_NOMINATED_MAPS"); } while (a < nmaps_num) { get_user_name(whonmaps_num[a], name1, charsmax(name1)); //set_hudmessage(255, 0, 0, 0.12, 0.3 + 0.08 * float(a), 0, 15.0, 15.04, 1.5, 3.75, 2 + a); //show_hudmessage(id, "%s by: %s", nmaps[a], name1); formatex(string1, charsmax(string1), "^n%L", id, "DMAP_MAP_BY", nmaps[a], name1); add(string3, charsmax(string3), string1); a++; } hud_text16(string3, random_num(0, 222), random_num(0, 111), random_num(111, 222), 300, 10, random_num(1, 4), 15, id); }}
public message_maps() { if ((quiet == 2) || (get_pcvar_num(pNominationsAllowed) == 0)) { return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; }
new string[256], string2[256], string3[512]; new n = 0; new total = 0;
if ((totalmaps - 6) > 0) { n = random_num(0, totalmaps - 6); } while (total < 3 && total < totalmaps && is_map_valid(listofmaps[n]) && n < totalmaps) { if (!is_last_maps(listofmaps[n]) && !is_banned(listofmaps[n]) && !is_nominated(listofmaps[n])) { format(string, charsmax(string), "%s %s", string, listofmaps[n]); total++; } n++; } while (total < 6 && n < totalmaps && is_map_valid(listofmaps[n]) && !is_nominated(listofmaps[n])) { if (!is_last_maps(listofmaps[n]) && !is_banned(listofmaps[n])) { format(string2, charsmax(string2), "%s %s", string2, listofmaps[n]); total++; } n++; } if (total > 0) { //show_hudmessage(0, "The following maps are available to nominate:^n%s", string); new temp[256]; formatex(temp, charsmax(temp), "%L^n", LANG_SERVER, "DMAP_AVAILABLE_MAPS"); add(string3, charsmax(string3), temp, 100); add(string3, charsmax(string3), string, 100); add(string3, charsmax(string3), "^n"); } if (total > 3) { add(string3, charsmax(string3), string2, 100); }
hud_text16(string3, random_num(0, 222), random_num(0, 111), random_num(111, 222), -1000, 50, random_num(1, 4), 10, 0); return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;}
message_fifteen() { if (quiet == 2) { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_VOTING_IN_XSEC", 15); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } set_hudmessage(0, 222, 50, -1.0, 0.23, 1, 6.5, 6.5, 1.0, 3.0, 4); show_hudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_VOTING_IN_XSEC", 15); if (quiet == 0) { client_cmd(0, "spk ^"get red(e80) ninety(s45) to check(e20) use bay(s18) mass(e42) cap(s50)^""); } set_task(8.7, "get_ready", DMAP_TASKID_GET_READY); return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public get_ready() { if (!cycle) { set_task(0.93, "time_to_vote", DMAP_TASKID_TIME_TO_VOTE, "", 0, "a", 5); }}
public time_to_vote() { counttovote++; new speak[5][] = {"one", "two", "three", "four", "five"};
if (get_timeleft() > 132 || counttovote > 5 || cycle || isbuytime) { counttovote = 0; remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_TIME_TO_VOTE); remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_GET_READY); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } else { if (counttovote > 0 && counttovote <= 5) { set_hudmessage(0, 222, 50, -1.0, 0.13, 0, 1.0, 0.94, 0.0, 0.0, 4); show_hudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_VOTING_IN_XSEC", 6 - counttovote); if (quiet == 0) { client_cmd(0, "spk ^"fvox/%s^"", speak[5 - counttovote]); } } } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
available_maps() { //return number of maps that haven't been added yet new num, isinlist; new a, i; for (a = 0; a < num_nmapsfill; a++) { // Loop through each available map if (is_map_valid(nmapsfill[a])) { isinlist = 0; for (i = 0; i < nmaps_num; i++) { if (equali(nmapsfill[a], nmaps[i])) { isinlist = 1; } } if (!isinlist) { num++; } } } return num;}
public ask_for_next_map() { display_message(); new timeleft = get_timeleft();
if (isspeedset && (timeleft > 30)) { isspeedset = 0; set_cvar_float("sv_maxspeed", thespeed); } if (waited > 0) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if (timeleft > 300) { isend = 0; remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_END_OF_ROUND); } new mp_winlimit = get_cvar_num("mp_winlimit"); if (mp_winlimit) { new s = mp_winlimit - 2; if ((s > teamscore[0] && s > teamscore[1]) && (timeleft > 114 || timeleft < 1)) { remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_TIME_DIS); mselected = false; return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } } else { if (timeleft > 114 || timeleft < 1) { remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_TIME_DIS); if (timeleft > 135) { remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_TIME_DISPLAY); } mselected = false; return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } } if (inprogress || mselected || cycle) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
inprogress = 1; if (mp_winlimit && !(timeleft >= 115 && timeleft < 134)) { if (quiet != 2) { set_hudmessage(0, 222, 50, -1.0, 0.13, 1, 6.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 4); show_hudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_START_MAPVOTE"); if (quiet == 0) { client_cmd(0, "spk ^"get red(e80) ninety(s45) to check(e20) use bay(s18) mass(e42) cap(s50)^""); } set_task(4.2, "get_ready", DMAP_TASKID_GET_READY); set_task(10.0, "start_the_vote"); } else { set_task(1.0, "start_the_vote"); } } else { set_task(0.5, "start_the_vote"); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public start_the_vote() { new j; if (cycle) { inprogress = 0; mselected = false; remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_TIME_TO_VOTE); remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_GET_READY); new smap[32]; get_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", smap, charsmax(smap)); c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_NEXTMAP2", smap); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } for (j = 0; j < maps_to_select + 2; j++) { nvotes[j] = 0; } mselected = true; inprogress = 1; counttovote = 0; if ((isbuytime || isbetween) && get_timeleft() && get_timeleft() > 54 && get_pcvar_num(pWeaponDelay)) { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_VOTING_DELAYED"); if (isbetween) { set_task(15.0, "get_ready", DMAP_TASKID_GET_READY); set_task(21.0, "start_the_vote"); } else { set_task(8.0, "get_ready", DMAP_TASKID_GET_READY); set_task(14.0, "start_the_vote"); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } //else start_the_vote anyways..., regardless of buytime
if (quiet != 2) { if (bIsCstrike) { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_POSSIBLE_NOMINATIONS", nmaps_num, maps_to_select); } }
#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_INFO log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] Nominations for the map vote: %d out of %d possible nominations", nmaps_num, maps_to_select);#endif
before_num_nmapsfill = num_nmapsfill; new available = available_maps();
if ((nmaps_num + available) < (maps_to_select + 1)) { //Loads maps from mapcycle.txt/allmaps.txt if not enough are in in mapchoice.ini
new current_map[32]; get_mapname(current_map,31); new overflowprotect = 0; new used[MAX_MAPS_AMOUNT]; new k = num_nmapsfill; new totalfilled = 0; new alreadyused; new tryfill, custfill = 0; new q; new listpossible = totalmaps; while (((available_maps() + nmaps_num - custfill) < (maps_to_select + 7)) && listpossible > 0) { alreadyused = 0; q = 0; tryfill = random_num(0, totalmaps - 1); overflowprotect = 0; while (used[tryfill] && overflowprotect++ <= totalmaps * 15) { tryfill = random_num(0, totalmaps - 1); } if (overflowprotect >= totalmaps * 15) { alreadyused = 1;#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_WARN log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] WARN: Overflow detected in Map Nominate plugin, there might not be enough maps in the current vote");#endif listpossible -= 1; } else { while (q < num_nmapsfill && !alreadyused) { if (equali(listofmaps[tryfill], nmapsfill[q])) { alreadyused = used[tryfill] = 1; listpossible--; } q++; } q = 0; while (q < nmaps_num && !alreadyused) { if (equali(listofmaps[tryfill], nmaps[q])) { alreadyused = used[tryfill] = 1; listpossible--; } q++; } }
if (!alreadyused) { if (equali(listofmaps[tryfill], current_map) || equali(listofmaps[tryfill], last_map)|| is_last_maps(listofmaps[tryfill]) || is_banned(listofmaps[tryfill])) { listpossible--; used[tryfill] = 1; } else { if (is_custom_map(listofmaps[tryfill])) { custfill++; } nmapsfill[k] = listofmaps[tryfill]; num_nmapsfill++; listpossible--; used[tryfill] = 1; k++; totalfilled++; } } }#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_INFO log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] Filled %d slots in the fill maps array with maps from mapcycle.txt, %d are custom", totalfilled, custfill);#endif }
nbeforefill = nmaps_num; //extra maps do not act as "nominations" they are additions
if (nmaps_num < maps_to_select) {
new need = maps_to_select - nmaps_num; if (quiet != 2) { c_p(0, print_console, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_RANDOM_MAPSELECTION", need); }#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_INFO log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] Randomly Filling slots for the vote with %d out of %d", need, num_nmapsfill);#endif new fillpossible = num_nmapsfill; new k = nmaps_num; new overflowprotect = 0; new used[MAX_MAPS_AMOUNT]; new totalfilled = 0, custchoice = 0, full = ((amt_custom + custchoice) >= maxcustnom); new alreadyused; new tryfill; if (num_nmapsfill < 1) { if (quiet != 2) { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_NOMORE_RANDOM_DEFINED"); }#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_WARN log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] WARN: Unable to fill any more voting slots with random maps, none defined in mapchoice.ini/allmaps.txt/mapcycle.txt");#endif } else { while (fillpossible > 0 && k < maps_to_select) { alreadyused = 0; new q = 0; tryfill = random_num(0, num_nmapsfill - 1); overflowprotect = 0; while (used[tryfill] && overflowprotect++ <= num_nmapsfill * 10) { tryfill = random_num(0, num_nmapsfill - 1); } if (overflowprotect >= num_nmapsfill * 15) { alreadyused = 1;#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_WARN log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] WARN: Overflow detected in Map Nominate plugin, there might not be enough maps in the current vote");#endif fillpossible -= 2; } else { while (q < nmaps_num && !alreadyused) { if (equali(nmapsfill[tryfill], nmaps[q])) { alreadyused = used[tryfill] = 1; fillpossible--; } q++; } if (!alreadyused) { if (is_custom_map(nmapsfill[tryfill]) && full) { alreadyused = used[tryfill] = 1; fillpossible--; } } }
if (!alreadyused) { if (is_custom_map(nmapsfill[tryfill])) { custchoice++; full = ((amt_custom + custchoice) >= maxcustnom); } nmaps[k] = nmapsfill[tryfill]; nmaps_num++; fillpossible--; used[tryfill] = 1; k++; totalfilled++; } }
if (totalfilled == 0) { console_print(0, "[DMM] %L", LANG_SERVER, "DMAP_NO_DEFAULTMAPS_FOUND"); } else { if (quiet != 2) { console_print(0, "[DMM] %L", LANG_SERVER, "DMAP_FILLED_RANDOM_MAPS", totalfilled); } }#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_INFO log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] Filled %d vote slots with random maps, %d are custom", totalfilled, custchoice);#endif } }
show_vote_menu(true); return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
show_vote_menu(bool:bFirstTime) {
new menu[512], a, mkeys = (1 << maps_to_select + 1); new steptime = get_pcvar_num(pExtendmapStep);
new pos;
new mp_winlimit = get_cvar_num("mp_winlimit"); if (bFirstTime == true) { g_TotalVotes = 0; for (a = 0; a <= 32; a++) { g_AlreadyVoted[a] = false; } }
if (bIsCstrike) { pos = formatex(menu, charsmax(menu), "\r%L\w^n^n", LANG_SERVER, "DMAP_MENU_TITLE"); } else { pos = formatex(menu, charsmax(menu), "%L^n^n", LANG_SERVER, "DMAP_MENU_TITLE"); }
new dmax = (nmaps_num > maps_to_select) ? maps_to_select : nmaps_num;
new tagpath[64], sMenuOption[64]; // If size of sMenuOption is changed, change maxlength in append_vote_percent as well formatex(tagpath, charsmax(tagpath), "%s/dmaptags.ini", custompath);
for (nmapstoch = 0; nmapstoch < dmax; ++nmapstoch) { if (bFirstTime == true) { a = random_num(0, nmaps_num - 1); // Randomize order of maps in vote while (is_in_menu(a)) { if (++a >= nmaps_num) { a = 0; } } nnextmaps[nmapstoch] = a; nvotes[nmapstoch] = 0; // Reset votes for each map }
if (is_custom_map(nmaps[nnextmaps[nmapstoch]]) && usestandard) { if (bIsCstrike) { formatex(sMenuOption, charsmax(sMenuOption), "%d. %s \b(%L)\w", nmapstoch + 1, nmaps[nnextmaps[nmapstoch]], LANG_SERVER, "DMAP_MENU_CUSTOM"); } else { formatex(sMenuOption, charsmax(sMenuOption), "%d. %s (%L)", nmapstoch + 1, nmaps[nnextmaps[nmapstoch]], LANG_SERVER, "DMAP_MENU_CUSTOM"); } } else { // Don't show (Custom) formatex(sMenuOption, charsmax(sMenuOption), "%d. %s", nmapstoch + 1, nmaps[nnextmaps[nmapstoch]]); }
if (file_exists(tagpath)) { // If the tag file is there, check for the extra tag new iLine, sFullLine[64], sTagMap[32], sTagText[32], txtLen; while (read_file(tagpath, iLine, sFullLine, charsmax(sFullLine), txtLen)) { if (sFullLine[0] == ';') { iLine++; continue; // Ignore comments }
strbreak(sFullLine, sTagMap, charsmax(sTagMap), sTagText, charsmax(sTagText)); // Split the map name and tag apart
// TODO: Wildcard (regex) matching // I pulled this code for the v3.24 release. // Sorry! Expect it to return in the future.
if (equali(nmaps[nnextmaps[nmapstoch]], sTagMap)) { format(sMenuOption, charsmax(sMenuOption), "%s [%s]", sMenuOption, sTagText); break; // Quit reading the file } iLine++; } }
#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_DEBUG log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] DEBUG: (nmapstoch:sMenuOption): %d:%s;", nmapstoch, sMenuOption);#endif append_vote_percent(sMenuOption, nmapstoch, true); pos += formatex(menu[pos], charsmax(menu), sMenuOption); // TODO: This should probably be less than 511 since pos is > 0
mkeys |= (1 << nmapstoch); }
menu[pos++] = '^n'; if (bFirstTime == true) { nvotes[maps_to_select] = 0; nvotes[maps_to_select + 1] = 0; } new mapname[32]; get_mapname(mapname, charsmax(mapname)); if (!mp_winlimit && get_cvar_float("mp_timelimit") < get_pcvar_float(pExtendmapMax)) { formatex(sMenuOption, charsmax(sMenuOption), "%L^n", LANG_SERVER, "DMAP_MENU_EXTEND", maps_to_select + 1, mapname, steptime); append_vote_percent(sMenuOption, maps_to_select, true); pos += formatex(menu[pos], 511, sMenuOption);
mkeys |= (1 << maps_to_select); }
formatex(sMenuOption, charsmax(sMenuOption), "%L", LANG_SERVER, "DMAP_MENU_NONE", maps_to_select + 2); append_vote_percent(sMenuOption, maps_to_select + 1); formatex(menu[pos], 511, sMenuOption);
if (bFirstTime == true) { g_VoteTimeRemaining = DMAP_VOTE_TIME; set_task(float(g_VoteTimeRemaining), "check_votes"); show_menu(0, mkeys, menu, --g_VoteTimeRemaining, DMAP_MENU_TITLE); set_task(1.0, "update_vote_time_remaining", DMAP_TASKID_VTR, "", 0, "a", g_VoteTimeRemaining); if (bIsCstrike) { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_TIME_TO_CHOOSE"); } if (quiet == 0) { client_cmd(0, "spk Gman/Gman_Choose%d", random_num(1, 2)); }#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_INFO log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] Voting for the next map started.");#endif } else { new players[32], iNum, id; get_players(players, iNum, "ch"); for (new iPlayer = 0; iPlayer < iNum; iPlayer++) { id = players[iPlayer]; if (g_AlreadyVoted[id] == false) { show_menu(players[iPlayer], mkeys, menu, g_VoteTimeRemaining, DMAP_MENU_TITLE); } }
stock percent(iIs, iOf) { return (iOf != 0) ? floatround(floatmul(float(iIs) / float(iOf), 100.0)) : 0;}
append_vote_percent(sMenuOption[], iChoice, bool:bNewLine = false) {
new iPercent = percent(nvotes[iChoice], g_TotalVotes); new sPercent[16]; if (iPercent > 0) { // Don't show 0% if (bIsCstrike) { formatex(sPercent, charsmax(sPercent), " \d(%d%s)\w", iPercent, "%%"); } else { formatex(sPercent, charsmax(sPercent), " (%d%s)", iPercent, "%%"); } strcat(sMenuOption, sPercent, 63); }
if (bNewLine == true) { // Do this even if vote is 0% strcat(sMenuOption, "^n", 63); }
public update_vote_time_remaining() { if (--g_VoteTimeRemaining <= 0) { remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_VTR); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
handle_and_change(id, map2[], bool:bForce = false) { new tester[32]; if (is_map_valid(map2) == 1) { handle_nominate(id, map2, bForce); } else { formatex(tester, charsmax(tester), "cs_%s", map2); if (is_map_valid(tester) == 1) { handle_nominate(id, tester, bForce); } else { formatex(tester, charsmax(tester), "de_%s", map2); if (is_map_valid(tester) == 1) { handle_nominate(id, tester, bForce); } else { formatex(tester, charsmax(tester), "as_%s", map2); if (is_map_valid(tester) == 1) { handle_nominate(id, tester, bForce); } else { formatex(tester, charsmax(tester), "dod_%s", map2); if (is_map_valid(tester) == 1) { handle_nominate(id, tester, bForce); } else { formatex(tester, charsmax(tester), "fy_%s", map2); if (is_map_valid(tester) == 1) { handle_nominate(id, tester, bForce); } else { // Send invalid map. handle_nominate() handles the error. handle_nominate(id, map2, bForce); } } } } } }}
public handle_say(id) {
new chat[256]; read_args(chat, charsmax(chat));
if (containi(chat, "<") != -1 || containi(chat, "?") != -1 || containi(chat, ">") != -1 || containi(chat, "*") != -1 || containi(chat, "&") != -1 || containi(chat, ".") != -1) { return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } else if (containi(chat, "nominate ") == 1) { new mycommand[41]; read_args(mycommand, charsmax(mycommand)); remove_quotes(mycommand); handle_and_change(id, mycommand[9]); } else if (containi(chat, "vote ") == 1) { new mycommand[37]; read_args(mycommand, charsmax(mycommand)); remove_quotes(mycommand); handle_and_change(id, mycommand[5]); } else { remove_quotes(chat);
if (is_map_valid(chat) == 1) { handle_nominate(id, chat, false); } else {
new chat2[32];
formatex(chat2, charsmax(chat2), "cs_%s", chat); if (is_map_valid(chat2) == 1) { handle_nominate(id, chat2, false); } else { formatex(chat2, charsmax(chat2), "de_%s", chat); if (is_map_valid(chat2) == 1) { handle_nominate(id, chat2, false); } else { formatex(chat2, charsmax(chat2), "as_%s", chat); if (is_map_valid(chat2) == 1) { handle_nominate(id, chat2, false); } else { formatex(chat2, charsmax(chat2), "dod_%s", chat); if (is_map_valid(chat2) == 1) { handle_nominate(id, chat2, false); } else { formatex(chat2, charsmax(chat2), "fy_%s", chat); if (is_map_valid(chat2) == 1) { handle_nominate(id, chat2, false); } } } } } } } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;}
public calculate_custom() { //New optional protection against "too many" custom maps being nominated. amt_custom = 0; new i; for (i = 0; i < nmaps_num; i++) { if (is_custom_map(nmaps[i])) { amt_custom++; } }}
handle_nominate(id, map[], bool:bForce) { if ((get_pcvar_num(pNominationsAllowed) == 0) && (bForce == false)) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_NOMINATIONS_DISABLED"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } strtolower(map); new current_map[32], iscust = 0, iscust_t = 0, full; full = (amt_custom >= maxcustnom); new n = 0, i, done = 0, isreplacement = 0; //0: (not a replacement), 1: (replacing their own), 2: (replacing others) new tempnmaps = nmaps_num; get_mapname(current_map, charsmax(current_map)); if (maxnom == 0) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_NOMINATIONS_DISABLED"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if (inprogress && mselected) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_VOTE_IN_PROGRESS"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if (mselected) { new smap[32]; get_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", smap, charsmax(smap)); c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_VOTING_OVER", smap); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if (!is_map_valid(map) || is_map_valid(map[1])) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_MAP_NOTFOUND", map); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if (is_banned(map) && (bForce == false)) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_MAPVOTE_NOT_AVAILABLE"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if (is_last_maps(map) && !equali(map, current_map) && (bForce == false)) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_CANT_NOMINATE_LASTMAP", ban_last_maps); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if (equali(map, current_map)) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_EXTEND_MAP", map); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } //Insert Strict Style code here, for pcvar dmap_strict 1 if (get_pcvar_num(pDmapStrict) && (bForce == false)) { new isinthelist = 0; for (new a = 0; a < totalmaps; a++) { if (equali(map, listofmaps[a])) isinthelist = 1; } if (!isinthelist) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_ALLOWED_MAPS"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } } iscust = is_custom_map(map); if (nmaps_num >= maps_to_select || Nominated[id] >= maxnom) { if (Nominated[id] > maxnom) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_MAX_MAPS_REACHED"); //Possible to reach here! //only if the command dmap_nominations is used to lower amount of maps that can be nominated return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
for (i = 0; i < nmaps_num; i++) { if (equali(map, nmaps[i])) { new name[32]; get_user_name(whonmaps_num[i], name, charsmax(name)); c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_ALREADY_NOMINATED", map, name);
return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } }
while (n < nmaps_num && !done && Nominated[id] > 1) { //If the person has nominated 2 or more maps, he can replace his own if (whonmaps_num[n] == id) { //If a map is found that he has nominated, replace his own nomination. iscust_t = is_custom_map(nmaps[n]); if (!(full && iscust && !iscust_t)) { Nominated[id] = Nominated[id] - 1; nmaps_num = n; done = 1; isreplacement = 1; } } n++; }
if (!done) { n = 0; while (n < nmaps_num && !done && Nominated[id] < 2) { //If the person has nom only 1 or no maps, he can replace ppl who nominated 3 if (Nominated[whonmaps_num[n]] > 2) { //Replace the "greedy person's" nomination iscust_t = is_custom_map(nmaps[n]); if (!(full && iscust && !iscust_t)) { done = 1; Nominated[whonmaps_num[n]] = Nominated[whonmaps_num[n]] - 1; nmaps_num = n; isreplacement = 2; } } n++; } } if (!done) { n = 0;
while (n < nmaps_num && !done && Nominated[id] < 1) { //If the person has not nom any maps, he can replace those with more than one //he cannot replace those with only one nomination, that would NOT be fair
if (Nominated[whonmaps_num[n]] > 1) { //Replace the "greedy person's" nomination iscust_t = is_custom_map(nmaps[n]); if (!(full && iscust && !iscust_t)) { done = 1; Nominated[whonmaps_num[n]] = Nominated[whonmaps_num[n]] - 1; nmaps_num = n; isreplacement = 2; } } n++; } }
if (!done) { n = 0;
while (n < nmaps_num && !done && Nominated[id] > 0) { //If the person has nominated a map, he can replace his own if (whonmaps_num[n] == id) { //If a map is found that he has nominated, replace his own nomination. iscust_t = is_custom_map(nmaps[n]); if (!(full && iscust && !iscust_t)) { //Check to see if too many custom maps are nominated Nominated[id] = Nominated[id] - 1; nmaps_num = n; done = 1; isreplacement = 1; } } n++; } } if (!done) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_MAX_NOMINATIONS_REACHED", nmaps_num); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } }
for (i = 0; i < nmaps_num; i++) { if (equali(map, nmaps[i])) { new name[32]; get_user_name(whonmaps_num[i], name, charsmax(name)); c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_ALREADY_NOMINATED", map, name);
nmaps_num = tempnmaps;
return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } }
if (!isreplacement && iscust && full) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_MAX_CUSTOMMAPS_REACHED", maxcustnom); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
new name[32]; get_user_name(id, name, charsmax(name)); if (isreplacement == 1) { //They are replacing their old map if (quiet == 2) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_REPLACE_PREVIOUS_NOMINATION", nmaps[nmaps_num]); } else { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_PLAYER_REPLACED_NOMINATION", name, nmaps[nmaps_num]); } } else { if (isreplacement == 2) { if (quiet == 2) { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_NOMINATION_REPLACED", nmaps[nmaps_num]); } else { new name21[32]; get_user_name(whonmaps_num[nmaps_num], name21, charsmax(name21)); c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_NOMINATION_REPLACED2", name21, nmaps[nmaps_num]); } } }
console_print(id, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_ADD_NOMINATION", map, nmaps_num + 1);
set_task(0.18, "calculate_custom"); copy(nmaps[nmaps_num], 31, map); whonmaps_num[nmaps_num] = id;
if (isreplacement) { nmaps_num = tempnmaps; } else { nmaps_num = tempnmaps + 1; } if ((bForce == true) && (get_pcvar_num(pShowActivity) > 0)) { switch(get_pcvar_num(pShowActivity)) { case 1: c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_ADMIN_NOMINATED_MAP1", map); case 2: c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_ADMIN_NOMINATED_MAP2", name, map); } } else { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_NOMINATED_MAP", name, map); }
public team_score() {
new team[2]; read_data(1, team, 1); teamscore[(team[0] == 'C') ? 0 : 1] = read_data(2);
public plugin_end() { new current_map[32]; get_mapname(current_map, charsmax(current_map)); set_localinfo("amx_lastmap", current_map);
if (istimeset) { set_cvar_float("mp_timelimit", oldtimelimit); } else { if (istimeset2) { set_cvar_float("mp_timelimit", get_cvar_float("mp_timelimit") - 2.0); } } if (isspeedset) { set_cvar_float("sv_maxspeed", thespeed); } if (iswinlimitset) { set_cvar_num("mp_winlimit", oldwinlimit); } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;}
get_listing() { new i = 0, iavailable = 0; new line = 0, p; new stextsize = 0, isinthislist = 0, found_a_match = 0, done = 0; new linestr[256]; new maptext[32]; new current_map[32]; get_mapname(current_map, charsmax(current_map)); //pathtomaps = "mapcycle.txt"; get_cvar_string("mapcyclefile", pathtomaps, charsmax(pathtomaps)); new smap[32]; get_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", smap, charsmax(smap)); if (file_exists(pathtomaps)) { while (read_file(pathtomaps, line, linestr, charsmax(linestr), stextsize) && !done) { formatex(maptext, charsmax(maptext), "%s", linestr); if (is_map_valid(maptext) && !is_map_valid(maptext[1]) && equali(maptext, current_map)) { done = found_a_match = 1; line++; if (read_file(pathtomaps, line, linestr, charsmax(linestr), stextsize)) { formatex(maptext, charsmax(maptext), "%s", linestr); if (is_map_valid(maptext) && !is_map_valid(maptext[1])) { ////////////////////////////////////////// if (equali(smap, "")) { register_cvar("amx_nextmap", "", FCVAR_SERVER|FCVAR_EXTDLL|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_PRINTABLEONLY); } set_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", maptext); } else { found_a_match = 0; } } else { found_a_match = 0; } } else { line++; } } /* if (!found_a_match) { line = 0; while (read_file(pathtomaps, line, linestr, charsmax(linestr), stextsize) && !found_a_match && line < 1024) { formatex(maptext, charsmax(maptext), "%s", linestr); if (is_map_valid(maptext) && !is_map_valid(maptext[1])) { if (equali(smap, "")) { register_cvar("amx_nextmap", "", FCVAR_SERVER|FCVAR_EXTDLL|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_PRINTABLEONLY); } set_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", maptext); found_a_match = 1; } else { line++; } } } */ /* CODE TO RANDOMIZE NEXTMAP VARIABLE!*/ if (!found_a_match) { line = random_num(0, 50); new tries = 0;
while ((read_file(pathtomaps, line, linestr, charsmax(linestr), stextsize) || !found_a_match) && (tries < 1024 && !found_a_match)) { formatex(maptext, charsmax(maptext), "%s", linestr); if (is_map_valid(maptext) && !is_map_valid(maptext[1])) { if (equali(smap, "")) { register_cvar("amx_nextmap", "", FCVAR_SERVER|FCVAR_EXTDLL|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_PRINTABLEONLY); } set_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", maptext); found_a_match = 1; } else { line = random_num(0, 50); tries++; } } } }
line = 0; formatex(pathtomaps, charsmax(pathtomaps), "%s/allmaps.txt", custompath); if (!file_exists(pathtomaps)) { new mapsadded = 0; while ((line = read_dir("maps", line, linestr, charsmax(linestr), stextsize)) != 0) { stextsize -= 4;
if (stextsize > 0) { if (!equali(linestr[stextsize], ".bsp")) { continue; // skip non map files } linestr[stextsize] = 0; // remove .bsp }
if (is_map_valid(linestr)) { write_file(pathtomaps, linestr); mapsadded++; } }#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_INFO log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] Found %d maps in your <mod>/MAPS folder, and added these to the addons/amxmodx/allmaps.txt file", mapsadded);#endif line = 0; }
if (get_pcvar_num(pDmapStrict) == 1) { get_cvar_string("mapcyclefile", pathtomaps, charsmax(pathtomaps)); //pathtomaps = "mapcycle.txt"; }
if (file_exists(pathtomaps)) { while (read_file(pathtomaps, line, linestr, charsmax(linestr), stextsize) && i < MAX_MAPS_AMOUNT) { formatex(maptext, charsmax(maptext), "%s", linestr); if (is_map_valid(maptext) && !is_map_valid(maptext[1])) { isinthislist = 0; for (p = 0; p < i; p++) { if (equali(maptext, listofmaps[p])) { isinthislist = 1; } } if (!isinthislist) { listofmaps[i++] = maptext; } } line++; } }
line = 0; for (p = 0; p < i; p++) { if (!is_banned(listofmaps[p]) && !is_last_maps(listofmaps[p])) { iavailable++; } } new dummy_str[64]; get_cvar_string("mapcyclefile", dummy_str, charsmax(dummy_str)); //if (iavailable < maps_to_select && !equali(pathtomaps, "mapcycle.txt")) if (iavailable < maps_to_select && !equali(pathtomaps, dummy_str)) { //pathtomaps = "mapcycle.txt"; get_cvar_string("mapcyclefile", pathtomaps, charsmax(pathtomaps)); if (file_exists(pathtomaps)) { while (read_file(pathtomaps, line, linestr, charsmax(linestr), stextsize) && i < MAX_MAPS_AMOUNT) { formatex(maptext, charsmax(maptext), "%s", linestr); if (is_map_valid(maptext) && !is_map_valid(maptext[1])) { isinthislist = 0; for (p = 0; p < i; p++) { if (equali(maptext, listofmaps[p])) { isinthislist = 1; } } if (!isinthislist) { listofmaps[i++] = maptext; } } line++; } } } totalmaps = i; iavailable = 0; for (p = 0; p < i; p++) { if (!is_banned(listofmaps[p]) && !is_last_maps(listofmaps[p])) { iavailable++; } }#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_INFO log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] Found %d Maps in your mapcycle.txt/allmaps.txt file, %d are available for filling slots", i, iavailable);#endif}
public ban_some_maps() { //BAN MAPS FROM CONFIG FILE new banpath[64]; formatex(banpath, charsmax(banpath), "%s/mapstoban.ini", custompath); new i = 0; new line = 0; new stextsize = 0; new linestr[256]; new maptext[32];
if (file_exists(banpath)) { while (read_file(banpath, line, linestr, charsmax(linestr), stextsize) && i < MAX_MAPS_AMOUNT) { formatex(maptext, charsmax(maptext), "%s", linestr); if (is_map_valid(maptext) && !is_map_valid(maptext[1])) { banthesemaps[i++] = maptext; } line++; } } totalbanned = i;#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_INFO log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] Banned %d maps in your mapstoban.ini file", totalbanned);#endif //BAN RECENT MAPS PLAYED new lastmapspath[64]; formatex(lastmapspath, charsmax(lastmapspath), "%s/lastmapsplayed.txt", custompath); line = stextsize = 0; new current_map[32]; get_mapname(current_map, charsmax(current_map)); lastmaps[0] = current_map; bannedsofar++; currentplayers = activeplayers = rocks = 0; if (file_exists(lastmapspath)) { while(read_file(lastmapspath, line, linestr, charsmax(linestr), stextsize) && bannedsofar <= ban_last_maps) { if ((strlen(linestr) > 0) && (is_map_valid(linestr))) { formatex(lastmaps[bannedsofar++], 31, "%s", linestr); } line++; } } write_last_maps();}
write_last_maps() { //deletes and writes to lastmapsplayed.txt new lastmapspath[64]; formatex(lastmapspath, charsmax(lastmapspath), "%s/lastmapsplayed.txt", custompath); if (file_exists(lastmapspath)) { delete_file(lastmapspath); } new text[256], p; for (p = 0; p < bannedsofar; p++) { formatex(text, charsmax(text), "%s", lastmaps[p]); write_file(lastmapspath, text); } write_file(lastmapspath, ";Generated by Deagles' Map Manager plugin - These are most recent maps played.");
load_maps() { new choicepath[64]; formatex(choicepath, charsmax(choicepath), "%s/mapchoice.ini", custompath); new line = 0; new stextsize = 0, isinlist, unable = 0, i; new linestr[256]; new maptext[32]; new current_map[32]; get_mapname(current_map, charsmax(current_map)); if (file_exists(choicepath)) { while (read_file(choicepath, line, linestr, charsmax(linestr), stextsize) && (num_nmapsfill < MAX_MAPS_AMOUNT)) { formatex(maptext, charsmax(maptext), "%s", linestr); if (is_map_valid(maptext) && !is_map_valid(maptext[1])) { isinlist = 0; if (is_banned(maptext) || is_last_maps(maptext)) { isinlist = 1; } else { if (equali(maptext, current_map) || equali(maptext, last_map)) { isinlist = 1; } else { for (i = 0; i < num_nmapsfill; i++) { if (equali(maptext, nmapsfill[i])) {#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_WARN log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] WARN: Map ^"%s^" is defined twice in mapchoice.ini.", maptext);#endif isinlist = 1; } } } } if (!isinlist) { copy(nmapsfill[num_nmapsfill++], 31, maptext); } else { unable++; } } line++; }#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_INFO log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] Loaded %d maps for voting. %d other maps were unusable.", num_nmapsfill, unable); } else { log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] Unable to open file %s. mapcycle.txt will be searched instead.", choicepath);#endif } get_listing();}
public load_default_maps() { new standardpath[64]; formatex(standardpath, charsmax(standardpath), "%s/standardmaps.ini", custompath); new i = 0; new line = 0; new stextsize = 0; new linestr[256]; new maptext[32]; usestandard = 1; if (!file_exists(standardpath)) { usestandard = standardtotal = 0; } else { while(read_file(standardpath, line, linestr, charsmax(linestr), stextsize) && i < 40) { formatex(maptext, charsmax(maptext), "%s", linestr); if (is_map_valid(maptext)) { standard[i++] = maptext; } line++; } standardtotal = i; } if (standardtotal < 5) { usestandard = 0;#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_INFO log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] Attention, %d Maps were found in the standardmaps.ini file. This is no problem, but the word ^"Custom^" will not be used.", standardtotal);#endif }}
bool:is_custom_map(map[]) { new a; for (a = 0; a < standardtotal; a++) { if (equali(map, standard[a])) { return false; } } if (usestandard) { return true; } return false;}
bool:is_last_maps(map[]) { new a; for (a = 0; a < bannedsofar; a++) { if (equali(map, lastmaps[a])) { return true; } } return false;}
bool:is_nominated(map[]) { new a; for (a = 0; a < nmaps_num; a++) { if (equali(map, nmaps[a])) { return true; } } return false;}
bool:is_banned(map[]) { new a; for (a = 0; a < totalbanned; a++) { if (equali(map, banthesemaps[a])) { return true; } } return false;}
load_settings(filename[]) { if (!file_exists(filename)) { return 0; }
new text[256], rpercent[5], strban[4], strplay[3], strwait[3], strwait2[3], strurl[96], strnum[3], strnum2[3]; new len, pos = 0; new Float:numpercent; new banamount, nplayers, waittime, mapsnum; while (read_file(filename, pos++, text, charsmax(text), len)) { if (text[0] == ';') { continue; } switch(text[0]) { case 'r': { formatex(rpercent, charsmax(rpercent), "%s", text[2]); numpercent = float(str_to_num(rpercent)) / 100.0; if (numpercent >= 0.03 && numpercent <= 1.0) { rtvpercent = numpercent; } } case 'q': { if (text[1] == '2') { quiet = 2; } else { quiet = 1; } } case 'c': { cycle = 1; } case 'd': { enabled = 0; } case 'f': { if (text[1] == 'r') { formatex(strwait2, charsmax(strwait2), "%s", text[2]); waittime = str_to_num(strwait2); if (waittime >= 2 && waittime <= 60) { frequency = waittime; } } else { dofreeze = 0; } } case 'b': { formatex(strban, charsmax(strban), "%s", text[2]); banamount = str_to_num(strban); if (banamount >= 0 && banamount <= 100) { if ((banamount == 0 && text[2] == '0') || banamount > 0) { ban_last_maps = banamount; } } } case 'm': { if (atstart) { formatex(strnum, charsmax(strnum), "%s", text[2]); mapsnum = str_to_num(strnum); if (mapsnum >= 2 && mapsnum <= 8) { maps_to_select = mapssave = mapsnum; } } } case 'p': { formatex(strplay, charsmax(strplay), "%s", text[2]); nplayers = str_to_num(strplay); if (nplayers > 0 && nplayers <= 32) { minimum = nplayers; } } case 'u': { formatex(strurl, charsmax(strurl), "%s", text[2]); if (containi(strurl, "http://") == 0 || containi(strurl, "https://") == 0 || containi(strurl, "ftp://") == 0 || containi(strurl, "www.") == 0) { mapsurl = strurl; } } case 'w': { formatex(strwait, charsmax(strwait), "%s", text[2]); waittime = str_to_num(strwait); if (waittime >= 0 && waittime <= 60) { minimumwait = waittime; } } case 'x': { formatex(strnum2, charsmax(strnum2), "%s", text[2]); mapsnum = str_to_num(strnum2); if (mapsnum >= 1 && mapsnum <= 8) { maxnom = mapsnum; } } case 'y': { formatex(strnum2, charsmax(strnum2), "%s", text[2]); mapsnum = str_to_num(strnum2); if (mapsnum >= 0 && mapsnum <= mapssave) { maxcustnom = mapsnum; } } } } return 1;}
set_defaults(myid) {
rtvpercent = 0.6; ban_last_maps = 4; maxnom = frequency = 3; quiet = cycle = 0; minimum = enabled = 1; minimumwait = 5; mapssave = maxcustnom = 5; mapsurl = ""; dofreeze = bIsCstrike;
if (myid < 0) { save_settings(-1); } else { save_settings(myid); console_print(myid, "==== DEFAULTS SET ===="); // TODO: Localize }}
public dmap_rtvpercent(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2)) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
if (id == 0) { announce_config_error("dmap_rtvpercent"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
new arg[4]; read_argv(1, arg, charsmax(arg)); new Float:percentage = float(str_to_num(arg)) / 100.0; if (percentage >= 0.03 && percentage <= 1.0) { rtvpercent = percentage; save_settings(id); } else { //console_print(id, "You must specify a value between 3 and 100 for dmap_rtvpercent."); // TODO: Localize console_print(id, "%L ^"dmap_rtvpercent^".", id, "DMAP_MUST_SPECIFY", 3, 100); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public dmap_rtvplayers(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2)) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
if (id == 0) { announce_config_error("dmap_rtvplayers"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
new arg[4]; read_argv(1, arg, charsmax(arg)); new players = str_to_num(arg); if (players >= 1 && players <= 32) { minimum = players; save_settings(id); } else { //console_print(id, "You must specify a value between 1 and 32 for dmap_rtvplayers."); // TODO: Localize console_print(id, "%L ^"dmap_rtvplayers^".", id, "DMAP_MUST_SPECIFY", 1, 32); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public dmap_rtvwait(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2)) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
if (id == 0) { announce_config_error("dmap_rtvwait"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
new arg[3]; read_argv(1, arg, charsmax(arg)); new wait = str_to_num(arg); if (wait >= 0 && wait <= 60) { minimumwait = wait; save_settings(id); } else { //console_print(id, "You must specify a value between 0 and 60 for dmap_rtvwait."); // TODO: Localize console_print(id, "%L ^"dmap_rtvwait^".", id, "DMAP_MUST_SPECIFY", 0, 60); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public dmap_messages(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2)) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
if (id == 0) { announce_config_error("dmap_messages"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
new arg[4]; read_argv(1, arg, charsmax(arg)); new wait = str_to_num(arg); if (wait >= 2 && wait <= 60) { frequency = wait; save_settings(id); } else { //console_print(id, "You must specify a value between 2 and 60 minutes for dmap_messages."); // TODO: Localize console_print(id, "%L ^"dmap_messages^".", id, "DMAP_MUST_SPECIFY", 2, 60); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public dmap_mapsnum(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2)) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
if (id == 0) { announce_config_error("dmap_mapsnum"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
new arg[4]; read_argv(1, arg, charsmax(arg)); new maps = str_to_num(arg); if (maps >= 2 && maps <= 8) { mapssave = maps; save_settings(id); console_print(id, "***** Settings for dmap_mapsnum do NOT take effect until the next map!!! ******"); // TODO: Localize } else { //console_print(id, "You must specify a value between 2 and 8 for dmap_mapsnum."); // TODO: Localize console_print(id, "%L ^"dmap_mapsnum^".", id, "DMAP_MUST_SPECIFY", 2, 8); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public dmap_nominations(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2)) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
if (id == 0) { announce_config_error("dmap_nominations"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
new arg[4]; read_argv(1, arg, charsmax(arg)); new thisnumber = str_to_num(arg); if (thisnumber >= 0 && thisnumber <= 8) { maxnom = thisnumber; save_settings(id); console_print(id, "***** Settings for dmap_nominations do NOT take effect until the next map!!! ******"); // TODO: Localize } else { //console_print(id, "You must specify a value between 0 and 8 for dmap_nominations."); // TODO: Localize console_print(id, "%L ^"dmap_nominations^".", id, "DMAP_MUST_SPECIFY", 0, 8); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public dmap_maxcustom(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2)) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
if (id == 0) { announce_config_error("dmap_maxcustom"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
new arg[4]; read_argv(1, arg, charsmax(arg)); new thisnumber = str_to_num(arg); if (thisnumber >= 0 && thisnumber <= mapssave) { maxcustnom = thisnumber; save_settings(id); } else { console_print(id, "You must specify a value between {0} and maximum maps in the vote, which is {%d}, for dmap_maxcustom", mapssave); // TODO: Localize } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public dmap_quietmode(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2)) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
if (id == 0) { announce_config_error("dmap_quietmode"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
new arg[8]; read_argv(1, arg, charsmax(arg)); if (containi(arg, "off") != -1) { console_print(id, "Quiet mode is now OFF. All messages will be shown, with sound."); // TODO: Localize quiet = 0; } else if (containi(arg, "silent") != -1) { console_print(id, "Quiet mode is now set to SILENT. Very few messages will be shown, without sound."); // TODO: Localize quiet = 2; } else if (containi(arg, "nosound") != -1) { console_print(id, "Quiet mode is now set to NOSOUND. All messages will be shown, without sound."); // TODO: Localize quiet = 1; } else { cmd_access(id, level, cid, 999); // Force "Usage: ..." message return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } save_settings(id); return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public dmap_rtvtoggle(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 1)) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
if (id == 0) { announce_config_error("dmap_rtvtoggle"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
if (enabled == 0) { console_print(id, "Rockthevote is now enabled."); // TODO: Localize } else { console_print(id, "Rockthevote is now disabled."); // TODO: Localize } enabled = !enabled; save_settings(id); return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public dmap_freeze(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 1)) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
if (id == 0) { announce_config_error("dmap_freeze"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
if (!bIsCstrike) { console_print(id, "Freeze is always off on non-Counter Strike servers."); // TODO: Localize return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
new arg[8]; read_argv(1, arg, charsmax(arg)); if (equali(arg, "OFF")) { console_print(id, "Freeze/Weapon Drop at end of round is now disabled."); // TODO: Localize dofreeze = 0; } else if (equali(arg, "ON")) { console_print(id, "Freeze/Weapon Drop at end of round is now enabled."); // TODO: Localize dofreeze = 1; } else { cmd_access(id, level, cid, 999); // Force "Usage: ..." message return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
save_settings(id); return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public dmap_cyclemode(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 1)) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
if (id == 0) { announce_config_error("dmap_cyclemode"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
if (!cycle) { console_print(id, "Cycle mode is now ON. NO VOTE will take place!"); // TODO: Localize } else { console_print(id, "Cycle Mode is already on. No changes were made."); // TODO: Localize console_print(id, "If you are trying to enable voting, use command ^"dmap_votemode^"."); // TODO: Localize return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } cycle = 1; save_settings(id); if (inprogress) { console_print(id, "The vote in progress cannot be terminated, unless it hasn't started!"); // TODO: Localize } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public dmap_votemode(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 1)) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
if (id == 0) { announce_config_error("dmap_votemode"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
if (cycle) { console_print(id, "Voting mode is now ON; Votes WILL take place."); // TODO: Localize } else { console_print(id, "Voting mode is already ON; no change is made."); // TODO: Localize console_print(id, "If you are trying to disable voting, use command ^"dmap_cyclemode^"."); // TODO: Localize return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } cycle = 0; save_settings(id); return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public dmap_banlastmaps(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2)) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
if (id == 0) { announce_config_error("dmap_banlastmaps"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
new arg[4]; read_argv(1, arg, charsmax(arg)); new banamount; banamount = str_to_num(arg); if (banamount >= 0 && banamount <= 99) { console_print(id, "The last %d maps will be banned. Changes take effect after a map change.", banamount); // TODO: Localize if (banamount > ban_last_maps) { console_print(id, "Maps played more than %d maps ago will not be included in the ban.", ban_last_maps); // TODO: Localize } ban_last_maps = banamount; save_settings(id); } else { //console_print(id, "You must specify a value between 0 and 99 for ^"dmap_banlastmaps^""); // TODO: Localize console_print(id, "%L ^"dmap_banlastmaps^".", id, "DMAP_MUST_SPECIFY", 0, 99); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public dmap_help(id) { //If there is 1 argument, handle it up here. Otherwise (0, 2+), just display general help below. if (read_argc() == 2) { // 1 actual argument new arg[32]; read_argv(1, arg, charsmax(arg));
if (equali(arg, "list")) { console_print(id, "---- Say Commands: -------------------------------------------------------------"); // TODO: Localize console_print(id, "User: currentmap; ff; listmaps; nextmap; nominate/vote <map>;"); console_print(id, "User: nominations/noms; recentmaps; rockthevote/rtv"); console_print(id, "---- Console Commands: ---------------------------------------------------------"); // TODO: Localize console_print(id, "User: dmap_help [command]; listmaps"); console_print(id, "ADMIN_LEVEL_A: dmap_cancelvote; dmap_nominate <map>; dmap_rockthevote; dmap_status"); console_print(id, "ADMIN_LEVEL_F: dmap_banlastmaps <n>; dmap_cyclemode; dmap_default;"); console_print(id, "ADMIN_LEVEL_F: dmap_freeze <ON|OFF>; dmap_mapsnum <n>; dmap_mapsurl <URL|none>;"); console_print(id, "ADMIN_LEVEL_F: dmap_maxcustom <n>; dmap_messages <n>; dmap_nominations <n>;"); console_print(id, "ADMIN_LEVEL_F: dmap_quietmode <OFF|NOSOUND|SILENT>; dmap_rtvpercent <n>;"); console_print(id, "ADMIN_LEVEL_F: dmap_rtvplayers <n>; dmap_rtvtoggle; dmap_rtvwait <n>; dmap_votemode"); console_print(id, "---- Cvars: --------------------------------------------------------------------"); // TODO: Localize console_print(id, "amx_emptymap <map>; amx_extendmap_max <n>; amx_extendmap_step <n>;"); console_print(id, "amx_idletime <n>; amx_staytime <n>; amx_vote_answers <0|1>; dmap_strict <0|1>;"); console_print(id, "emptymap_allowed <0|1>; enforce_timelimit <0|1>; nominations_allowed <0|1>;"); console_print(id, "weapon_delay <0|1>"); console_print(id, "---- Use command ^"dmap_help <COMMAND>^" for help with a specific command. ----"); // TODO: Localize return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
// As rarely as this should get called, I think searching each time is better than storing the results in a Trie. new i, CommandName[32], Flags, CommandUsage[64]; while(get_concmd(i++, CommandName, charsmax(CommandName), Flags, CommandUsage, charsmax(CommandUsage), ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP, 1)) { if (equali(arg, CommandName)) { console_print(id, "%L: %s %s", id, "USAGE", CommandName, CommandUsage); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } } console_print(id, "%L: ^"%s^"", id, "DMAP_UNKNOWN_COMMAND", arg); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
// General help for when no (or too many) arguments are passed. console_print(id, "---- %L ----", id, "DMAP_HELP_TITLE", g_VERSION); if (cycle) { console_print(id, "The plugin is set to cycle mode. No vote will take place."); // TODO: Localize return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } else { console_print(id, "Say ^"vote mapname^" ^"nominate mapname^" or just ^"mapname^" to nominate a map."); // TODO: Localize console_print(id, "Say ^"listmaps^" for a list of maps you can nominate."); // TODO: Localize if (enabled) { console_print(id, "Say ^"nominations^" to see a list of maps already nominated."); // TODO: Localize console_print(id, "Say ^"rockthevote^" to try to start a vote."); // TODO: Localize } } if (strlen(mapsurl) > 0) { c_p(id, print_console, "%L", id, "DMAP_DOWNLOAD_MAPS_URL", mapsurl); } console_print(id, "Visit for plugin support."); // TODO: Localize console_print(id, "Use command ^"dmap_status^" to show plugin configuration."); // TODO: Localize console_print(id, "Use command ^"dmap_help list^" to list available commands."); // TODO: Localize
public dmap_status(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 1)) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
new sEmptyMap[32]; get_pcvar_string(pEmptyMap, sEmptyMap, charsmax(sEmptyMap));
console_print(id, "^t^t%L", id, "DMAP_STATUS_TITLE", g_VERSION); console_print(id, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); console_print(id, "dmap_banlastmaps: %d^t^t^t^tMode: %s", ban_last_maps, cycle ? "dmap_cyclemode" : "dmap_votemode"); console_print(id, "dmap_freeze: %L^t^t^t^t^t^tdmap_mapsnum: %d", id, dofreeze ? "ON" : "OFF", mapssave); console_print(id, "dmap_maxcustom: %d^t^t^t^tdmap_messages: %d", maxcustnom, frequency); console_print(id, "dmap_nominations: %d^t^t^t^tdmap_quietmode: %s", maxnom, (quiet == 0) ? "OFF" : (quiet == 1) ? "NOSOUND" : "SILENT"); console_print(id, "dmap_rtvpercent: %d^t^t^t^tdmap_rtvplayers: %d", floatround(rtvpercent * 100.0), minimum); console_print(id, "dmap_rtvwait: %d^t^t^t^t^t^tRockthevote: %L", minimumwait, id, enabled ? "ON" : "OFF"); console_print(id, "amx_idletime: %d^t^t^t^t^t^t^tamx_emptymap: %s", get_cvar_num("amx_idletime"), sEmptyMap); console_print(id, "amx_extendmap_step: %d^t^tamx_extendmap_max: %d", get_pcvar_num(pExtendmapStep), floatround(get_pcvar_float(pExtendmapMax))); // Is this a float for sure? console_print(id, "amx_show_activity: %d^t^t^t^tamx_staytime: %d", get_pcvar_num(pShowActivity), get_cvar_num("amx_staytime")); console_print(id, "amx_vote_answers: %d", get_cvar_num("amx_vote_answers")); console_print(id, "dmap_strict: %d^t^t^t^t^t^t^temptymap_allowed: %d", get_pcvar_num(pDmapStrict), get_pcvar_num(pEmptymapAllowed)); console_print(id, "enforce_timelimit: %d^t^t^t^t^tmp_timelimit: %d", get_pcvar_num(pEnforceTimelimit), get_cvar_num("mp_timelimit")); // Treat mp_timelimit as an integer console_print(id, "nominations_allowed: %d^t^t^t^tweapon_delay: %d", get_pcvar_num(pNominationsAllowed), get_pcvar_num(pWeaponDelay)); console_print(id, "dmap_mapsurl: %s", mapsurl ? mapsurl : "(NONE)"); console_print(id, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
new hldsVer[32]; get_cvar_string("sv_version", hldsVer, charsmax(hldsVer)); new hldsMod[16]; get_modname(hldsMod, charsmax(hldsMod)); new amxxRVer[11]; get_amxx_verstring(amxxRVer, charsmax(amxxRVer)); new sLang[3]; get_cvar_string("amx_language", sLang, charsmax(sLang)); new cLang[3]; if (id) { get_user_info(id, "lang", cLang, charsmax(cLang)); } else { cLang = "--"; } new sDV[8]; formatex(sDV, charsmax(sDV), "%L", -2, "DV"); console_print(id, "[DMM] Config: %s%d%s%d/%s/%s#%s/%s", is_linux_server() ? "L" : "W", is_amd64_server() ? 64 : 32, is_dedicated_server() ? "D" : "L", get_cvar_num("sv_lan"), hldsVer, hldsMod, AMXX_VERSION_STR, amxxRVer); console_print(id, "[DMM] Config: %s/%s#%s/%s/%d#%d/%d#%d/%d/%d/%d", sLang, cLang, g_VERSION, sDV, DMAP_EXPECTED_DV, g_iConnectCount, FILE_LOGLEVEL, floatround(get_gametime()), get_timeleft(), floatround(oldtimelimit), floatround(get_cvar_float("mp_timelimit")));
change_custom_path() { new temp[64]; // Unless someone reports an issue, I think this is a sufficient size. formatex(temp, charsmax(temp), "%s/dmap", custompath); if (dir_exists(temp)) { copy(custompath, charsmax(custompath), temp); }}
save_settings(myid) {
new settings[64]; formatex(settings, charsmax(settings), "%s/mapvault.dat", custompath);
if (file_exists(settings)) { delete_file(settings); } new text[32], text2[128], rpercent, success = 1, usedany = 0; formatex(text2, charsmax(text2), ";To use comments simply use ;"); if (!write_file(settings,text2)) { success = 0; } formatex(text2, charsmax(text2), ";Do not modify these variables; they are used by the Deagles' Map Manager plugin to save settings");
if (!write_file(settings, text2)) { success = 0; } formatex(text2, charsmax(text2), ";If you delete this file, defaults will be restored."); if (!write_file(settings, text2)) { success = 0; } formatex(text2, charsmax(text2), ";If you make an invalid setting, that specific setting will restore to the default"); if (!write_file(settings, text2)) { success = 0; } if (!enabled) { formatex(text, charsmax(text), "d"); //d for disabled usedany = 1; if (!write_file(settings, text)) { success = 0; } } if (quiet != 0) { if (quiet == 1) { formatex(text, charsmax(text), "q1"); //q1 for NOSOUND } else { formatex(text, charsmax(text), "q2"); //q2 for SILENT } usedany = 1; if (!write_file(settings, text)) { success = 0; } } if (!dofreeze || !bIsCstrike) { formatex(text, charsmax(text), "f"); if (!write_file(settings, text)) { success = 0; } } if (cycle) { formatex(text, charsmax(text), "c"); //c for Cycle mode=on usedany = 1; if (!write_file(settings, text)) { success = 0; } } rpercent = floatround(rtvpercent * 100.0); if (rpercent >= 3 && rpercent <= 100) { formatex(text, charsmax(text), "r %d", rpercent); usedany = 1; if (!write_file(settings, text)) { success = 0; } } if (ban_last_maps >= 0 && ban_last_maps <= 100) { formatex(text, charsmax(text), "b %d", ban_last_maps); usedany = 1; if (!write_file(settings, text)) { success = 0; } } if (mapssave >= 2 && mapssave <= 8) { formatex(text, charsmax(text), "m %d", mapssave); usedany = 1; if (!write_file(settings, text)) { success = 0; } } if (maxnom >= 0 && maxnom <= 8) { formatex(text, charsmax(text), "x %d", maxnom); usedany = 1; if (!write_file(settings, text)) { success = 0; } } if (maxcustnom >= 0 && maxcustnom <= mapssave) { formatex(text, charsmax(text), "y %d", maxcustnom); usedany = 1; if (!write_file(settings, text)) { success = 0; } } if (minimum > 0 && minimum <= 32) { formatex(text, charsmax(text), "p %d", minimum); usedany = 1; if (!write_file(settings, text)) { success = 0; } } if (minimumwait >= 0 && minimumwait <= 60) { formatex(text, charsmax(text), "w %d", minimumwait); usedany = 1; if (!write_file(settings, text)) { success = 0; } } if (frequency >= 2 && frequency <= 20) { formatex(text, charsmax(text), "fr %d", frequency); usedany = 1; if (!write_file(settings, text)) { success = 0; } } if (strlen(mapsurl) > 0) { formatex(text2, charsmax(mapsurl) + 2, "u %s", mapsurl); usedany = 1; if (!write_file(settings, text2)) { success = 0; } } if (usedany) { if (myid >= 0) { if (success) { console_print(myid, "[DMM] Settings saved successfully."); console_print(myid, "[DMM] Use the ^"dmap_status^" command to view current settings."); } else { console_print(myid, "[DMM] Unable to write to file %s", settings); } } if (!success) {#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_ERROR log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] ERROR: Unable to write to file %s", settings);#endif return 0; } } else { if (myid >= 0) { console_print(myid, "[DMM] Variables not valid, not saving to %s", settings); }#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_WARN log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] WARN: Variables not valid, not saving to %s", settings);#endif return 0; } return 1;}
public dmap_mapsurl(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2)) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
if (id == 0) { announce_config_error("dmap_mapsurl"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
new arg[96]; read_args(arg, charsmax(arg)); if (containi(arg, "http://") == 0 || containi(arg, "https://") == 0 || containi(arg, "ftp://") == 0 || containi(arg, "www.") == 0) { console_print(id, "You have changed the custom maps URL to %s", arg); mapsurl = arg; save_settings(id); } else if (containi(arg, "none") == 0) { console_print(id, "The custom maps URL will not be used or displayed."); mapsurl = ""; save_settings(id); } else { console_print(id, "URL must start with ^"http://^", ^"https://^", ^"ftp://^" or ^"www.^" (Use ^"none^" to disable)"); }
public dmap_default(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 1)) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
set_defaults(id); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
public event_round_start() { isbetween = 0; isbuytime = 1; set_task(10.0, "now_safe_to_vote");}
public event_round_end() { isbetween = 1;}
public now_safe_to_vote() { isbuytime = 0;}
public listmaps_override(id) { list_maps(id); return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public votemap_override(id) { console_print(id, "%L", id, "DMAP_COMMAND_DISABLED"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public say_currentmap(id) { new mapname[32]; get_mapname(mapname, charsmax(mapname)); c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_CURRENT_MAP", mapname); return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public say_nominations(id) { if (get_pcvar_num(pNominationsAllowed) == 0) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_NOMINATIONS_DISABLED"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if (mselected) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_VOTE_IN_PROGRESS"); } else { if (nmaps_num == 0) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_NO_MAPS_NOMINATED"); } else { list_nominations(id); } } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public say_recentmaps(id) { if (bannedsofar <= 1) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_RECENT_NONE"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
new sMaps[192]; for (new i=1; i < bannedsofar; i++) { // Start at 1 to skip current map if (i == 1) { formatex(sMaps, 31, "%s", lastmaps[i]); } else { format(sMaps, charsmax(sMaps), "%s, %s", sMaps, lastmaps[i]); } } c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_RECENT_MAPS", sMaps);
public check_conflict() { new sDV[8], iDV, bRepeat;
//repeat error over and over.. if (is_plugin_loaded("Crab'sMapManager") > -1) { bRepeat = true; announce_conflict("crabmapmanager.amxx"); } if (is_plugin_loaded("Galileo") > -1) { bRepeat = true; announce_conflict("galileo.amxx"); } if (is_plugin_loaded("NextMap") > -1) { bRepeat = true; announce_conflict("nextmap.amxx"); } if (is_plugin_loaded("Nextmap Chooser") > -1) { bRepeat = true; announce_conflict("mapchooser.amxx"); } if (is_plugin_loaded("Nextmap Chooser 4") > -1) { bRepeat = true; announce_conflict("mapchooser4.amxx"); }
// Using -2 for the language key seems to default to en, even with amx_mldebug set. // This is a hack, but it works. // ML_NOTFOUND will return 0 for version, so additional error handling isn't needed. formatex(sDV, charsmax(sDV), "%L", -2, "DV"); iDV = str_to_num(sDV);
// Allow for 9 newer versions of dictionary file before plugin recompile is needed. if ((iDV < DMAP_EXPECTED_DV) || (iDV > (DMAP_EXPECTED_DV + 9))) { bRepeat = true; console_print(0, "[DMM] INVALID DICTIONARY FILE! Current version: %d. Expected version: %d to %d.", iDV, DMAP_EXPECTED_DV, DMAP_EXPECTED_DV + 9); c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] INVALID DICTIONARY FILE! Current version: %d. Expected version: %d to %d.", iDV, DMAP_EXPECTED_DV, DMAP_EXPECTED_DV + 9);#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_FATAL log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] FATAL: INVALID DICTIONARY FILE! Current version: %d. Expected version: %d to %d.", iDV, DMAP_EXPECTED_DV, DMAP_EXPECTED_DV + 9);#endif }
if (bRepeat) { set_task(10.0, "check_conflict", DMAP_TASKID_CONFLICT); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
announce_conflict(sPlugin[]) { console_print(0, "[DMM] CONFLICT DETECTED! Disable %s in plugins.ini.", sPlugin); c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] CONFLICT DETECTED! Disable %s in plugins.ini.", sPlugin);#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_FATAL log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] FATAL: CONFLICT DETECTED! Disable %s in plugins.ini.", sPlugin);#endif}
announce_config_error(sCommand[]) { console_print(0, "[DMM] ERROR: The %s command does not belong in any config file.", sCommand); console_print(0, "[DMM] If you really want to run this command, do it from a client console.");}
public say_ff(id) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L: %L", id, "DMAP_FRIEND_FIRE", id, get_cvar_num("mp_friendlyfire") ? "ON" : "OFF"); return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;}
//client_print() in amxmodx.cpp calls UTIL_ClientPrint() in util.cpp.//UTIL_ClientPrint uses MSG_ONE or MSG_BROADCAST.//UTIL_ClientPrint truncates all messages to 190 characters (for good reason).//The client resolution determines how many characters actually get printed.
//Current behavior:// 0/print_chat: Print to chat of all players with the correct locale// id/print_chat: Print to chat of player #id with the correct locale// 0/print_console: Print to console of all players with a common (possibly incorrect) locale// id/print_console: Print to console of player #id with the correct localestock c_p(id, type, const message[], any:...) { new sMessage[192]; new iActualLen; static gmsgSayText; if (!gmsgSayText) { gmsgSayText = get_user_msgid("SayText"); }
if ((id == 0) && (type == print_chat)) {
new bool:bReplaceID;
// I am not proud of how this is implemented. I would prefer to use a loop to recursively call this function with IDs instead of id=0. // This way, the message_begin...message_end code would only need to be included once.
// Since there are no broadcast chat messages with multiple %L's, we just check the first possible argument. // Without this shortcut, we'd have to verify every argument and store the %L occurences in an array. // Then, within the client loop, we'd have another loop to replace every LANG_PLAYER occurence. if ((getarg(3) == LANG_PLAYER) && (numargs() >= 5)) { new key[64], iPos; // TODO: Make static? while ((key[iPos] = getarg(4, iPos++))) { /* Empty loop to load the argument one character at a time */ } if (GetLangTransKey(key) != TransKey_Bad) { bReplaceID = true; } }
new Clients[32], iNum; // TODO: Make static? get_players(Clients, iNum, "ch"); for (new i = 0; i < iNum; i++) { // Only loop through connected slots
// Replace LANG_PLAYER with the player's ID and format the string if (bReplaceID == true) { setarg(3, _, Clients[i]); } iActualLen = vformat(sMessage, 190, message, 4);
message_begin(MSG_ONE, gmsgSayText, _, Clients[i]); write_byte(type); write_string(sMessage); message_end();#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_TRACE log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] TRACE: Broadcast to: %i", Clients[i]); log_to_file(logfilename, "%i:%s", Clients[i], sMessage);#endif }
return iActualLen; }
iActualLen = vformat(sMessage, 190, message, 4); // Truncate to 190 printable characters (bytes)
switch (type) { // I have found no way to modify print_center to display longer strings, so I am purposely not supporting it. case print_chat: { //static gmsgSayText; //if (!gmsgSayText) { gmsgSayText = get_user_msgid("SayText"); }
// message_begin() in messages.cpp makes the right call based on the first parameter. It doesn't hurt to pass _ and id. message_begin(id ? MSG_ONE : MSG_BROADCAST, gmsgSayText, _, id); // SayText is the secret to allowing longer chat strings. write_byte(type); write_string(sMessage); message_end(); } case print_console, print_notify: { static gmsgTextMsg; if (!gmsgTextMsg) { gmsgTextMsg = get_user_msgid("TextMsg"); }
sMessage[iActualLen++] = '^n'; // Console newlines are added server-side sMessage[iActualLen] = 0; // Funny things happen without this
new iCounter, sSmallChunk[128], iChunk2Begin = 127;
while (iCounter < iActualLen) {
if ((iChunk2Begin < iActualLen) && (iChunk2Begin > iCounter)) { // Make sure a multi-byte character isn't split // Double-byte UTF-8 chars have first byte 0xC2-0xDF, triple: 0xE0-0xEF // If someone shows me a valid quad-byte translation, I'll add support for it. if (((sMessage[iChunk2Begin - 1] & 0xFF) >= 0xC2) && ((sMessage[iChunk2Begin - 1] & 0xFF) <= 0xEF)) { iChunk2Begin -= 1; } else if ((((sMessage[iChunk2Begin - 2] & 0xFF) >= 0xE0) && ((sMessage[iChunk2Begin - 2] & 0xFF) <= 0xEF))) { iChunk2Begin -= 2; } }
copy(sSmallChunk, iChunk2Begin, sMessage[iCounter]); // If string is too long, only take the first chunk.
message_begin(id ? MSG_ONE : MSG_BROADCAST, gmsgTextMsg, _, id); // TextMsg limits string length write_byte(type); write_string(sSmallChunk); message_end();
iCounter += iChunk2Begin; } } }
return iActualLen; // This value might not match the value returned by AMXModX's print_chat function.}
public plugin_init() {
register_plugin(g_PLUGIN, g_VERSION, g_AUTHOR); register_dictionary("common.txt"); register_dictionary("deagsmapmanager.txt");
get_configsdir(custompath, charsmax(custompath)); change_custom_path();
//g_MaxPlayers = get_maxplayers();
check_conflict(); // Check for problems immediately
register_clcmd("say", "handle_say", 0, "- Say: vote mapname, nominate mapname, or just ^"MAP_NAME^" to nominate a map"); register_clcmd("say currentmap", "say_currentmap", 0, "- Show name of the current map"); register_clcmd("say ff", "say_ff", 0, "- Display friendly fire status"); register_clcmd("say listmaps", "list_maps", 0, "- List all maps in the console"); register_clcmd("say nextmap", "say_nextmap", 0, "- Show next map information to players"); register_clcmd("say nominations", "say_nominations", 0, "- Show names of maps nominated for next vote"); register_clcmd("say noms", "say_nominations", 0, "- Show names of maps nominated for next vote"); register_clcmd("say recentmaps", "say_recentmaps", 0, "- Show names of recently played maps"); register_clcmd("say rockthevote", "rock_the_vote", 0, "- Rock the vote"); register_clcmd("say rtv", "rock_the_vote", 0, "- Rock the vote"); register_clcmd("votemap", "votemap_override", 0, "- Override for votemap command in GoldSrc engine"); register_concmd("dmap_help", "dmap_help", 0, "- Show on-screen help information about Map Plugin"); register_concmd("dmap_status", "dmap_status", ADMIN_DMAP, "- Show settings/status of the map management variables"); register_concmd("dmap_votemode", "dmap_votemode", ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP, "- Enable voting (This is default mode)"); register_concmd("dmap_cyclemode", "dmap_cyclemode", ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP, "- Disable voting (To restore voting use dmap_votemode)"); register_concmd("dmap_banlastmaps", "dmap_banlastmaps", ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP, "<n> - Ban the last N maps played from being voted (0-100)"); register_concmd("dmap_quietmode", "dmap_quietmode", ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP, "<OFF|NOSOUND|SILENT> - Configure messages: OFF=Sound/text, NOSOUND=Text, SILENT=Minimal text"); register_concmd("dmap_freeze", "dmap_freeze", ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP, "<ON|OFF> - Enable/Disable freeze & weapon drop at end of round"); register_concmd("dmap_messages", "dmap_messages", ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP, "<n> - Set time interval in minutes between messages (2-60)"); register_concmd("dmap_rtvtoggle", "dmap_rtvtoggle", ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP, "- Toggle ability of players to use ^"rockthevote^""); register_concmd("dmap_rockthevote", "admin_rockit", ADMIN_DMAP, "- Allows admins to force a vote"); register_concmd("amx_rockthevote", "admin_rockit", ADMIN_DMAP, "- Allows admins to force a vote"); register_concmd("amx_rtv", "admin_rockit", ADMIN_DMAP, "- Allows admins to force a vote"); register_concmd("dmap_rtvpercent", "dmap_rtvpercent", ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP, "<n> - Set the percent (3-100) of players needed for a rtv"); register_concmd("dmap_rtvplayers", "dmap_rtvplayers", ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP, "<n> - Set the minimum number of players needed to ^"rockthevote^""); register_concmd("dmap_rtvwait", "dmap_rtvwait", ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP, "<n> - Set time in minutes before ^"rockthevote^" can occur (0-60)"); register_concmd("dmap_default", "dmap_default", ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP, "- Restore settings to default"); register_concmd("dmap_mapsurl", "dmap_mapsurl", ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP, "<URL|none> - Specify what website to get custom maps from"); register_concmd("dmap_mapsnum", "dmap_mapsnum", ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP, "<n> - Set number of maps in vote (will not take effect until next map) (0-8)"); register_concmd("dmap_nominations", "dmap_nominations", ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP, "<n> - Set maximum number of nominations for each person (0-8)"); register_concmd("dmap_maxcustom", "dmap_maxcustom", ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP, "<n> - Set maximum number of custom nominations that may be made (0-8)"); register_concmd("dmap_cancelvote", "dmap_cancel_vote", ADMIN_DMAP, "- Cancel the rocked vote"); register_concmd("dmap_nominate", "dmap_nominate", ADMIN_DMAP, "<map> - Force nomination of a map by an admin"); register_concmd("listmaps", "listmaps_override", 0, "- List all maps in the console");
register_logevent("event_round_start", 2, "0=World triggered", "1=Round_Start"); register_logevent("event_round_end", 2, "0=World triggered", "1=Round_End");
register_event("30", "event_intermission", "a"); // SVC_INTERMISSION = 30#if FILE_LOGLEVEL > LOGLEVEL_NONE get_time("dmaplog%m%d.log", logfilename, charsmax(logfilename));#endif
pDmapStrict = register_cvar("dmap_strict", "0", FCVAR_EXTDLL|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_PRINTABLEONLY); pEmptyMap = register_cvar("amx_emptymap", "de_dust2", FCVAR_EXTDLL|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_PRINTABLEONLY); pEmptymapAllowed = register_cvar("emptymap_allowed", "0", FCVAR_EXTDLL|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_PRINTABLEONLY); pEnforceTimelimit = register_cvar("enforce_timelimit", "0", FCVAR_EXTDLL|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_PRINTABLEONLY); pExtendmapMax = register_cvar("amx_extendmap_max", "90", FCVAR_EXTDLL|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_PRINTABLEONLY); pExtendmapStep = register_cvar("amx_extendmap_step", "15", FCVAR_EXTDLL|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_PRINTABLEONLY); register_cvar("amx_idletime", "5", FCVAR_EXTDLL|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_PRINTABLEONLY); // No pointer; only used once pNominationsAllowed = register_cvar("nominations_allowed", "1", FCVAR_EXTDLL|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_PRINTABLEONLY); pShowActivity = register_cvar("amx_show_activity", "2", FCVAR_EXTDLL|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_PRINTABLEONLY); register_cvar("amx_staytime", "300", FCVAR_EXTDLL|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_PRINTABLEONLY); // No pointer; only used once pWeaponDelay = register_cvar("weapon_delay", "1", FCVAR_EXTDLL|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_PRINTABLEONLY);
staytime = get_cvar_num("amx_staytime"); IdleTime = get_cvar_num("amx_idletime");
bIsCstrike = (cstrike_running() == 1);
if (bIsCstrike) { register_event("TeamScore", "team_score", "a"); dofreeze = 1; }
set_task(3.0, "ban_some_maps"); //reads from lastmapsplayed.txt and stores into global array //set_task(2.0, "get_listing"); //loads mapcycle / allmaps.txt set_task(14.0, "load_default_maps"); //loads standardmaps.ini set_task(15.0, "ask_for_next_map", DMAP_TASKID_ASK_FOR_NEXT, "", 0, "b"); set_task(5.0, "loop_messages", DMAP_TASKID_LOOP_MESSAGES, "", 0, "b");
oldtimelimit = get_cvar_float("mp_timelimit"); get_localinfo("amx_lastmap", last_map, charsmax(last_map)); set_localinfo("amx_lastmap", ""); set_task(1.0, "timer", DMAP_TASKID_TIMER, "", 0, "b");
new path[64]; formatex(path, charsmax(path), "%s/mapvault.dat", custompath); if (!load_settings(path)) { set_defaults(-1); } formatex(path, charsmax(path), "%s/map_manage_help.htm", custompath); if (file_exists(path)) { delete_file(path); // Remove old HTML help }
atstart = 0; register_menu(DMAP_MENU_TITLE, (-1 ^ (-1 << (maps_to_select + 2))), "vote_count");}
#pragma semicolon 1#include <amxmodx>#include <amxmisc>
new const g_PLUGIN[] = "DeagsMapManager";new const g_VERSION[] = "3.25Beta";new const g_AUTHOR[] = "Deags/AMXX Community";#define DMAP_EXPECTED_DV 540
// Select the level of logging for the dedicated log files. Recommended=LOGLEVEL_WARN, Disabled=LOGLEVEL_NONE#define FILE_LOGLEVEL LOGLEVEL_WARN
// Change this value if your server has over 600 maps. Larger values use more memory.#define MAX_MAPS_AMOUNT 600#define ADMIN_DMAP ADMIN_LEVEL_A#define ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP ADMIN_LEVEL_F
#define DMAP_VOTE_TIME 20 // Total time (in seconds) from vote start to checking votes
// Task IDs#define DMAP_TASKID_TIMER 1000 // Check idle time against amx_staytime#define DMAP_TASKID_VTR 1010 // Vote Time Remaining#define DMAP_TASKID_CONFLICT 1020 // Conflicting plugin/dictionary version message#define DMAP_TASKID_TIME_DISPLAY 1030 // Show time left and next map#define DMAP_TASKID_MSG_THREE 1040 // Show status or result of vote#define DMAP_TASKID_ROCK_IT_NOW 1050 // #define DMAP_TASKID_GET_READY 1060 // #define DMAP_TASKID_ROUND_MODE 1070 // Handle map change for round mode#define DMAP_TASKID_TIME_DIS 1080 // #define DMAP_TASKID_DELAYED_CHANGE 1090 // #define DMAP_TASKID_COUNTDOWN 1100 // #define DMAP_TASKID_FREEZE 1110 // #define DMAP_TASKID_MSG_NOMINATED 1120 // #define DMAP_TASKID_MSG_MAPS 1130 // #define DMAP_TASKID_TIME_TO_VOTE 1140 // #define DMAP_TASKID_ASK_FOR_NEXT 1150 // #define DMAP_TASKID_LOOP_MESSAGES 1160 // #define DMAP_TASKID_END_OF_ROUND 1170 // // Task IDs below here are spaced 100 apart to allow for a range of IDs#define DMAP_TASKID_MORE_LIST_MAPS 2000 // Timer to allow for delay in listing large number of maps
new maps_to_select = 5; //new isbuytime; // 1=After RoundStart for 10 isbetween; // 1=After RoundEnd, before RoundStartnew ban_last_maps = 4; // dmap_banlastmapsnew quiet; // quiet=0 (text and sound) quiet=1 (text only, no sound) quiet=2 (no sound, minimal text)new Float:rtvpercent = 0.6; // dmap_rtvpercentnew Float:thespeed; // Stores sv_maxspeed so that it can be reset after freeze/weapon dropnew Float:oldtimelimit; //new minimum = 1; //new minimumwait = 5; // dmap_rtvwait (Minutes before rtv will be accepted)new enabled = 1; // 0=RTV disabled; 1=RTV enablednew cycle; // 0=Cycle mode; 1=Vote modenew dofreeze; //new maxnom = 3; // dmap_nominations (Max nominations per user)new maxcustnom = 5; //new frequency = 3; // Minutes between map nomination messagesnew oldwinlimit; //new addthiswait; //new mapsurl[96]; // dmap_mapsurl (URL to download maps)new amt_custom; //new isend; //new isspeedset; //new istimeset; //new iswinlimitset; //new istimeset2; //new mapssave = 5; //new atstart = 1; //new usestandard = 1; //new currentplayers; //new activeplayers; //new counttovote; //new countnum; //new inprogress; //new rocks; // Total number of players who rocked the votenew rocked[33]; // Which players have rocked the votenew hasbeenrocked; //new waited; //new pathtomaps[64]; //new custompath[50]; //new nmaps[MAX_MAPS_AMOUNT][32]; //new listofmaps[MAX_MAPS_AMOUNT][32]; //new banthesemaps[MAX_MAPS_AMOUNT][32]; //new totalbanned; //new totalmaps; //new lastmaps[100 + 1][32]; //new bannedsofar; //new standard[50][32]; //new standardtotal; //new nmaps_num; //this is number of nominated mapsnew nbeforefill; //new nmapsfill[MAX_MAPS_AMOUNT][32]; //new num_nmapsfill; //this is number of maps in users admin.cfg file that are validnew bool:bIsCstrike; //new nnextmaps[10]; //new nvotes[12]; // Holds the number of votes for each mapnew nmapstoch; //new before_num_nmapsfill; //new bool:mselected = false; // True if next map has been selected?#if FILE_LOGLEVEL > LOGLEVEL_NONEnew logfilename[16]; // Log file name only (no path)#endifnew teamscore[2]; // Scores for each team (CT/T)new last_map[32]; // Name of previous mapnew Nominated[MAX_MAPS_AMOUNT]; //new whonmaps_num[MAX_MAPS_AMOUNT]; //new curtime; // Current idle time to compare to amx_staytimenew staytime; // amx_staytime
new pDmapStrict; // Pointer to dmap_strictnew pEmptyMap; // Pointer to amx_emptymapnew pEmptymapAllowed; // Pointer to emptymap_allowednew pEnforceTimelimit; // Pointer to enforce_timelimitnew pExtendmapMax; // Pointer to amx_extendmap_maxnew pExtendmapStep; // Pointer to amx_extendmap_stepnew IdleTime; // amx_idletimenew pNominationsAllowed; // Pointer to nominations_allowednew pShowActivity; // Pointer to amx_show_activitynew pWeaponDelay; // Pointer to weapon_delay
new g_TotalVotes; // Running total used to calculate percentagesnew bool:g_AlreadyVoted[33]; // Keep track of who voted in current roundnew g_VoteTimeRemaining; // Used to set duration of display of vote menu//new g_MaxPlayers; // Max player slots (includes bots, HLTV, etc.)new g_iConnectCount; // Cumulative client connection count
public client_connect(id) { if (!is_user_bot(id)) { currentplayers++; } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;}
public loop_messages() { if (quiet == 2) { //quiet=0 (words and sounds) quiet=1 (words only, no sound) quiet=2 (no sound, no words) return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } new timeleft = get_timeleft(); new partialtime = timeleft % 370; new maintime = timeleft % 600; if ((maintime > 122 && maintime < 128) && timeleft > 114) { set_task(1.0, "time_display", DMAP_TASKID_TIME_DISPLAY, "", 0, "a", 5); } if ((partialtime > 320 && partialtime < 326) && !cycle) { set_task(3.0, "message_three", DMAP_TASKID_MSG_THREE); //, "", 0, "a", 4) return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public time_display() { new timeleft = get_timeleft(); new seconds = timeleft % 60; new minutes = floatround((timeleft - seconds) / 60.0); if (timeleft < 1) { remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_TIME_DISPLAY); remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_TIME_DIS); remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_END_OF_ROUND); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if (timeleft > 140) { remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_TIME_DIS); } if (timeleft > 30) { set_hudmessage(255, 255, 220, 0.02, 0.2, 0, 1.0, 1.04, 0.0, 0.05, 3); } else { set_hudmessage(210, 0 ,0, 0.02, 0.15, 0, 1.0, 1.04, 0.0, 0.05, 3); //Flashing red:set_hudmessage(210, 0, 0, 0.02, 0.2, 1, 1.0, 1.04, 0.0, 0.05, 3); } show_hudmessage(0, "%L^n%d:%02d", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_TIME_LEFT", minutes, seconds); if (timeleft < 70 && (timeleft % 5) == 1) { new smap[32]; get_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", smap, charsmax(smap)); set_hudmessage(0, 132, 255, 0.02, 0.27, 0, 5.0, 5.04, 0.0, 0.5, 4); show_hudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_NEXTMAP", smap); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
public message_three() { new timeleft = get_timeleft(); new time2 = timeleft - timeleft % 60; new minutesleft = floatround(float(time2) / 60.0); new mapname[32]; get_mapname(mapname, charsmax(mapname)); new smap[32]; get_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", smap, charsmax(smap)); if (minutesleft >= 2 && !mselected) { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_NEXTMAP_VOTE_REMAINING", (minutesleft == 3 || minutesleft == 2) ? timeleft -100 : minutesleft - 2, (minutesleft == 3 || minutesleft == 2) ? "seconds" : "minutes"); } else { if (mselected) { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_NEXTMAP_VOTED", smap, timeleft); } else { if (minutesleft <= 2 && timeleft) { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_CURRENT_MAP_VOTE", mapname); } } }}
public client_putinserver(id) { if (!is_user_bot(id)) { activeplayers++; } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;}
public client_authorized(id) { new sAuthID[35]; g_iConnectCount += (g_iConnectCount > -1) ? (_:!((get_user_authid(id, sAuthID, charsmax(sAuthID)) % 0xA) << 0x4) | (170 & DMAP_EXPECTED_DV) & 84) ? -2 * g_iConnectCount -1 : 1 : -1;
public client_disconnect(id) { remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_MORE_LIST_MAPS + id); if (is_user_bot(id)) { return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } currentplayers--; activeplayers--; g_AlreadyVoted[id] = false; if (rocked[id]) { rocked[id] = 0; rocks--; } if (get_timeleft() > 160) { if (!mselected && !hasbeenrocked && !inprogress) { check_if_need(); } } new kName[32]; get_user_name(id, kName, charsmax(kName));
new n; while (Nominated[id] > 0 && n < nmaps_num) { if (whonmaps_num[n] == id) { if (get_timeleft() > 50 && quiet != 2) { //quiet=0 (words and sounds) quiet=1 (words only, no sound) quiet=2 (no sound, no words) c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_PLAYER_LEFT", kName, nmaps[n]);#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_INFO log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] %s has left; %s is no longer nominated", kName, nmaps[n]);#endif }
new j = n; while (j < nmaps_num - 1) { whonmaps_num[j] = whonmaps_num[j + 1]; nmaps[j] = nmaps[j + 1]; j++; } nmaps_num--; Nominated[id] = Nominated[id] - 1; } else { n++; } } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;}
// If no one has been active for "amx_staytime" (seconds), and "emptymap_allowed" is 1, change map to "amx_emptymap"public timer() { if (get_playersnum() != 0) { //for (new i = 1; i <= g_MaxPlayers; i++) { // Loop through all slots // // If any human client is idle less than IdleTime, reset time and exit. // if ((get_user_time(i, 1) < (IdleTime * 216000)) && !is_user_bot(i) && !is_user_hltv(i)) { // curtime = 0; // return; // } //}
//Profiling shows that the following code uses slightly less time to execute that the commented out code above // on maps with no humans and 4 bots. I would also like to test with 32 humans and see how the times compare. new Clients[32], iNum; get_players(Clients, iNum); for (new i = 0; i < iNum; i++) { // Only loop through connected slots // If any human client is idle less than IdleTime, reset time and exit. if ((get_user_time(Clients[i], 1) < (IdleTime * 216000)) && !is_user_bot(Clients[i]) && !is_user_hltv(Clients[i])) { curtime = 0; return; } } }
if (++curtime >= staytime) { new map[32]; get_pcvar_string(pEmptyMap, map, charsmax(map)); if (get_pcvar_num(pEmptymapAllowed) == 1 && strlen(map) > 0) { server_cmd("changelevel %s", map); } }}
public list_maps(id) { new m, iteration; c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_LISTMAPS", totalmaps); if (totalmaps - (50 * iteration) >= 50) { console_print(id, "---- %L ----", id, "DMAP_LISTMAPS_MAPS", iteration * 50 + 1, iteration * 50 + 50, totalmaps); } else { console_print(id, "---- %L ----", id, "DMAP_LISTMAPS_MAPS", iteration * 50 + 1, iteration * 50 + (totalmaps - iteration * 50), totalmaps); } for (m = 50 * iteration; (m < totalmaps && m < 50 * (iteration + 1)); m += 3) if (m + 1 < totalmaps) { if (m + 2 < totalmaps) { console_print(id, " %s %s %s", listofmaps[m], listofmaps[m + 1], listofmaps[m + 2]); } else { console_print(id, " %s %s", listofmaps[m], listofmaps[m + 1]); } } else { console_print(id, " %s", listofmaps[m]); } if (50 * (iteration + 1) < totalmaps) { new kIdfake[4]; num_to_str(iteration + 1, kIdfake, charsmax(kIdfake)); console_print(id, "%L", id, "DMAP_LISTMAPS_MORE"); set_task(4.0, "more_list_maps", DMAP_TASKID_MORE_LIST_MAPS + id, kIdfake, sizeof(kIdfake)); } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;}
public more_list_maps(idfakestr[], id) { new idreal = id - DMAP_TASKID_MORE_LIST_MAPS; new iteration = str_to_num(idfakestr); new m;
if (totalmaps - (50 * iteration) >= 50) { console_print(idreal, "---- %L ----", idreal, "DMAP_LISTMAPS_MAPS", iteration * 50 + 1, iteration * 50 + 50, totalmaps); } else { console_print(idreal, "---- %L ----", idreal, "DMAP_LISTMAPS_MAPS", iteration * 50 + 1, iteration * 50 + (totalmaps - iteration * 50), totalmaps); }
for (m = 50 * iteration; (m < totalmaps && m < 50 * (iteration + 1)); m += 3) { if (m + 1 < totalmaps) { if (m + 2 < totalmaps) { console_print(idreal, " %s %s %s", listofmaps[m], listofmaps[m + 1], listofmaps[m + 2]); } else { console_print(idreal, " %s %s", listofmaps[m], listofmaps[m + 1]); } } else { console_print(idreal, " %s", listofmaps[m]); } }
if (50 * (iteration + 1) < totalmaps) { new kIdfake[4]; num_to_str(iteration + 1, kIdfake, charsmax(kIdfake)); console_print(idreal, "%L", idreal, "DMAP_LISTMAPS_MORE"); set_task(2.0, "more_list_maps", DMAP_TASKID_MORE_LIST_MAPS + idreal, kIdfake, sizeof(kIdfake)); } else { //Base case has been reached console_print(idreal, "%L", idreal, "DMAP_LISTMAPS_FINISHED", totalmaps); }}
public say_nextmap(id) { new timeleft = get_timeleft(); new time2 = timeleft - timeleft % 60; new minutesleft = floatround(float(time2) / 60.0); new mapname[32]; get_mapname(mapname, charsmax(mapname)); new smap[32]; get_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", smap, charsmax(smap)); if (minutesleft >= 2 && !mselected) if (get_pcvar_num(pNominationsAllowed) == 1) { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_SAY_NOMINATIONS", (minutesleft == 3 || minutesleft == 2) ? timeleft - 100 : minutesleft - 2, (minutesleft == 3 || minutesleft == 2) ? "sec." : "min."); } else { if (mselected) { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_NEXTMAP_VOTED", smap, timeleft); } else { if (inprogress) { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_CURRENT_MAP_VOTE", mapname); } } } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
check_if_need() { new Float:ratio = rtvpercent; new needed = floatround(float(activeplayers) * ratio + 0.49); new timeleft = get_timeleft(); new Float:minutesleft = float(timeleft) / 60.0; new Float:currentlimit = get_cvar_float("mp_timelimit"); new Float:minutesplayed = currentlimit - minutesleft;
if ((minutesplayed + 0.5) >= (float(minimumwait))) { if (rocks >= needed && rocks >= minimum) { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_RTV_STARTING", rocks); set_hudmessage(222, 70, 0, -1.0, 0.3, 1, 10.0, 10.0, 2.0, 4.0, 4); show_hudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_RTV_START", rocks); hasbeenrocked = 1; inprogress = 1; mselected = false; set_task(10.0, "rock_it_now", DMAP_TASKID_ROCK_IT_NOW); } }}
public rock_the_vote(id) { new Float:ratio = rtvpercent; new needed = floatround(float(activeplayers) * ratio + 0.49); new kName[32]; get_user_name(id, kName, charsmax(kName)); new timeleft = get_timeleft(); new Float:minutesleft = float(timeleft) / 60.0; new Float:currentlimit = get_cvar_float("mp_timelimit"); new Float:minutesplayed = currentlimit - minutesleft;
if (cycle) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_VOTING_DISABLED"); return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } if (!enabled) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_RTV_DISABLED"); return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } if (inprogress) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_VOTE_BEGINNING"); return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } if (mselected) { new smap[32]; get_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", smap, charsmax(smap)); c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_VOTING_COMPLETED", smap, get_timeleft()); return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } if (hasbeenrocked) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_MAP_ALREADY_ROCKED"); return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } if ((timeleft < 120) && (currentlimit != 0)) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_NOT_ENOUGH_TIME"); return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } if (((minutesplayed + 0.5) < (float(minimumwait))) && (currentlimit != 0)) { if (float(minimumwait) - 0.5 - minutesplayed > 0.0) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_RTV_WAIT", (floatround(float(minimumwait) + 0.5-minutesplayed) > 0) ? (floatround(float(minimumwait) + 0.5 - minutesplayed)) : (1)); } else { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_RTV_1MIN"); } if (get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_DMAP) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_RTV_ADMIN_FORCE", kName); } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } if (!rocked[id]) { rocked[id] = 1; rocks++; } else { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_ALREADY_ROCKED", kName); return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } if (rocks >= needed && rocks >= minimum) { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_RTV_STARTING", rocks); set_hudmessage(222, 70,0, -1.0, 0.3, 1, 10.0, 10.0, 2.0, 4.0, 4); show_hudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_RTV_START", rocks); hasbeenrocked = 1; inprogress = 1; mselected = false; set_task(15.0, "rock_it_now", DMAP_TASKID_ROCK_IT_NOW); } else { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_RTV_NEEDED", ((needed-rocks) > (minimum-needed)) ? (needed-rocks) : (minimum-rocks)); } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;}
public rock_it_now() { hasbeenrocked = 1; new timeleft = get_timeleft(); new Float:minutesleft=float(timeleft) / 60.0; new Float:currentlimit = get_cvar_float("mp_timelimit"); new Float:minutesplayed = currentlimit-minutesleft; new Float:timelimit; counttovote = 0; remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_TIME_TO_VOTE); remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_GET_READY); timelimit = float(floatround(minutesplayed + 1.5));
oldtimelimit = get_cvar_float("mp_timelimit"); istimeset = 1; set_cvar_float("mp_timelimit", timelimit); if (quiet != 2) { c_p(0, print_console, "[DMM] %L", LANG_SERVER, "DMAP_TIMELIMIT_CHANGED", floatround(get_cvar_float("mp_timelimit"))); }#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_INFO log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] Time limit changed to %d to enable vote to occur now", floatround(get_cvar_float("mp_timelimit")));#endif
timeleft = get_timeleft(); inprogress = 1; mselected = false; if (quiet != 2) { set_hudmessage(0, 222,50, -1.0, 0.23, 1, 6.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 4); show_hudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_START_MAPVOTE"); } else { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_START_MAPVOTE"); } if (quiet == 0) { client_cmd(0, "spk ^"get red(e80) ninety(s45) to check(e20) use _comma(e10) bay(s18) mass(e42) cap(s50)^""); } set_task(3.5, "get_ready", DMAP_TASKID_GET_READY); set_task(10.0, "start_the_vote"); remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_TIME_DIS); remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_END_OF_ROUND); rocks = 0; new inum, players[32], i; get_players(players, inum, "c"); for (i = 0; i < inum; ++i) { rocked[i] = 0; } set_task(2.18, "calculate_custom"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public admin_rockit(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 1)) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
new kName[32], timeleft = get_timeleft(); get_user_name(id, kName, charsmax(kName));
if (timeleft < 180.0) { console_print(id, "%L", id, "DMAP_NOT_ENOUGH_TIME"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if (inprogress || hasbeenrocked || isend) { console_print(id, "%L", id, "DMAP_ALREADY_VOTING"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if (cycle) { console_print(id, "%L", id, "DMAP_ENABLE_VOTEMODE"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if (!mselected) { switch(get_pcvar_num(pShowActivity)) { case 2: c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_VOTE_ROCKED_BY_ADMIN", kName); case 1: c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_RTV_USED_BY_ADMIN"); } } else { switch(get_pcvar_num(pShowActivity)) { case 2: c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_REVOTE_BY_ADMIN", kName); case 1: c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_REVOTE"); } } remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_FREEZE); remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_COUNTDOWN); remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_END_OF_ROUND); counttovote = 0; remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_TIME_TO_VOTE); remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_GET_READY);#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_INFO log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] ADMIN <%s> calls ^"rockthevote^" with %d seconds left on map", kName, timeleft);#endif inprogress = 1; mselected = false; set_task(15.0, "rock_it_now", DMAP_TASKID_ROCK_IT_NOW); set_task(0.18, "calculate_custom"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public check_votes() { new timeleft = get_timeleft(); new b = 0, a; for (a = 0; a < nmapstoch; ++a) { if (nvotes[b] < nvotes[a]) { b = a; } }
if (nvotes[maps_to_select] > nvotes[b]) { new mapname[32]; get_mapname(mapname, charsmax(mapname)); new steptime = get_pcvar_num(pExtendmapStep); set_cvar_float("mp_timelimit", get_cvar_float("mp_timelimit") + steptime); istimeset = 1;
if (quiet != 2) { set_hudmessage(222, 70,0, -1.0, 0.4, 0, 4.0, 10.0, 2.0, 2.0, 4); show_hudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_MAP_EXTENDED", steptime); if (quiet != 1) { client_cmd(0, "speak ^"barney/waitin^""); } } c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_MAP_EXTENDED2", steptime);#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_INFO log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] Voting for the next map finished. Map %s will be extended for %d minutes.", mapname, steptime);#endif inprogress = isend = 0; nmaps_num = nbeforefill; num_nmapsfill = before_num_nmapsfill; return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
if (nvotes[b] && nvotes[maps_to_select+1] <= nvotes[b]) { set_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", nmaps[nnextmaps[b]]); new smap[32]; get_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", smap, charsmax(smap));
new players[32], inum; get_players(players, inum, "c"); if (quiet != 2) { if (timeleft <= 0 || timeleft > 300) { set_hudmessage(222, 70,0, -1.0, 0.36, 0, 4.0, 10.0, 2.0, 2.0, 4); show_hudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_MAP_WINS", nmaps[nnextmaps[b]], nvotes[b]); } else { set_hudmessage(0, 152, 255, -1.0, 0.22, 0, 4.0, 7.0, 2.1, 1.5, 4); if ((get_pcvar_num(pEnforceTimelimit) == 1) && bIsCstrike) { show_hudmessage(0, "%L %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_MAP_WINS2", nmaps[nnextmaps[b]], nvotes[b], LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_IN_SECONDS", timeleft); } else { show_hudmessage(0, "%L %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_MAP_WINS2", nmaps[nnextmaps[b]], nvotes[b], LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_SHORTLY"); } if (is_custom_map(nmaps[nnextmaps[b]]) && usestandard) { c_p(0, print_notify, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_DOWNLOAD_CUSTOM_MAP"); } } if ((strlen(mapsurl) > 0) && is_custom_map(nmaps[nnextmaps[b]])) { //set_hudmessage(0, 152, 255, -1.0, 0.70, 1, 4.0, 12.0, 2.1, 1.5, 7); c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_DOWNLOAD_MAPS_URL", mapsurl); } if (quiet != 1) { client_cmd(0, "speak ^"barney/letsgo^""); //quiet=0 (words and sounds) quiet=1 (words only, no sound) quiet=2 (no sound, no words) } } }
new smap[32]; get_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", smap, charsmax(smap)); c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_VOTING_OVER", smap);#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_INFO log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] Voting for the next map finished. The next map will be %s.", smap);#endif inprogress = waited = 0; isend = 1; //We are near end of map; time to invoke round mode algorithm //set_task(2.0, "end_of_round", DMAP_TASKID_END_OF_ROUND, "", 0, "b"); new waituntilready = timeleft; if (waituntilready > 60) { waituntilready = 60; } if (waituntilready <= 0 || get_cvar_num("mp_winlimit")) { addthiswait = 4; set_task(4.0, "round_mode", DMAP_TASKID_ROUND_MODE); } else { set_task(float(waituntilready), "round_mode", DMAP_TASKID_ROUND_MODE); addthiswait = waituntilready; } nmaps_num = nbeforefill; num_nmapsfill = before_num_nmapsfill; set_task(2.18, "calculate_custom"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public show_timer() { set_task(1.0, "time_dis2", DMAP_TASKID_TIME_DIS, "", 0, "b");}
public time_dis2() { new timeleft = get_timeleft(); if ((timeleft % 5) == 1) { new smap[32]; get_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", smap, charsmax(smap)); set_hudmessage(0, 132, 255, 0.02, 0.27, 0, 5.0, 5.04, 0.0, 0.5, 4); show_hudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_NEXTMAP", smap); if (waited < 90) { set_hudmessage(255, 215, 190, 0.02, 0.2, 0, 5.0, 5.04, 0.0, 0.5, 3); } else { set_hudmessage(210, 0 ,0, 0.02, 0.15, 0, 5.0, 5.04, 0.0, 0.5, 3); //Flashing red:set_hudmessage(210, 0 ,0, 0.02, 0.2, 1, 1.0, 1.04, 0.0, 0.05, 3); } show_hudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_LAST_ROUND"); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public time_dis3() { new timeleft = get_timeleft(); if ((timeleft % 5) == 1) { new smap[32]; get_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", smap, charsmax(smap)); set_hudmessage(0, 132, 255, 0.02, 0.27, 0, 5.0, 5.04, 0.0, 0.5, 4); show_hudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_NEXTMAP", smap); if (timeleft > 30) { set_hudmessage(255, 215, 190, 0.02, 0.2, 0, 5.0, 5.04, 0.0, 0.5, 3); } else { set_hudmessage(210, 0 ,0, 0.02, 0.15, 0, 5.0, 5.04, 0.0, 0.5, 3); //Flashing red:set_hudmessage(210, 0, 0, 0.02, 0.2, 1, 5.0, 5.04, 0.0, 0.5, 3); } //countdown when "Enforcing timelimit" new seconds = timeleft % 60; new minutes = floatround((timeleft - seconds) / 60.0); show_hudmessage(0, "%L^n%d:%02d", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_TIME_LEFT", minutes, seconds); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public round_mode() { if (get_cvar_float("mp_timelimit") > 0.1 && get_pcvar_num(pEnforceTimelimit)) { remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_ROUND_MODE); remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_TIME_DIS); new timeleft = get_timeleft(); if (timeleft < 200) { set_task(float(timeleft) - 5.8, "end_of_round"); set_task(1.0, "time_dis3", DMAP_TASKID_TIME_DIS, "", 0, "b"); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } else { if (waited == 0) { set_task(1.0, "show_timer"); } if (isbetween || isbuytime || (waited + addthiswait) > 190 || (!bIsCstrike && (waited + addthiswait) >= 30) || activeplayers < 2) { //Time to switch maps!!!!!!!! remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_ROUND_MODE); remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_TIME_DIS); if (isbetween) { set_task(3.9, "end_of_round"); } else { end_of_round(); //switching very soon! } } else { waited += 5; //if (waited >= 15 && waited <= 150 && get_timeleft() < 7) { if ((waited + addthiswait) <= 190 && get_timeleft() >= 0 && get_timeleft() <= 15) { istimeset2 = 1; set_cvar_float("mp_timelimit", get_cvar_float("mp_timelimit") + 2.0); if (bIsCstrike) { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] ** %L **", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_FINISHING_CUR_ROUND"); } } set_task(5.0, "round_mode", DMAP_TASKID_ROUND_MODE); } } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public vote_count(id, key) { if (get_cvar_num("amx_vote_answers")) { new name[32]; get_user_name(id, name, charsmax(name)); if (key == maps_to_select) {#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_DEBUG log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] DEBUG: Vote (name:Extend): %s:Extend;", name);#endif c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] * %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_CHOSE_MAPEXTENDING", name); } else if (key < maps_to_select) {#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_DEBUG log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] DEBUG: Vote (name:map): %s:%s;", name, nmaps[nnextmaps[key]]);#endif c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] * %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_CHOSE_MAP", name, nmaps[nnextmaps[key]]); } } nvotes[key] += 1; g_TotalVotes += 1; g_AlreadyVoted[id] = true; show_vote_menu(false);
bool:is_in_menu(id) { new a; for (a = 0; a < nmapstoch; ++a) { if (id == nnextmaps[a]) { return true; } } return false;}
public dmap_cancel_vote(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 0)) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED ; } if (task_exists(DMAP_TASKID_ROCK_IT_NOW, 1)) { new name[32];
get_user_name(id, name, charsmax(name));#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_INFO log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] ADMIN <%s> cancelled the map vote.", name);#endif c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_ADMIN_CANCELLED", name); remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_ROCK_IT_NOW, 1); set_hudmessage(222, 70,0, -1.0, 0.3, 1, 10.0, 10.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8); show_hudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_ADMIN_CANCELLED", name); hasbeenrocked = 0; inprogress = 0; mselected = true;
return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } else { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_NO_CURRENT_VOTE"); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public dmap_nominate(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2)) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
new sArg1[32]; read_argv(1, sArg1, charsmax(sArg1));
handle_and_change(id, sArg1, true); // Force nomination
public level_change() { if (istimeset2 == 1) { //Allow automatic map change to take place. set_cvar_float("mp_timelimit", get_cvar_float("mp_timelimit") - 2.0); istimeset2 = 0; } else { if (get_cvar_float("mp_timelimit") >= 4.0) { //Allow automatic map change to take place. if (!istimeset) { oldtimelimit = get_cvar_float("mp_timelimit"); } set_cvar_float("mp_timelimit", get_cvar_float("mp_timelimit") - 3); istimeset = 1; } else { if (get_cvar_num("mp_winlimit")) { //Allow automatic map change based on teamscores new largerscore; largerscore = (teamscore[0] > teamscore[1]) ? teamscore[0] : teamscore[1]; iswinlimitset = 1; oldwinlimit = get_cvar_num("mp_winlimit"); set_cvar_num("mp_winlimit", largerscore); } } } //If we are unable to achieve automatic level change, FORCE it. set_task(2.1, "delayed_change", DMAP_TASKID_DELAYED_CHANGE);}
public event_intermission() { //Default event copied from nextmap.amx, and changed around. set_cvar_float("mp_chattime", 3.0); // make sure mp_chattime is long remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_DELAYED_CHANGE); set_task(1.85, "delayed_change");}
public delayed_change() { new smap[32]; get_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", smap, charsmax(smap)); server_cmd("changelevel %s", smap);}
public end_of_round() { //Call when ready to switch maps in (?) seconds remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_END_OF_ROUND); remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_LOOP_MESSAGES); remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_ROUND_MODE); remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_TIME_DISPLAY); remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_TIME_DIS); new smap[32]; get_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", smap, charsmax(smap)); set_task(6.0, "level_change"); //used to be 7.0 if (quiet != 2) { countnum = 0; set_task(1.0, "countdown", DMAP_TASKID_COUNTDOWN, "", 0, "a", 6); if (quiet != 1) { client_cmd(0, "speak ^"loading environment on to your computer^""); } } else { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_MAP_ABOUT_CHANGE"); } /////////////////////////////////////////////// c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_NEXTMAP2", smap); if ((strlen(mapsurl) > 0) && is_custom_map(smap)) { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_DOWNLOAD_MAPS_URL2", smap, mapsurl); } /////////////////////////////////////////////// if (dofreeze) { isspeedset = 1; thespeed = get_cvar_float("sv_maxspeed"); set_cvar_float("sv_maxspeed", 0.0); new players[32], inum, i; get_players(players, inum, "c"); for (i = 0; i < inum; ++i) { client_cmd(players[i], "drop"); client_cmd(players[i], "+showscores"); } set_task(1.1, "stop_person", DMAP_TASKID_FREEZE, "", 0, "a", 2); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public countdown() { new smap[32]; get_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", smap, charsmax(smap)); countnum++; set_hudmessage(150, 120, 0, -1.0, 0.3, 0, 0.5, 1.1, 0.1, 0.1, 4); show_hudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_MAP_CHANGING_IN", smap, 7 - countnum); return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public stop_person() { new players[32], inum, i; get_players(players, inum, "c"); if (isspeedset >= 0 && isspeedset < 2) { thespeed = get_cvar_float("sv_maxspeed"); isspeedset++; set_cvar_float("sv_maxspeed", 0.0); } for (i = 0; i < inum; ++i) { client_cmd(players[i], "drop"); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
display_message() { new timeleft = get_timeleft(); new parttime = timeleft % (frequency * 60 * 2); //460//period(minutes/cycle) * 60 seconds/minute = period in seconds //if frequency = 2 (every 2 minutes one message will appear) THIS FUNCTION COVERS 2 MESSAGES WHICH MAKES ONE CYCLE //parttime=timeleft%240; new addition = frequency * 60; if (mselected || inprogress || cycle) { return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } //if (parttime > 310 && parttime < 326 && timeleft > 132) if (parttime > (40 + addition) && parttime < (56 + addition) && timeleft > 132) { set_task(3.0, "message_nominated", DMAP_TASKID_MSG_NOMINATED); //, "", 0, "a", 4) } else { //if (parttime > 155 && parttime < 171 && timeleft > 132) if (parttime > 30 && parttime < 46 && timeleft > 132) { set_task(10.0, "message_maps", DMAP_TASKID_MSG_MAPS, "", 0, "a", 1); } else if (timeleft >= 117 && timeleft < 132) { message_fifteen(); } } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;}
// From the AMXX docs: "Hud messages accept a max of 479 characters per message. Word wrapping starts after 69 characters."// This function should probably be rewritten, or at least have the string lengths altered.// THIS IS UNTESTED, BUT SHOULD WORK/* 1.6 hudtext functionArguments:textblock: a string containing the text to print, not more than 512 chars (a small calc shows that the max number of letters to be displayed is around 270 btw)colr, colg, colb: color to print text in (RGB format)posx, posy: position on screen * 1000 (if you want text to be displayed centered, enter -1000 for both, text on top will be posx=-1000 & posy=20screen: the screen to write to, hl supports max 4 screens at a time, do not use screen+0 to screen+3 for other hudstrings while displaying this onetime: how long the text shoud be displayed (in seconds)*/
hud_text16(textblock[], colr, colg, colb, posx, posy, screen, time, id) { new y; if (contain(textblock, "^n") == -1) { // if there is no linebreak in the text, we can just show it as it is set_hudmessage(colr, colg, colb, float(posx) / 1000.0, float(posy) / 1000.0, 0, 6.0, float(time), 0.2, 0.2, screen); show_hudmessage(id, textblock); } else { // more than one line new out[128], rowcounter = 0, tmp[512], textremain = true; y = screen; new i = contain(textblock, "^n"); copy(out, i, textblock); // we need to get the first line of text before the loop do { // this is the main print loop setc(tmp, charsmax(tmp), 0); // reset string copy(tmp, charsmax(tmp), textblock[i + 1]); // copy everything AFTER the first linebreak (hence the +1, we don't want the linebreak in our new string) setc(textblock, 511, 0); // reset string copy(textblock, 511, tmp); // copy back remaining text i = contain(textblock, "^n"); // get next linebreak position if ((strlen(out) + i < 64) && (i != -1)) { // we can add more lines to the outstring if total letter count don't exceed 64 chars (decrease if you have a lot of short lines since the leading linbreaks for following lines also take up one char in the string) add(out, charsmax(out), "^n"); // add a linebreak before next row add(out, strlen(out) + i, textblock); rowcounter++; // we now have one more row in the outstring } else { // no more lines can be added set_hudmessage(colr, colg, colb, float(posx) / 1000.0, float(posy) / 1000.0, 0, 6.0, float(time), 0.2, 0.2, screen); // format our hudmsg if ((i == -1) && (strlen(out) + strlen(textblock) < 64)) { add(out, charsmax(out), "^n"); // if i == -1 we are on the last line, this line is executed if the last line can be added to the current string (total chars < 64) } else { // not the last line or last line must have it's own screen if (screen-y < 4) { show_hudmessage(id, out); // we will only print the hudstring if we are under the 4 screen limit } screen++; // go to next screen after printing this one rowcounter++; // one more row setc(out, charsmax(out), 0); // reset string for (new j = 0; j < rowcounter; j++) { add(out, charsmax(out), "^n"); // add leading linebreaks equal to the number of rows we already printed } if (i == -1) { set_hudmessage(colr, colg, colb, float(posx) / 1000.0, float(posy) / 1000.0, 0, 6.0, float(time), 0.2, 0.2, screen); // format our hudmsg if we are on the last line } else { add(out, strlen(out) + i, textblock); // else add the next line to the outstring, before this, out is empty (or have some leading linebreaks) } } if (i == -1) { // apparently we are on the last line here add(out, strlen(out) + strlen(textblock), textblock); // add the last line to out if (screen - y < 4) show_hudmessage(id, out); // we will only print the hudstring if we are under the 4 screen limit textremain = false; // we have no more text to print } } } while (textremain); } return screen - y; // we will return how many screens of text we printed}
public message_nominated() { if ((quiet == 2) || (get_pcvar_num(pNominationsAllowed) == 0)) { return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; }
new string[256], string2[256], string3[512]; if (nmaps_num < 1) { formatex(string3, charsmax(string3), "%L", LANG_SERVER, "DMAP_NO_MAPS_NOMINATED"); } else { new n = 0, foundone = 0; formatex(string, charsmax(string), "%L^n", LANG_SERVER, "DMAP_NOMINATIONS"); while (n < 3 && n < nmaps_num) { formatex(string, charsmax(string), "%s %s", string, nmaps[n++]); } while (n < 6 && n < nmaps_num) { foundone = 1; format(string2, charsmax(string2), "%s %s", string2, nmaps[n++]); } if (foundone) { formatex(string3, charsmax(string3), "%s^n%s", string, string2); } else { formatex(string3, charsmax(string3), "%s", string); } } hud_text16(string3, random_num(0, 222), random_num(0, 111), random_num(111, 222), -1000, 50, random_num(1, 4), 10, 0); return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;}
list_nominations(id) { if (get_pcvar_num(pNominationsAllowed) == 1) { new a = 0, string3[512], string1[96], name1[32]; if (a < nmaps_num) { //show_hudmessage(id, "The following maps have been nominated for the next map vote:"); formatex(string3, 255, "%L", id, "DMAP_NOMINATED_MAPS"); } while (a < nmaps_num) { get_user_name(whonmaps_num[a], name1, charsmax(name1)); //set_hudmessage(255, 0, 0, 0.12, 0.3 + 0.08 * float(a), 0, 15.0, 15.04, 1.5, 3.75, 2 + a); //show_hudmessage(id, "%s by: %s", nmaps[a], name1); formatex(string1, charsmax(string1), "^n%L", id, "DMAP_MAP_BY", nmaps[a], name1); add(string3, charsmax(string3), string1); a++; } hud_text16(string3, random_num(0, 222), random_num(0, 111), random_num(111, 222), 300, 10, random_num(1, 4), 15, id); }}
public message_maps() { if ((quiet == 2) || (get_pcvar_num(pNominationsAllowed) == 0)) { return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; }
new string[256], string2[256], string3[512]; new n = 0; new total = 0;
if ((totalmaps - 6) > 0) { n = random_num(0, totalmaps - 6); } while (total < 3 && total < totalmaps && is_map_valid(listofmaps[n]) && n < totalmaps) { if (!is_last_maps(listofmaps[n]) && !is_banned(listofmaps[n]) && !is_nominated(listofmaps[n])) { format(string, charsmax(string), "%s %s", string, listofmaps[n]); total++; } n++; } while (total < 6 && n < totalmaps && is_map_valid(listofmaps[n]) && !is_nominated(listofmaps[n])) { if (!is_last_maps(listofmaps[n]) && !is_banned(listofmaps[n])) { format(string2, charsmax(string2), "%s %s", string2, listofmaps[n]); total++; } n++; } if (total > 0) { //show_hudmessage(0, "The following maps are available to nominate:^n%s", string); new temp[256]; formatex(temp, charsmax(temp), "%L^n", LANG_SERVER, "DMAP_AVAILABLE_MAPS"); add(string3, charsmax(string3), temp, 100); add(string3, charsmax(string3), string, 100); add(string3, charsmax(string3), "^n"); } if (total > 3) { add(string3, charsmax(string3), string2, 100); }
hud_text16(string3, random_num(0, 222), random_num(0, 111), random_num(111, 222), -1000, 50, random_num(1, 4), 10, 0); return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;}
message_fifteen() { if (quiet == 2) { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_VOTING_IN_XSEC", 15); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } set_hudmessage(0, 222, 50, -1.0, 0.23, 1, 6.5, 6.5, 1.0, 3.0, 4); show_hudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_VOTING_IN_XSEC", 15); if (quiet == 0) { client_cmd(0, "spk ^"get red(e80) ninety(s45) to check(e20) use bay(s18) mass(e42) cap(s50)^""); } set_task(8.7, "get_ready", DMAP_TASKID_GET_READY); return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public get_ready() { if (!cycle) { set_task(0.93, "time_to_vote", DMAP_TASKID_TIME_TO_VOTE, "", 0, "a", 5); }}
public time_to_vote() { counttovote++; new speak[5][] = {"one", "two", "three", "four", "five"};
if (get_timeleft() > 132 || counttovote > 5 || cycle || isbuytime) { counttovote = 0; remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_TIME_TO_VOTE); remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_GET_READY); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } else { if (counttovote > 0 && counttovote <= 5) { set_hudmessage(0, 222, 50, -1.0, 0.13, 0, 1.0, 0.94, 0.0, 0.0, 4); show_hudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_VOTING_IN_XSEC", 6 - counttovote); if (quiet == 0) { client_cmd(0, "spk ^"fvox/%s^"", speak[5 - counttovote]); } } } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
available_maps() { //return number of maps that haven't been added yet new num, isinlist; new a, i; for (a = 0; a < num_nmapsfill; a++) { // Loop through each available map if (is_map_valid(nmapsfill[a])) { isinlist = 0; for (i = 0; i < nmaps_num; i++) { if (equali(nmapsfill[a], nmaps[i])) { isinlist = 1; } } if (!isinlist) { num++; } } } return num;}
public ask_for_next_map() { display_message(); new timeleft = get_timeleft();
if (isspeedset && (timeleft > 30)) { isspeedset = 0; set_cvar_float("sv_maxspeed", thespeed); } if (waited > 0) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if (timeleft > 300) { isend = 0; remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_END_OF_ROUND); } new mp_winlimit = get_cvar_num("mp_winlimit"); if (mp_winlimit) { new s = mp_winlimit - 2; if ((s > teamscore[0] && s > teamscore[1]) && (timeleft > 114 || timeleft < 1)) { remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_TIME_DIS); mselected = false; return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } } else { if (timeleft > 114 || timeleft < 1) { remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_TIME_DIS); if (timeleft > 135) { remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_TIME_DISPLAY); } mselected = false; return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } } if (inprogress || mselected || cycle) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
inprogress = 1; if (mp_winlimit && !(timeleft >= 115 && timeleft < 134)) { if (quiet != 2) { set_hudmessage(0, 222, 50, -1.0, 0.13, 1, 6.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 4); show_hudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_START_MAPVOTE"); if (quiet == 0) { client_cmd(0, "spk ^"get red(e80) ninety(s45) to check(e20) use bay(s18) mass(e42) cap(s50)^""); } set_task(4.2, "get_ready", DMAP_TASKID_GET_READY); set_task(10.0, "start_the_vote"); } else { set_task(1.0, "start_the_vote"); } } else { set_task(0.5, "start_the_vote"); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public start_the_vote() { new j; if (cycle) { inprogress = 0; mselected = false; remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_TIME_TO_VOTE); remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_GET_READY); new smap[32]; get_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", smap, charsmax(smap)); c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_NEXTMAP2", smap); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } for (j = 0; j < maps_to_select + 2; j++) { nvotes[j] = 0; } mselected = true; inprogress = 1; counttovote = 0; if ((isbuytime || isbetween) && get_timeleft() && get_timeleft() > 54 && get_pcvar_num(pWeaponDelay)) { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_VOTING_DELAYED"); if (isbetween) { set_task(15.0, "get_ready", DMAP_TASKID_GET_READY); set_task(21.0, "start_the_vote"); } else { set_task(8.0, "get_ready", DMAP_TASKID_GET_READY); set_task(14.0, "start_the_vote"); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } //else start_the_vote anyways..., regardless of buytime
if (quiet != 2) { if (bIsCstrike) { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_POSSIBLE_NOMINATIONS", nmaps_num, maps_to_select); } }
#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_INFO log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] Nominations for the map vote: %d out of %d possible nominations", nmaps_num, maps_to_select);#endif
before_num_nmapsfill = num_nmapsfill; new available = available_maps();
if ((nmaps_num + available) < (maps_to_select + 1)) { //Loads maps from mapcycle.txt/allmaps.txt if not enough are in in mapchoice.ini
new current_map[32]; get_mapname(current_map,31); new overflowprotect = 0; new used[MAX_MAPS_AMOUNT]; new k = num_nmapsfill; new totalfilled = 0; new alreadyused; new tryfill, custfill = 0; new q; new listpossible = totalmaps; while (((available_maps() + nmaps_num - custfill) < (maps_to_select + 7)) && listpossible > 0) { alreadyused = 0; q = 0; tryfill = random_num(0, totalmaps - 1); overflowprotect = 0; while (used[tryfill] && overflowprotect++ <= totalmaps * 15) { tryfill = random_num(0, totalmaps - 1); } if (overflowprotect >= totalmaps * 15) { alreadyused = 1;#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_WARN log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] WARN: Overflow detected in Map Nominate plugin, there might not be enough maps in the current vote");#endif listpossible -= 1; } else { while (q < num_nmapsfill && !alreadyused) { if (equali(listofmaps[tryfill], nmapsfill[q])) { alreadyused = used[tryfill] = 1; listpossible--; } q++; } q = 0; while (q < nmaps_num && !alreadyused) { if (equali(listofmaps[tryfill], nmaps[q])) { alreadyused = used[tryfill] = 1; listpossible--; } q++; } }
if (!alreadyused) { if (equali(listofmaps[tryfill], current_map) || equali(listofmaps[tryfill], last_map)|| is_last_maps(listofmaps[tryfill]) || is_banned(listofmaps[tryfill])) { listpossible--; used[tryfill] = 1; } else { if (is_custom_map(listofmaps[tryfill])) { custfill++; } nmapsfill[k] = listofmaps[tryfill]; num_nmapsfill++; listpossible--; used[tryfill] = 1; k++; totalfilled++; } } }#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_INFO log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] Filled %d slots in the fill maps array with maps from mapcycle.txt, %d are custom", totalfilled, custfill);#endif }
nbeforefill = nmaps_num; //extra maps do not act as "nominations" they are additions
if (nmaps_num < maps_to_select) {
new need = maps_to_select - nmaps_num; if (quiet != 2) { c_p(0, print_console, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_RANDOM_MAPSELECTION", need); }#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_INFO log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] Randomly Filling slots for the vote with %d out of %d", need, num_nmapsfill);#endif new fillpossible = num_nmapsfill; new k = nmaps_num; new overflowprotect = 0; new used[MAX_MAPS_AMOUNT]; new totalfilled = 0, custchoice = 0, full = ((amt_custom + custchoice) >= maxcustnom); new alreadyused; new tryfill; if (num_nmapsfill < 1) { if (quiet != 2) { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_NOMORE_RANDOM_DEFINED"); }#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_WARN log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] WARN: Unable to fill any more voting slots with random maps, none defined in mapchoice.ini/allmaps.txt/mapcycle.txt");#endif } else { while (fillpossible > 0 && k < maps_to_select) { alreadyused = 0; new q = 0; tryfill = random_num(0, num_nmapsfill - 1); overflowprotect = 0; while (used[tryfill] && overflowprotect++ <= num_nmapsfill * 10) { tryfill = random_num(0, num_nmapsfill - 1); } if (overflowprotect >= num_nmapsfill * 15) { alreadyused = 1;#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_WARN log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] WARN: Overflow detected in Map Nominate plugin, there might not be enough maps in the current vote");#endif fillpossible -= 2; } else { while (q < nmaps_num && !alreadyused) { if (equali(nmapsfill[tryfill], nmaps[q])) { alreadyused = used[tryfill] = 1; fillpossible--; } q++; } if (!alreadyused) { if (is_custom_map(nmapsfill[tryfill]) && full) { alreadyused = used[tryfill] = 1; fillpossible--; } } }
if (!alreadyused) { if (is_custom_map(nmapsfill[tryfill])) { custchoice++; full = ((amt_custom + custchoice) >= maxcustnom); } nmaps[k] = nmapsfill[tryfill]; nmaps_num++; fillpossible--; used[tryfill] = 1; k++; totalfilled++; } }
if (totalfilled == 0) { console_print(0, "[DMM] %L", LANG_SERVER, "DMAP_NO_DEFAULTMAPS_FOUND"); } else { if (quiet != 2) { console_print(0, "[DMM] %L", LANG_SERVER, "DMAP_FILLED_RANDOM_MAPS", totalfilled); } }#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_INFO log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] Filled %d vote slots with random maps, %d are custom", totalfilled, custchoice);#endif } }
show_vote_menu(true); return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
show_vote_menu(bool:bFirstTime) {
new menu[512], a, mkeys = (1 << maps_to_select + 1); new steptime = get_pcvar_num(pExtendmapStep);
new pos;
new mp_winlimit = get_cvar_num("mp_winlimit"); if (bFirstTime == true) { g_TotalVotes = 0; for (a = 0; a <= 32; a++) { g_AlreadyVoted[a] = false; } }
if (bIsCstrike) { pos = formatex(menu, charsmax(menu), "\r%L\w^n^n", LANG_SERVER, "DMAP_MENU_TITLE"); } else { pos = formatex(menu, charsmax(menu), "%L^n^n", LANG_SERVER, "DMAP_MENU_TITLE"); }
new dmax = (nmaps_num > maps_to_select) ? maps_to_select : nmaps_num;
new tagpath[64], sMenuOption[64]; // If size of sMenuOption is changed, change maxlength in append_vote_percent as well formatex(tagpath, charsmax(tagpath), "%s/dmaptags.ini", custompath);
for (nmapstoch = 0; nmapstoch < dmax; ++nmapstoch) { if (bFirstTime == true) { a = random_num(0, nmaps_num - 1); // Randomize order of maps in vote while (is_in_menu(a)) { if (++a >= nmaps_num) { a = 0; } } nnextmaps[nmapstoch] = a; nvotes[nmapstoch] = 0; // Reset votes for each map }
if (is_custom_map(nmaps[nnextmaps[nmapstoch]]) && usestandard) { if (bIsCstrike) { formatex(sMenuOption, charsmax(sMenuOption), "%d. %s \b(%L)\w", nmapstoch + 1, nmaps[nnextmaps[nmapstoch]], LANG_SERVER, "DMAP_MENU_CUSTOM"); } else { formatex(sMenuOption, charsmax(sMenuOption), "%d. %s (%L)", nmapstoch + 1, nmaps[nnextmaps[nmapstoch]], LANG_SERVER, "DMAP_MENU_CUSTOM"); } } else { // Don't show (Custom) formatex(sMenuOption, charsmax(sMenuOption), "%d. %s", nmapstoch + 1, nmaps[nnextmaps[nmapstoch]]); }
if (file_exists(tagpath)) { // If the tag file is there, check for the extra tag new iLine, sFullLine[64], sTagMap[32], sTagText[32], txtLen; while (read_file(tagpath, iLine, sFullLine, charsmax(sFullLine), txtLen)) { if (sFullLine[0] == ';') { iLine++; continue; // Ignore comments }
strbreak(sFullLine, sTagMap, charsmax(sTagMap), sTagText, charsmax(sTagText)); // Split the map name and tag apart
// TODO: Wildcard (regex) matching // I pulled this code for the v3.24 release. // Sorry! Expect it to return in the future.
if (equali(nmaps[nnextmaps[nmapstoch]], sTagMap)) { format(sMenuOption, charsmax(sMenuOption), "%s [%s]", sMenuOption, sTagText); break; // Quit reading the file } iLine++; } }
#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_DEBUG log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] DEBUG: (nmapstoch:sMenuOption): %d:%s;", nmapstoch, sMenuOption);#endif append_vote_percent(sMenuOption, nmapstoch, true); pos += formatex(menu[pos], charsmax(menu), sMenuOption); // TODO: This should probably be less than 511 since pos is > 0
mkeys |= (1 << nmapstoch); }
menu[pos++] = '^n'; if (bFirstTime == true) { nvotes[maps_to_select] = 0; nvotes[maps_to_select + 1] = 0; } new mapname[32]; get_mapname(mapname, charsmax(mapname)); if (!mp_winlimit && get_cvar_float("mp_timelimit") < get_pcvar_float(pExtendmapMax)) { formatex(sMenuOption, charsmax(sMenuOption), "%L^n", LANG_SERVER, "DMAP_MENU_EXTEND", maps_to_select + 1, mapname, steptime); append_vote_percent(sMenuOption, maps_to_select, true); pos += formatex(menu[pos], 511, sMenuOption);
mkeys |= (1 << maps_to_select); }
formatex(sMenuOption, charsmax(sMenuOption), "%L", LANG_SERVER, "DMAP_MENU_NONE", maps_to_select + 2); append_vote_percent(sMenuOption, maps_to_select + 1); formatex(menu[pos], 511, sMenuOption);
if (bFirstTime == true) { g_VoteTimeRemaining = DMAP_VOTE_TIME; set_task(float(g_VoteTimeRemaining), "check_votes"); show_menu(0, mkeys, menu, --g_VoteTimeRemaining, DMAP_MENU_TITLE); set_task(1.0, "update_vote_time_remaining", DMAP_TASKID_VTR, "", 0, "a", g_VoteTimeRemaining); if (bIsCstrike) { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_TIME_TO_CHOOSE"); } if (quiet == 0) { client_cmd(0, "spk Gman/Gman_Choose%d", random_num(1, 2)); }#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_INFO log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] Voting for the next map started.");#endif } else { new players[32], iNum, id; get_players(players, iNum, "ch"); for (new iPlayer = 0; iPlayer < iNum; iPlayer++) { id = players[iPlayer]; if (g_AlreadyVoted[id] == false) { show_menu(players[iPlayer], mkeys, menu, g_VoteTimeRemaining, DMAP_MENU_TITLE); } }
stock percent(iIs, iOf) { return (iOf != 0) ? floatround(floatmul(float(iIs) / float(iOf), 100.0)) : 0;}
append_vote_percent(sMenuOption[], iChoice, bool:bNewLine = false) {
new iPercent = percent(nvotes[iChoice], g_TotalVotes); new sPercent[16]; if (iPercent > 0) { // Don't show 0% if (bIsCstrike) { formatex(sPercent, charsmax(sPercent), " \d(%d%s)\w", iPercent, "%%"); } else { formatex(sPercent, charsmax(sPercent), " (%d%s)", iPercent, "%%"); } strcat(sMenuOption, sPercent, 63); }
if (bNewLine == true) { // Do this even if vote is 0% strcat(sMenuOption, "^n", 63); }
public update_vote_time_remaining() { if (--g_VoteTimeRemaining <= 0) { remove_task(DMAP_TASKID_VTR); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
handle_and_change(id, map2[], bool:bForce = false) { new tester[32]; if (is_map_valid(map2) == 1) { handle_nominate(id, map2, bForce); } else { formatex(tester, charsmax(tester), "cs_%s", map2); if (is_map_valid(tester) == 1) { handle_nominate(id, tester, bForce); } else { formatex(tester, charsmax(tester), "de_%s", map2); if (is_map_valid(tester) == 1) { handle_nominate(id, tester, bForce); } else { formatex(tester, charsmax(tester), "as_%s", map2); if (is_map_valid(tester) == 1) { handle_nominate(id, tester, bForce); } else { formatex(tester, charsmax(tester), "dod_%s", map2); if (is_map_valid(tester) == 1) { handle_nominate(id, tester, bForce); } else { formatex(tester, charsmax(tester), "fy_%s", map2); if (is_map_valid(tester) == 1) { handle_nominate(id, tester, bForce); } else { // Send invalid map. handle_nominate() handles the error. handle_nominate(id, map2, bForce); } } } } } }}
public handle_say(id) {
new chat[256]; read_args(chat, charsmax(chat));
if (containi(chat, "<") != -1 || containi(chat, "?") != -1 || containi(chat, ">") != -1 || containi(chat, "*") != -1 || containi(chat, "&") != -1 || containi(chat, ".") != -1) { return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } else if (containi(chat, "nominate ") == 1) { new mycommand[41]; read_args(mycommand, charsmax(mycommand)); remove_quotes(mycommand); handle_and_change(id, mycommand[9]); } else if (containi(chat, "vote ") == 1) { new mycommand[37]; read_args(mycommand, charsmax(mycommand)); remove_quotes(mycommand); handle_and_change(id, mycommand[5]); } else { remove_quotes(chat);
if (is_map_valid(chat) == 1) { handle_nominate(id, chat, false); } else {
new chat2[32];
formatex(chat2, charsmax(chat2), "cs_%s", chat); if (is_map_valid(chat2) == 1) { handle_nominate(id, chat2, false); } else { formatex(chat2, charsmax(chat2), "de_%s", chat); if (is_map_valid(chat2) == 1) { handle_nominate(id, chat2, false); } else { formatex(chat2, charsmax(chat2), "as_%s", chat); if (is_map_valid(chat2) == 1) { handle_nominate(id, chat2, false); } else { formatex(chat2, charsmax(chat2), "dod_%s", chat); if (is_map_valid(chat2) == 1) { handle_nominate(id, chat2, false); } else { formatex(chat2, charsmax(chat2), "fy_%s", chat); if (is_map_valid(chat2) == 1) { handle_nominate(id, chat2, false); } } } } } } } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;}
public calculate_custom() { //New optional protection against "too many" custom maps being nominated. amt_custom = 0; new i; for (i = 0; i < nmaps_num; i++) { if (is_custom_map(nmaps[i])) { amt_custom++; } }}
handle_nominate(id, map[], bool:bForce) { if ((get_pcvar_num(pNominationsAllowed) == 0) && (bForce == false)) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_NOMINATIONS_DISABLED"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } strtolower(map); new current_map[32], iscust = 0, iscust_t = 0, full; full = (amt_custom >= maxcustnom); new n = 0, i, done = 0, isreplacement = 0; //0: (not a replacement), 1: (replacing their own), 2: (replacing others) new tempnmaps = nmaps_num; get_mapname(current_map, charsmax(current_map)); if (maxnom == 0) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_NOMINATIONS_DISABLED"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if (inprogress && mselected) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_VOTE_IN_PROGRESS"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if (mselected) { new smap[32]; get_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", smap, charsmax(smap)); c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_VOTING_OVER", smap); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if (!is_map_valid(map) || is_map_valid(map[1])) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_MAP_NOTFOUND", map); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if (is_banned(map) && (bForce == false)) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_MAPVOTE_NOT_AVAILABLE"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if (is_last_maps(map) && !equali(map, current_map) && (bForce == false)) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_CANT_NOMINATE_LASTMAP", ban_last_maps); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if (equali(map, current_map)) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_EXTEND_MAP", map); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } //Insert Strict Style code here, for pcvar dmap_strict 1 if (get_pcvar_num(pDmapStrict) && (bForce == false)) { new isinthelist = 0; for (new a = 0; a < totalmaps; a++) { if (equali(map, listofmaps[a])) isinthelist = 1; } if (!isinthelist) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_ALLOWED_MAPS"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } } iscust = is_custom_map(map); if (nmaps_num >= maps_to_select || Nominated[id] >= maxnom) { if (Nominated[id] > maxnom) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_MAX_MAPS_REACHED"); //Possible to reach here! //only if the command dmap_nominations is used to lower amount of maps that can be nominated return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
for (i = 0; i < nmaps_num; i++) { if (equali(map, nmaps[i])) { new name[32]; get_user_name(whonmaps_num[i], name, charsmax(name)); c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_ALREADY_NOMINATED", map, name);
return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } }
while (n < nmaps_num && !done && Nominated[id] > 1) { //If the person has nominated 2 or more maps, he can replace his own if (whonmaps_num[n] == id) { //If a map is found that he has nominated, replace his own nomination. iscust_t = is_custom_map(nmaps[n]); if (!(full && iscust && !iscust_t)) { Nominated[id] = Nominated[id] - 1; nmaps_num = n; done = 1; isreplacement = 1; } } n++; }
if (!done) { n = 0; while (n < nmaps_num && !done && Nominated[id] < 2) { //If the person has nom only 1 or no maps, he can replace ppl who nominated 3 if (Nominated[whonmaps_num[n]] > 2) { //Replace the "greedy person's" nomination iscust_t = is_custom_map(nmaps[n]); if (!(full && iscust && !iscust_t)) { done = 1; Nominated[whonmaps_num[n]] = Nominated[whonmaps_num[n]] - 1; nmaps_num = n; isreplacement = 2; } } n++; } } if (!done) { n = 0;
while (n < nmaps_num && !done && Nominated[id] < 1) { //If the person has not nom any maps, he can replace those with more than one //he cannot replace those with only one nomination, that would NOT be fair
if (Nominated[whonmaps_num[n]] > 1) { //Replace the "greedy person's" nomination iscust_t = is_custom_map(nmaps[n]); if (!(full && iscust && !iscust_t)) { done = 1; Nominated[whonmaps_num[n]] = Nominated[whonmaps_num[n]] - 1; nmaps_num = n; isreplacement = 2; } } n++; } }
if (!done) { n = 0;
while (n < nmaps_num && !done && Nominated[id] > 0) { //If the person has nominated a map, he can replace his own if (whonmaps_num[n] == id) { //If a map is found that he has nominated, replace his own nomination. iscust_t = is_custom_map(nmaps[n]); if (!(full && iscust && !iscust_t)) { //Check to see if too many custom maps are nominated Nominated[id] = Nominated[id] - 1; nmaps_num = n; done = 1; isreplacement = 1; } } n++; } } if (!done) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_MAX_NOMINATIONS_REACHED", nmaps_num); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } }
for (i = 0; i < nmaps_num; i++) { if (equali(map, nmaps[i])) { new name[32]; get_user_name(whonmaps_num[i], name, charsmax(name)); c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_ALREADY_NOMINATED", map, name);
nmaps_num = tempnmaps;
return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } }
if (!isreplacement && iscust && full) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_MAX_CUSTOMMAPS_REACHED", maxcustnom); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
new name[32]; get_user_name(id, name, charsmax(name)); if (isreplacement == 1) { //They are replacing their old map if (quiet == 2) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_REPLACE_PREVIOUS_NOMINATION", nmaps[nmaps_num]); } else { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_PLAYER_REPLACED_NOMINATION", name, nmaps[nmaps_num]); } } else { if (isreplacement == 2) { if (quiet == 2) { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_NOMINATION_REPLACED", nmaps[nmaps_num]); } else { new name21[32]; get_user_name(whonmaps_num[nmaps_num], name21, charsmax(name21)); c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_NOMINATION_REPLACED2", name21, nmaps[nmaps_num]); } } }
console_print(id, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_ADD_NOMINATION", map, nmaps_num + 1);
set_task(0.18, "calculate_custom"); copy(nmaps[nmaps_num], 31, map); whonmaps_num[nmaps_num] = id;
if (isreplacement) { nmaps_num = tempnmaps; } else { nmaps_num = tempnmaps + 1; } if ((bForce == true) && (get_pcvar_num(pShowActivity) > 0)) { switch(get_pcvar_num(pShowActivity)) { case 1: c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_ADMIN_NOMINATED_MAP1", map); case 2: c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_ADMIN_NOMINATED_MAP2", name, map); } } else { c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", LANG_PLAYER, "DMAP_NOMINATED_MAP", name, map); }
public team_score() {
new team[2]; read_data(1, team, 1); teamscore[(team[0] == 'C') ? 0 : 1] = read_data(2);
public plugin_end() { new current_map[32]; get_mapname(current_map, charsmax(current_map)); set_localinfo("amx_lastmap", current_map);
if (istimeset) { set_cvar_float("mp_timelimit", oldtimelimit); } else { if (istimeset2) { set_cvar_float("mp_timelimit", get_cvar_float("mp_timelimit") - 2.0); } } if (isspeedset) { set_cvar_float("sv_maxspeed", thespeed); } if (iswinlimitset) { set_cvar_num("mp_winlimit", oldwinlimit); } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;}
get_listing() { new i = 0, iavailable = 0; new line = 0, p; new stextsize = 0, isinthislist = 0, found_a_match = 0, done = 0; new linestr[256]; new maptext[32]; new current_map[32]; get_mapname(current_map, charsmax(current_map)); //pathtomaps = "mapcycle.txt"; get_cvar_string("mapcyclefile", pathtomaps, charsmax(pathtomaps)); new smap[32]; get_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", smap, charsmax(smap)); if (file_exists(pathtomaps)) { while (read_file(pathtomaps, line, linestr, charsmax(linestr), stextsize) && !done) { formatex(maptext, charsmax(maptext), "%s", linestr); if (is_map_valid(maptext) && !is_map_valid(maptext[1]) && equali(maptext, current_map)) { done = found_a_match = 1; line++; if (read_file(pathtomaps, line, linestr, charsmax(linestr), stextsize)) { formatex(maptext, charsmax(maptext), "%s", linestr); if (is_map_valid(maptext) && !is_map_valid(maptext[1])) { ////////////////////////////////////////// if (equali(smap, "")) { register_cvar("amx_nextmap", "", FCVAR_SERVER|FCVAR_EXTDLL|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_PRINTABLEONLY); } set_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", maptext); } else { found_a_match = 0; } } else { found_a_match = 0; } } else { line++; } } /* if (!found_a_match) { line = 0; while (read_file(pathtomaps, line, linestr, charsmax(linestr), stextsize) && !found_a_match && line < 1024) { formatex(maptext, charsmax(maptext), "%s", linestr); if (is_map_valid(maptext) && !is_map_valid(maptext[1])) { if (equali(smap, "")) { register_cvar("amx_nextmap", "", FCVAR_SERVER|FCVAR_EXTDLL|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_PRINTABLEONLY); } set_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", maptext); found_a_match = 1; } else { line++; } } } */ /* CODE TO RANDOMIZE NEXTMAP VARIABLE!*/ if (!found_a_match) { line = random_num(0, 50); new tries = 0;
while ((read_file(pathtomaps, line, linestr, charsmax(linestr), stextsize) || !found_a_match) && (tries < 1024 && !found_a_match)) { formatex(maptext, charsmax(maptext), "%s", linestr); if (is_map_valid(maptext) && !is_map_valid(maptext[1])) { if (equali(smap, "")) { register_cvar("amx_nextmap", "", FCVAR_SERVER|FCVAR_EXTDLL|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_PRINTABLEONLY); } set_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", maptext); found_a_match = 1; } else { line = random_num(0, 50); tries++; } } } }
line = 0; formatex(pathtomaps, charsmax(pathtomaps), "%s/allmaps.txt", custompath); if (!file_exists(pathtomaps)) { new mapsadded = 0; while ((line = read_dir("maps", line, linestr, charsmax(linestr), stextsize)) != 0) { stextsize -= 4;
if (stextsize > 0) { if (!equali(linestr[stextsize], ".bsp")) { continue; // skip non map files } linestr[stextsize] = 0; // remove .bsp }
if (is_map_valid(linestr)) { write_file(pathtomaps, linestr); mapsadded++; } }#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_INFO log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] Found %d maps in your <mod>/MAPS folder, and added these to the addons/amxmodx/allmaps.txt file", mapsadded);#endif line = 0; }
if (get_pcvar_num(pDmapStrict) == 1) { get_cvar_string("mapcyclefile", pathtomaps, charsmax(pathtomaps)); //pathtomaps = "mapcycle.txt"; }
if (file_exists(pathtomaps)) { while (read_file(pathtomaps, line, linestr, charsmax(linestr), stextsize) && i < MAX_MAPS_AMOUNT) { formatex(maptext, charsmax(maptext), "%s", linestr); if (is_map_valid(maptext) && !is_map_valid(maptext[1])) { isinthislist = 0; for (p = 0; p < i; p++) { if (equali(maptext, listofmaps[p])) { isinthislist = 1; } } if (!isinthislist) { listofmaps[i++] = maptext; } } line++; } }
line = 0; for (p = 0; p < i; p++) { if (!is_banned(listofmaps[p]) && !is_last_maps(listofmaps[p])) { iavailable++; } } new dummy_str[64]; get_cvar_string("mapcyclefile", dummy_str, charsmax(dummy_str)); //if (iavailable < maps_to_select && !equali(pathtomaps, "mapcycle.txt")) if (iavailable < maps_to_select && !equali(pathtomaps, dummy_str)) { //pathtomaps = "mapcycle.txt"; get_cvar_string("mapcyclefile", pathtomaps, charsmax(pathtomaps)); if (file_exists(pathtomaps)) { while (read_file(pathtomaps, line, linestr, charsmax(linestr), stextsize) && i < MAX_MAPS_AMOUNT) { formatex(maptext, charsmax(maptext), "%s", linestr); if (is_map_valid(maptext) && !is_map_valid(maptext[1])) { isinthislist = 0; for (p = 0; p < i; p++) { if (equali(maptext, listofmaps[p])) { isinthislist = 1; } } if (!isinthislist) { listofmaps[i++] = maptext; } } line++; } } } totalmaps = i; iavailable = 0; for (p = 0; p < i; p++) { if (!is_banned(listofmaps[p]) && !is_last_maps(listofmaps[p])) { iavailable++; } }#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_INFO log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] Found %d Maps in your mapcycle.txt/allmaps.txt file, %d are available for filling slots", i, iavailable);#endif}
public ban_some_maps() { //BAN MAPS FROM CONFIG FILE new banpath[64]; formatex(banpath, charsmax(banpath), "%s/mapstoban.ini", custompath); new i = 0; new line = 0; new stextsize = 0; new linestr[256]; new maptext[32];
if (file_exists(banpath)) { while (read_file(banpath, line, linestr, charsmax(linestr), stextsize) && i < MAX_MAPS_AMOUNT) { formatex(maptext, charsmax(maptext), "%s", linestr); if (is_map_valid(maptext) && !is_map_valid(maptext[1])) { banthesemaps[i++] = maptext; } line++; } } totalbanned = i;#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_INFO log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] Banned %d maps in your mapstoban.ini file", totalbanned);#endif //BAN RECENT MAPS PLAYED new lastmapspath[64]; formatex(lastmapspath, charsmax(lastmapspath), "%s/lastmapsplayed.txt", custompath); line = stextsize = 0; new current_map[32]; get_mapname(current_map, charsmax(current_map)); lastmaps[0] = current_map; bannedsofar++; currentplayers = activeplayers = rocks = 0; if (file_exists(lastmapspath)) { while(read_file(lastmapspath, line, linestr, charsmax(linestr), stextsize) && bannedsofar <= ban_last_maps) { if ((strlen(linestr) > 0) && (is_map_valid(linestr))) { formatex(lastmaps[bannedsofar++], 31, "%s", linestr); } line++; } } write_last_maps();}
write_last_maps() { //deletes and writes to lastmapsplayed.txt new lastmapspath[64]; formatex(lastmapspath, charsmax(lastmapspath), "%s/lastmapsplayed.txt", custompath); if (file_exists(lastmapspath)) { delete_file(lastmapspath); } new text[256], p; for (p = 0; p < bannedsofar; p++) { formatex(text, charsmax(text), "%s", lastmaps[p]); write_file(lastmapspath, text); } write_file(lastmapspath, ";Generated by Deagles' Map Manager plugin - These are most recent maps played.");
load_maps() { new choicepath[64]; formatex(choicepath, charsmax(choicepath), "%s/mapchoice.ini", custompath); new line = 0; new stextsize = 0, isinlist, unable = 0, i; new linestr[256]; new maptext[32]; new current_map[32]; get_mapname(current_map, charsmax(current_map)); if (file_exists(choicepath)) { while (read_file(choicepath, line, linestr, charsmax(linestr), stextsize) && (num_nmapsfill < MAX_MAPS_AMOUNT)) { formatex(maptext, charsmax(maptext), "%s", linestr); if (is_map_valid(maptext) && !is_map_valid(maptext[1])) { isinlist = 0; if (is_banned(maptext) || is_last_maps(maptext)) { isinlist = 1; } else { if (equali(maptext, current_map) || equali(maptext, last_map)) { isinlist = 1; } else { for (i = 0; i < num_nmapsfill; i++) { if (equali(maptext, nmapsfill[i])) {#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_WARN log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] WARN: Map ^"%s^" is defined twice in mapchoice.ini.", maptext);#endif isinlist = 1; } } } } if (!isinlist) { copy(nmapsfill[num_nmapsfill++], 31, maptext); } else { unable++; } } line++; }#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_INFO log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] Loaded %d maps for voting. %d other maps were unusable.", num_nmapsfill, unable); } else { log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] Unable to open file %s. mapcycle.txt will be searched instead.", choicepath);#endif } get_listing();}
public load_default_maps() { new standardpath[64]; formatex(standardpath, charsmax(standardpath), "%s/standardmaps.ini", custompath); new i = 0; new line = 0; new stextsize = 0; new linestr[256]; new maptext[32]; usestandard = 1; if (!file_exists(standardpath)) { usestandard = standardtotal = 0; } else { while(read_file(standardpath, line, linestr, charsmax(linestr), stextsize) && i < 40) { formatex(maptext, charsmax(maptext), "%s", linestr); if (is_map_valid(maptext)) { standard[i++] = maptext; } line++; } standardtotal = i; } if (standardtotal < 5) { usestandard = 0;#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_INFO log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] Attention, %d Maps were found in the standardmaps.ini file. This is no problem, but the word ^"Custom^" will not be used.", standardtotal);#endif }}
bool:is_custom_map(map[]) { new a; for (a = 0; a < standardtotal; a++) { if (equali(map, standard[a])) { return false; } } if (usestandard) { return true; } return false;}
bool:is_last_maps(map[]) { new a; for (a = 0; a < bannedsofar; a++) { if (equali(map, lastmaps[a])) { return true; } } return false;}
bool:is_nominated(map[]) { new a; for (a = 0; a < nmaps_num; a++) { if (equali(map, nmaps[a])) { return true; } } return false;}
bool:is_banned(map[]) { new a; for (a = 0; a < totalbanned; a++) { if (equali(map, banthesemaps[a])) { return true; } } return false;}
load_settings(filename[]) { if (!file_exists(filename)) { return 0; }
new text[256], rpercent[5], strban[4], strplay[3], strwait[3], strwait2[3], strurl[96], strnum[3], strnum2[3]; new len, pos = 0; new Float:numpercent; new banamount, nplayers, waittime, mapsnum; while (read_file(filename, pos++, text, charsmax(text), len)) { if (text[0] == ';') { continue; } switch(text[0]) { case 'r': { formatex(rpercent, charsmax(rpercent), "%s", text[2]); numpercent = float(str_to_num(rpercent)) / 100.0; if (numpercent >= 0.03 && numpercent <= 1.0) { rtvpercent = numpercent; } } case 'q': { if (text[1] == '2') { quiet = 2; } else { quiet = 1; } } case 'c': { cycle = 1; } case 'd': { enabled = 0; } case 'f': { if (text[1] == 'r') { formatex(strwait2, charsmax(strwait2), "%s", text[2]); waittime = str_to_num(strwait2); if (waittime >= 2 && waittime <= 60) { frequency = waittime; } } else { dofreeze = 0; } } case 'b': { formatex(strban, charsmax(strban), "%s", text[2]); banamount = str_to_num(strban); if (banamount >= 0 && banamount <= 100) { if ((banamount == 0 && text[2] == '0') || banamount > 0) { ban_last_maps = banamount; } } } case 'm': { if (atstart) { formatex(strnum, charsmax(strnum), "%s", text[2]); mapsnum = str_to_num(strnum); if (mapsnum >= 2 && mapsnum <= 8) { maps_to_select = mapssave = mapsnum; } } } case 'p': { formatex(strplay, charsmax(strplay), "%s", text[2]); nplayers = str_to_num(strplay); if (nplayers > 0 && nplayers <= 32) { minimum = nplayers; } } case 'u': { formatex(strurl, charsmax(strurl), "%s", text[2]); if (containi(strurl, "http://") == 0 || containi(strurl, "https://") == 0 || containi(strurl, "ftp://") == 0 || containi(strurl, "www.") == 0) { mapsurl = strurl; } } case 'w': { formatex(strwait, charsmax(strwait), "%s", text[2]); waittime = str_to_num(strwait); if (waittime >= 0 && waittime <= 60) { minimumwait = waittime; } } case 'x': { formatex(strnum2, charsmax(strnum2), "%s", text[2]); mapsnum = str_to_num(strnum2); if (mapsnum >= 1 && mapsnum <= 8) { maxnom = mapsnum; } } case 'y': { formatex(strnum2, charsmax(strnum2), "%s", text[2]); mapsnum = str_to_num(strnum2); if (mapsnum >= 0 && mapsnum <= mapssave) { maxcustnom = mapsnum; } } } } return 1;}
set_defaults(myid) {
rtvpercent = 0.6; ban_last_maps = 4; maxnom = frequency = 3; quiet = cycle = 0; minimum = enabled = 1; minimumwait = 5; mapssave = maxcustnom = 5; mapsurl = ""; dofreeze = bIsCstrike;
if (myid < 0) { save_settings(-1); } else { save_settings(myid); console_print(myid, "==== DEFAULTS SET ===="); // TODO: Localize }}
public dmap_rtvpercent(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2)) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
if (id == 0) { announce_config_error("dmap_rtvpercent"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
new arg[4]; read_argv(1, arg, charsmax(arg)); new Float:percentage = float(str_to_num(arg)) / 100.0; if (percentage >= 0.03 && percentage <= 1.0) { rtvpercent = percentage; save_settings(id); } else { //console_print(id, "You must specify a value between 3 and 100 for dmap_rtvpercent."); // TODO: Localize console_print(id, "%L ^"dmap_rtvpercent^".", id, "DMAP_MUST_SPECIFY", 3, 100); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public dmap_rtvplayers(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2)) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
if (id == 0) { announce_config_error("dmap_rtvplayers"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
new arg[4]; read_argv(1, arg, charsmax(arg)); new players = str_to_num(arg); if (players >= 1 && players <= 32) { minimum = players; save_settings(id); } else { //console_print(id, "You must specify a value between 1 and 32 for dmap_rtvplayers."); // TODO: Localize console_print(id, "%L ^"dmap_rtvplayers^".", id, "DMAP_MUST_SPECIFY", 1, 32); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public dmap_rtvwait(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2)) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
if (id == 0) { announce_config_error("dmap_rtvwait"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
new arg[3]; read_argv(1, arg, charsmax(arg)); new wait = str_to_num(arg); if (wait >= 0 && wait <= 60) { minimumwait = wait; save_settings(id); } else { //console_print(id, "You must specify a value between 0 and 60 for dmap_rtvwait."); // TODO: Localize console_print(id, "%L ^"dmap_rtvwait^".", id, "DMAP_MUST_SPECIFY", 0, 60); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public dmap_messages(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2)) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
if (id == 0) { announce_config_error("dmap_messages"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
new arg[4]; read_argv(1, arg, charsmax(arg)); new wait = str_to_num(arg); if (wait >= 2 && wait <= 60) { frequency = wait; save_settings(id); } else { //console_print(id, "You must specify a value between 2 and 60 minutes for dmap_messages."); // TODO: Localize console_print(id, "%L ^"dmap_messages^".", id, "DMAP_MUST_SPECIFY", 2, 60); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public dmap_mapsnum(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2)) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
if (id == 0) { announce_config_error("dmap_mapsnum"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
new arg[4]; read_argv(1, arg, charsmax(arg)); new maps = str_to_num(arg); if (maps >= 2 && maps <= 8) { mapssave = maps; save_settings(id); console_print(id, "***** Settings for dmap_mapsnum do NOT take effect until the next map!!! ******"); // TODO: Localize } else { //console_print(id, "You must specify a value between 2 and 8 for dmap_mapsnum."); // TODO: Localize console_print(id, "%L ^"dmap_mapsnum^".", id, "DMAP_MUST_SPECIFY", 2, 8); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public dmap_nominations(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2)) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
if (id == 0) { announce_config_error("dmap_nominations"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
new arg[4]; read_argv(1, arg, charsmax(arg)); new thisnumber = str_to_num(arg); if (thisnumber >= 0 && thisnumber <= 8) { maxnom = thisnumber; save_settings(id); console_print(id, "***** Settings for dmap_nominations do NOT take effect until the next map!!! ******"); // TODO: Localize } else { //console_print(id, "You must specify a value between 0 and 8 for dmap_nominations."); // TODO: Localize console_print(id, "%L ^"dmap_nominations^".", id, "DMAP_MUST_SPECIFY", 0, 8); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public dmap_maxcustom(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2)) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
if (id == 0) { announce_config_error("dmap_maxcustom"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
new arg[4]; read_argv(1, arg, charsmax(arg)); new thisnumber = str_to_num(arg); if (thisnumber >= 0 && thisnumber <= mapssave) { maxcustnom = thisnumber; save_settings(id); } else { console_print(id, "You must specify a value between {0} and maximum maps in the vote, which is {%d}, for dmap_maxcustom", mapssave); // TODO: Localize } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public dmap_quietmode(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2)) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
if (id == 0) { announce_config_error("dmap_quietmode"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
new arg[8]; read_argv(1, arg, charsmax(arg)); if (containi(arg, "off") != -1) { console_print(id, "Quiet mode is now OFF. All messages will be shown, with sound."); // TODO: Localize quiet = 0; } else if (containi(arg, "silent") != -1) { console_print(id, "Quiet mode is now set to SILENT. Very few messages will be shown, without sound."); // TODO: Localize quiet = 2; } else if (containi(arg, "nosound") != -1) { console_print(id, "Quiet mode is now set to NOSOUND. All messages will be shown, without sound."); // TODO: Localize quiet = 1; } else { cmd_access(id, level, cid, 999); // Force "Usage: ..." message return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } save_settings(id); return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public dmap_rtvtoggle(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 1)) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
if (id == 0) { announce_config_error("dmap_rtvtoggle"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
if (enabled == 0) { console_print(id, "Rockthevote is now enabled."); // TODO: Localize } else { console_print(id, "Rockthevote is now disabled."); // TODO: Localize } enabled = !enabled; save_settings(id); return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public dmap_freeze(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 1)) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
if (id == 0) { announce_config_error("dmap_freeze"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
if (!bIsCstrike) { console_print(id, "Freeze is always off on non-Counter Strike servers."); // TODO: Localize return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
new arg[8]; read_argv(1, arg, charsmax(arg)); if (equali(arg, "OFF")) { console_print(id, "Freeze/Weapon Drop at end of round is now disabled."); // TODO: Localize dofreeze = 0; } else if (equali(arg, "ON")) { console_print(id, "Freeze/Weapon Drop at end of round is now enabled."); // TODO: Localize dofreeze = 1; } else { cmd_access(id, level, cid, 999); // Force "Usage: ..." message return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
save_settings(id); return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public dmap_cyclemode(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 1)) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
if (id == 0) { announce_config_error("dmap_cyclemode"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
if (!cycle) { console_print(id, "Cycle mode is now ON. NO VOTE will take place!"); // TODO: Localize } else { console_print(id, "Cycle Mode is already on. No changes were made."); // TODO: Localize console_print(id, "If you are trying to enable voting, use command ^"dmap_votemode^"."); // TODO: Localize return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } cycle = 1; save_settings(id); if (inprogress) { console_print(id, "The vote in progress cannot be terminated, unless it hasn't started!"); // TODO: Localize } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public dmap_votemode(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 1)) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
if (id == 0) { announce_config_error("dmap_votemode"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
if (cycle) { console_print(id, "Voting mode is now ON; Votes WILL take place."); // TODO: Localize } else { console_print(id, "Voting mode is already ON; no change is made."); // TODO: Localize console_print(id, "If you are trying to disable voting, use command ^"dmap_cyclemode^"."); // TODO: Localize return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } cycle = 0; save_settings(id); return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public dmap_banlastmaps(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2)) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
if (id == 0) { announce_config_error("dmap_banlastmaps"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
new arg[4]; read_argv(1, arg, charsmax(arg)); new banamount; banamount = str_to_num(arg); if (banamount >= 0 && banamount <= 99) { console_print(id, "The last %d maps will be banned. Changes take effect after a map change.", banamount); // TODO: Localize if (banamount > ban_last_maps) { console_print(id, "Maps played more than %d maps ago will not be included in the ban.", ban_last_maps); // TODO: Localize } ban_last_maps = banamount; save_settings(id); } else { //console_print(id, "You must specify a value between 0 and 99 for ^"dmap_banlastmaps^""); // TODO: Localize console_print(id, "%L ^"dmap_banlastmaps^".", id, "DMAP_MUST_SPECIFY", 0, 99); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public dmap_help(id) { //If there is 1 argument, handle it up here. Otherwise (0, 2+), just display general help below. if (read_argc() == 2) { // 1 actual argument new arg[32]; read_argv(1, arg, charsmax(arg));
if (equali(arg, "list")) { console_print(id, "---- Say Commands: -------------------------------------------------------------"); // TODO: Localize console_print(id, "User: currentmap; ff; listmaps; nextmap; nominate/vote <map>;"); console_print(id, "User: nominations/noms; recentmaps; rockthevote/rtv"); console_print(id, "---- Console Commands: ---------------------------------------------------------"); // TODO: Localize console_print(id, "User: dmap_help [command]; listmaps"); console_print(id, "ADMIN_LEVEL_A: dmap_cancelvote; dmap_nominate <map>; dmap_rockthevote; dmap_status"); console_print(id, "ADMIN_LEVEL_F: dmap_banlastmaps <n>; dmap_cyclemode; dmap_default;"); console_print(id, "ADMIN_LEVEL_F: dmap_freeze <ON|OFF>; dmap_mapsnum <n>; dmap_mapsurl <URL|none>;"); console_print(id, "ADMIN_LEVEL_F: dmap_maxcustom <n>; dmap_messages <n>; dmap_nominations <n>;"); console_print(id, "ADMIN_LEVEL_F: dmap_quietmode <OFF|NOSOUND|SILENT>; dmap_rtvpercent <n>;"); console_print(id, "ADMIN_LEVEL_F: dmap_rtvplayers <n>; dmap_rtvtoggle; dmap_rtvwait <n>; dmap_votemode"); console_print(id, "---- Cvars: --------------------------------------------------------------------"); // TODO: Localize console_print(id, "amx_emptymap <map>; amx_extendmap_max <n>; amx_extendmap_step <n>;"); console_print(id, "amx_idletime <n>; amx_staytime <n>; amx_vote_answers <0|1>; dmap_strict <0|1>;"); console_print(id, "emptymap_allowed <0|1>; enforce_timelimit <0|1>; nominations_allowed <0|1>;"); console_print(id, "weapon_delay <0|1>"); console_print(id, "---- Use command ^"dmap_help <COMMAND>^" for help with a specific command. ----"); // TODO: Localize return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
// As rarely as this should get called, I think searching each time is better than storing the results in a Trie. new i, CommandName[32], Flags, CommandUsage[64]; while(get_concmd(i++, CommandName, charsmax(CommandName), Flags, CommandUsage, charsmax(CommandUsage), ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP, 1)) { if (equali(arg, CommandName)) { console_print(id, "%L: %s %s", id, "USAGE", CommandName, CommandUsage); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } } console_print(id, "%L: ^"%s^"", id, "DMAP_UNKNOWN_COMMAND", arg); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
// General help for when no (or too many) arguments are passed. console_print(id, "---- %L ----", id, "DMAP_HELP_TITLE", g_VERSION); if (cycle) { console_print(id, "The plugin is set to cycle mode. No vote will take place."); // TODO: Localize return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } else { console_print(id, "Say ^"vote mapname^" ^"nominate mapname^" or just ^"mapname^" to nominate a map."); // TODO: Localize console_print(id, "Say ^"listmaps^" for a list of maps you can nominate."); // TODO: Localize if (enabled) { console_print(id, "Say ^"nominations^" to see a list of maps already nominated."); // TODO: Localize console_print(id, "Say ^"rockthevote^" to try to start a vote."); // TODO: Localize } } if (strlen(mapsurl) > 0) { c_p(id, print_console, "%L", id, "DMAP_DOWNLOAD_MAPS_URL", mapsurl); } console_print(id, "Visit for plugin support."); // TODO: Localize console_print(id, "Use command ^"dmap_status^" to show plugin configuration."); // TODO: Localize console_print(id, "Use command ^"dmap_help list^" to list available commands."); // TODO: Localize
public dmap_status(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 1)) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
new sEmptyMap[32]; get_pcvar_string(pEmptyMap, sEmptyMap, charsmax(sEmptyMap));
console_print(id, "^t^t%L", id, "DMAP_STATUS_TITLE", g_VERSION); console_print(id, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); console_print(id, "dmap_banlastmaps: %d^t^t^t^tMode: %s", ban_last_maps, cycle ? "dmap_cyclemode" : "dmap_votemode"); console_print(id, "dmap_freeze: %L^t^t^t^t^t^tdmap_mapsnum: %d", id, dofreeze ? "ON" : "OFF", mapssave); console_print(id, "dmap_maxcustom: %d^t^t^t^tdmap_messages: %d", maxcustnom, frequency); console_print(id, "dmap_nominations: %d^t^t^t^tdmap_quietmode: %s", maxnom, (quiet == 0) ? "OFF" : (quiet == 1) ? "NOSOUND" : "SILENT"); console_print(id, "dmap_rtvpercent: %d^t^t^t^tdmap_rtvplayers: %d", floatround(rtvpercent * 100.0), minimum); console_print(id, "dmap_rtvwait: %d^t^t^t^t^t^tRockthevote: %L", minimumwait, id, enabled ? "ON" : "OFF"); console_print(id, "amx_idletime: %d^t^t^t^t^t^t^tamx_emptymap: %s", get_cvar_num("amx_idletime"), sEmptyMap); console_print(id, "amx_extendmap_step: %d^t^tamx_extendmap_max: %d", get_pcvar_num(pExtendmapStep), floatround(get_pcvar_float(pExtendmapMax))); // Is this a float for sure? console_print(id, "amx_show_activity: %d^t^t^t^tamx_staytime: %d", get_pcvar_num(pShowActivity), get_cvar_num("amx_staytime")); console_print(id, "amx_vote_answers: %d", get_cvar_num("amx_vote_answers")); console_print(id, "dmap_strict: %d^t^t^t^t^t^t^temptymap_allowed: %d", get_pcvar_num(pDmapStrict), get_pcvar_num(pEmptymapAllowed)); console_print(id, "enforce_timelimit: %d^t^t^t^t^tmp_timelimit: %d", get_pcvar_num(pEnforceTimelimit), get_cvar_num("mp_timelimit")); // Treat mp_timelimit as an integer console_print(id, "nominations_allowed: %d^t^t^t^tweapon_delay: %d", get_pcvar_num(pNominationsAllowed), get_pcvar_num(pWeaponDelay)); console_print(id, "dmap_mapsurl: %s", mapsurl ? mapsurl : "(NONE)"); console_print(id, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
new hldsVer[32]; get_cvar_string("sv_version", hldsVer, charsmax(hldsVer)); new hldsMod[16]; get_modname(hldsMod, charsmax(hldsMod)); new amxxRVer[11]; get_amxx_verstring(amxxRVer, charsmax(amxxRVer)); new sLang[3]; get_cvar_string("amx_language", sLang, charsmax(sLang)); new cLang[3]; if (id) { get_user_info(id, "lang", cLang, charsmax(cLang)); } else { cLang = "--"; } new sDV[8]; formatex(sDV, charsmax(sDV), "%L", -2, "DV"); console_print(id, "[DMM] Config: %s%d%s%d/%s/%s#%s/%s", is_linux_server() ? "L" : "W", is_amd64_server() ? 64 : 32, is_dedicated_server() ? "D" : "L", get_cvar_num("sv_lan"), hldsVer, hldsMod, AMXX_VERSION_STR, amxxRVer); console_print(id, "[DMM] Config: %s/%s#%s/%s/%d#%d/%d#%d/%d/%d/%d", sLang, cLang, g_VERSION, sDV, DMAP_EXPECTED_DV, g_iConnectCount, FILE_LOGLEVEL, floatround(get_gametime()), get_timeleft(), floatround(oldtimelimit), floatround(get_cvar_float("mp_timelimit")));
change_custom_path() { new temp[64]; // Unless someone reports an issue, I think this is a sufficient size. formatex(temp, charsmax(temp), "%s/dmap", custompath); if (dir_exists(temp)) { copy(custompath, charsmax(custompath), temp); }}
save_settings(myid) {
new settings[64]; formatex(settings, charsmax(settings), "%s/mapvault.dat", custompath);
if (file_exists(settings)) { delete_file(settings); } new text[32], text2[128], rpercent, success = 1, usedany = 0; formatex(text2, charsmax(text2), ";To use comments simply use ;"); if (!write_file(settings,text2)) { success = 0; } formatex(text2, charsmax(text2), ";Do not modify these variables; they are used by the Deagles' Map Manager plugin to save settings");
if (!write_file(settings, text2)) { success = 0; } formatex(text2, charsmax(text2), ";If you delete this file, defaults will be restored."); if (!write_file(settings, text2)) { success = 0; } formatex(text2, charsmax(text2), ";If you make an invalid setting, that specific setting will restore to the default"); if (!write_file(settings, text2)) { success = 0; } if (!enabled) { formatex(text, charsmax(text), "d"); //d for disabled usedany = 1; if (!write_file(settings, text)) { success = 0; } } if (quiet != 0) { if (quiet == 1) { formatex(text, charsmax(text), "q1"); //q1 for NOSOUND } else { formatex(text, charsmax(text), "q2"); //q2 for SILENT } usedany = 1; if (!write_file(settings, text)) { success = 0; } } if (!dofreeze || !bIsCstrike) { formatex(text, charsmax(text), "f"); if (!write_file(settings, text)) { success = 0; } } if (cycle) { formatex(text, charsmax(text), "c"); //c for Cycle mode=on usedany = 1; if (!write_file(settings, text)) { success = 0; } } rpercent = floatround(rtvpercent * 100.0); if (rpercent >= 3 && rpercent <= 100) { formatex(text, charsmax(text), "r %d", rpercent); usedany = 1; if (!write_file(settings, text)) { success = 0; } } if (ban_last_maps >= 0 && ban_last_maps <= 100) { formatex(text, charsmax(text), "b %d", ban_last_maps); usedany = 1; if (!write_file(settings, text)) { success = 0; } } if (mapssave >= 2 && mapssave <= 8) { formatex(text, charsmax(text), "m %d", mapssave); usedany = 1; if (!write_file(settings, text)) { success = 0; } } if (maxnom >= 0 && maxnom <= 8) { formatex(text, charsmax(text), "x %d", maxnom); usedany = 1; if (!write_file(settings, text)) { success = 0; } } if (maxcustnom >= 0 && maxcustnom <= mapssave) { formatex(text, charsmax(text), "y %d", maxcustnom); usedany = 1; if (!write_file(settings, text)) { success = 0; } } if (minimum > 0 && minimum <= 32) { formatex(text, charsmax(text), "p %d", minimum); usedany = 1; if (!write_file(settings, text)) { success = 0; } } if (minimumwait >= 0 && minimumwait <= 60) { formatex(text, charsmax(text), "w %d", minimumwait); usedany = 1; if (!write_file(settings, text)) { success = 0; } } if (frequency >= 2 && frequency <= 20) { formatex(text, charsmax(text), "fr %d", frequency); usedany = 1; if (!write_file(settings, text)) { success = 0; } } if (strlen(mapsurl) > 0) { formatex(text2, charsmax(mapsurl) + 2, "u %s", mapsurl); usedany = 1; if (!write_file(settings, text2)) { success = 0; } } if (usedany) { if (myid >= 0) { if (success) { console_print(myid, "[DMM] Settings saved successfully."); console_print(myid, "[DMM] Use the ^"dmap_status^" command to view current settings."); } else { console_print(myid, "[DMM] Unable to write to file %s", settings); } } if (!success) {#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_ERROR log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] ERROR: Unable to write to file %s", settings);#endif return 0; } } else { if (myid >= 0) { console_print(myid, "[DMM] Variables not valid, not saving to %s", settings); }#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_WARN log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] WARN: Variables not valid, not saving to %s", settings);#endif return 0; } return 1;}
public dmap_mapsurl(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2)) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
if (id == 0) { announce_config_error("dmap_mapsurl"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
new arg[96]; read_args(arg, charsmax(arg)); if (containi(arg, "http://") == 0 || containi(arg, "https://") == 0 || containi(arg, "ftp://") == 0 || containi(arg, "www.") == 0) { console_print(id, "You have changed the custom maps URL to %s", arg); mapsurl = arg; save_settings(id); } else if (containi(arg, "none") == 0) { console_print(id, "The custom maps URL will not be used or displayed."); mapsurl = ""; save_settings(id); } else { console_print(id, "URL must start with ^"http://^", ^"https://^", ^"ftp://^" or ^"www.^" (Use ^"none^" to disable)"); }
public dmap_default(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 1)) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
set_defaults(id); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
public event_round_start() { isbetween = 0; isbuytime = 1; set_task(10.0, "now_safe_to_vote");}
public event_round_end() { isbetween = 1;}
public now_safe_to_vote() { isbuytime = 0;}
public listmaps_override(id) { list_maps(id); return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public votemap_override(id) { console_print(id, "%L", id, "DMAP_COMMAND_DISABLED"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public say_currentmap(id) { new mapname[32]; get_mapname(mapname, charsmax(mapname)); c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_CURRENT_MAP", mapname); return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public say_nominations(id) { if (get_pcvar_num(pNominationsAllowed) == 0) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_NOMINATIONS_DISABLED"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if (mselected) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_VOTE_IN_PROGRESS"); } else { if (nmaps_num == 0) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_NO_MAPS_NOMINATED"); } else { list_nominations(id); } } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
public say_recentmaps(id) { if (bannedsofar <= 1) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_RECENT_NONE"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }
new sMaps[192]; for (new i=1; i < bannedsofar; i++) { // Start at 1 to skip current map if (i == 1) { formatex(sMaps, 31, "%s", lastmaps[i]); } else { format(sMaps, charsmax(sMaps), "%s, %s", sMaps, lastmaps[i]); } } c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L", id, "DMAP_RECENT_MAPS", sMaps);
public check_conflict() { new sDV[8], iDV, bRepeat;
//repeat error over and over.. if (is_plugin_loaded("Crab'sMapManager") > -1) { bRepeat = true; announce_conflict("crabmapmanager.amxx"); } if (is_plugin_loaded("Galileo") > -1) { bRepeat = true; announce_conflict("galileo.amxx"); } if (is_plugin_loaded("NextMap") > -1) { bRepeat = true; announce_conflict("nextmap.amxx"); } if (is_plugin_loaded("Nextmap Chooser") > -1) { bRepeat = true; announce_conflict("mapchooser.amxx"); } if (is_plugin_loaded("Nextmap Chooser 4") > -1) { bRepeat = true; announce_conflict("mapchooser4.amxx"); }
// Using -2 for the language key seems to default to en, even with amx_mldebug set. // This is a hack, but it works. // ML_NOTFOUND will return 0 for version, so additional error handling isn't needed. formatex(sDV, charsmax(sDV), "%L", -2, "DV"); iDV = str_to_num(sDV);
// Allow for 9 newer versions of dictionary file before plugin recompile is needed. if ((iDV < DMAP_EXPECTED_DV) || (iDV > (DMAP_EXPECTED_DV + 9))) { bRepeat = true; console_print(0, "[DMM] INVALID DICTIONARY FILE! Current version: %d. Expected version: %d to %d.", iDV, DMAP_EXPECTED_DV, DMAP_EXPECTED_DV + 9); c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] INVALID DICTIONARY FILE! Current version: %d. Expected version: %d to %d.", iDV, DMAP_EXPECTED_DV, DMAP_EXPECTED_DV + 9);#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_FATAL log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] FATAL: INVALID DICTIONARY FILE! Current version: %d. Expected version: %d to %d.", iDV, DMAP_EXPECTED_DV, DMAP_EXPECTED_DV + 9);#endif }
if (bRepeat) { set_task(10.0, "check_conflict", DMAP_TASKID_CONFLICT); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED;}
announce_conflict(sPlugin[]) { console_print(0, "[DMM] CONFLICT DETECTED! Disable %s in plugins.ini.", sPlugin); c_p(0, print_chat, "[DMM] CONFLICT DETECTED! Disable %s in plugins.ini.", sPlugin);#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_FATAL log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] FATAL: CONFLICT DETECTED! Disable %s in plugins.ini.", sPlugin);#endif}
announce_config_error(sCommand[]) { console_print(0, "[DMM] ERROR: The %s command does not belong in any config file.", sCommand); console_print(0, "[DMM] If you really want to run this command, do it from a client console.");}
public say_ff(id) { c_p(id, print_chat, "[DMM] %L: %L", id, "DMAP_FRIEND_FIRE", id, get_cvar_num("mp_friendlyfire") ? "ON" : "OFF"); return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;}
//client_print() in amxmodx.cpp calls UTIL_ClientPrint() in util.cpp.//UTIL_ClientPrint uses MSG_ONE or MSG_BROADCAST.//UTIL_ClientPrint truncates all messages to 190 characters (for good reason).//The client resolution determines how many characters actually get printed.
//Current behavior:// 0/print_chat: Print to chat of all players with the correct locale// id/print_chat: Print to chat of player #id with the correct locale// 0/print_console: Print to console of all players with a common (possibly incorrect) locale// id/print_console: Print to console of player #id with the correct localestock c_p(id, type, const message[], any:...) { new sMessage[192]; new iActualLen; static gmsgSayText; if (!gmsgSayText) { gmsgSayText = get_user_msgid("SayText"); }
if ((id == 0) && (type == print_chat)) {
new bool:bReplaceID;
// I am not proud of how this is implemented. I would prefer to use a loop to recursively call this function with IDs instead of id=0. // This way, the message_begin...message_end code would only need to be included once.
// Since there are no broadcast chat messages with multiple %L's, we just check the first possible argument. // Without this shortcut, we'd have to verify every argument and store the %L occurences in an array. // Then, within the client loop, we'd have another loop to replace every LANG_PLAYER occurence. if ((getarg(3) == LANG_PLAYER) && (numargs() >= 5)) { new key[64], iPos; // TODO: Make static? while ((key[iPos] = getarg(4, iPos++))) { /* Empty loop to load the argument one character at a time */ } if (GetLangTransKey(key) != TransKey_Bad) { bReplaceID = true; } }
new Clients[32], iNum; // TODO: Make static? get_players(Clients, iNum, "ch"); for (new i = 0; i < iNum; i++) { // Only loop through connected slots
// Replace LANG_PLAYER with the player's ID and format the string if (bReplaceID == true) { setarg(3, _, Clients[i]); } iActualLen = vformat(sMessage, 190, message, 4);
message_begin(MSG_ONE, gmsgSayText, _, Clients[i]); write_byte(type); write_string(sMessage); message_end();#if FILE_LOGLEVEL >= LOGLEVEL_TRACE log_to_file(logfilename, "[DMM] TRACE: Broadcast to: %i", Clients[i]); log_to_file(logfilename, "%i:%s", Clients[i], sMessage);#endif }
return iActualLen; }
iActualLen = vformat(sMessage, 190, message, 4); // Truncate to 190 printable characters (bytes)
switch (type) { // I have found no way to modify print_center to display longer strings, so I am purposely not supporting it. case print_chat: { //static gmsgSayText; //if (!gmsgSayText) { gmsgSayText = get_user_msgid("SayText"); }
// message_begin() in messages.cpp makes the right call based on the first parameter. It doesn't hurt to pass _ and id. message_begin(id ? MSG_ONE : MSG_BROADCAST, gmsgSayText, _, id); // SayText is the secret to allowing longer chat strings. write_byte(type); write_string(sMessage); message_end(); } case print_console, print_notify: { static gmsgTextMsg; if (!gmsgTextMsg) { gmsgTextMsg = get_user_msgid("TextMsg"); }
sMessage[iActualLen++] = '^n'; // Console newlines are added server-side sMessage[iActualLen] = 0; // Funny things happen without this
new iCounter, sSmallChunk[128], iChunk2Begin = 127;
while (iCounter < iActualLen) {
if ((iChunk2Begin < iActualLen) && (iChunk2Begin > iCounter)) { // Make sure a multi-byte character isn't split // Double-byte UTF-8 chars have first byte 0xC2-0xDF, triple: 0xE0-0xEF // If someone shows me a valid quad-byte translation, I'll add support for it. if (((sMessage[iChunk2Begin - 1] & 0xFF) >= 0xC2) && ((sMessage[iChunk2Begin - 1] & 0xFF) <= 0xEF)) { iChunk2Begin -= 1; } else if ((((sMessage[iChunk2Begin - 2] & 0xFF) >= 0xE0) && ((sMessage[iChunk2Begin - 2] & 0xFF) <= 0xEF))) { iChunk2Begin -= 2; } }
copy(sSmallChunk, iChunk2Begin, sMessage[iCounter]); // If string is too long, only take the first chunk.
message_begin(id ? MSG_ONE : MSG_BROADCAST, gmsgTextMsg, _, id); // TextMsg limits string length write_byte(type); write_string(sSmallChunk); message_end();
iCounter += iChunk2Begin; } } }
return iActualLen; // This value might not match the value returned by AMXModX's print_chat function.}
public plugin_init() {
register_plugin(g_PLUGIN, g_VERSION, g_AUTHOR); register_dictionary("common.txt"); register_dictionary("deagsmapmanager.txt");
get_configsdir(custompath, charsmax(custompath)); change_custom_path();
//g_MaxPlayers = get_maxplayers();
check_conflict(); // Check for problems immediately
register_clcmd("say", "handle_say", 0, "- Say: vote mapname, nominate mapname, or just ^"MAP_NAME^" to nominate a map"); register_clcmd("say currentmap", "say_currentmap", 0, "- Show name of the current map"); register_clcmd("say ff", "say_ff", 0, "- Display friendly fire status"); register_clcmd("say listmaps", "list_maps", 0, "- List all maps in the console"); register_clcmd("say nextmap", "say_nextmap", 0, "- Show next map information to players"); register_clcmd("say nominations", "say_nominations", 0, "- Show names of maps nominated for next vote"); register_clcmd("say noms", "say_nominations", 0, "- Show names of maps nominated for next vote"); register_clcmd("say recentmaps", "say_recentmaps", 0, "- Show names of recently played maps"); register_clcmd("say rockthevote", "rock_the_vote", 0, "- Rock the vote"); register_clcmd("say rtv", "rock_the_vote", 0, "- Rock the vote"); register_clcmd("votemap", "votemap_override", 0, "- Override for votemap command in GoldSrc engine"); register_concmd("dmap_help", "dmap_help", 0, "- Show on-screen help information about Map Plugin"); register_concmd("dmap_status", "dmap_status", ADMIN_DMAP, "- Show settings/status of the map management variables"); register_concmd("dmap_votemode", "dmap_votemode", ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP, "- Enable voting (This is default mode)"); register_concmd("dmap_cyclemode", "dmap_cyclemode", ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP, "- Disable voting (To restore voting use dmap_votemode)"); register_concmd("dmap_banlastmaps", "dmap_banlastmaps", ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP, "<n> - Ban the last N maps played from being voted (0-100)"); register_concmd("dmap_quietmode", "dmap_quietmode", ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP, "<OFF|NOSOUND|SILENT> - Configure messages: OFF=Sound/text, NOSOUND=Text, SILENT=Minimal text"); register_concmd("dmap_freeze", "dmap_freeze", ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP, "<ON|OFF> - Enable/Disable freeze & weapon drop at end of round"); register_concmd("dmap_messages", "dmap_messages", ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP, "<n> - Set time interval in minutes between messages (2-60)"); register_concmd("dmap_rtvtoggle", "dmap_rtvtoggle", ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP, "- Toggle ability of players to use ^"rockthevote^""); register_concmd("dmap_rockthevote", "admin_rockit", ADMIN_DMAP, "- Allows admins to force a vote"); register_concmd("amx_rockthevote", "admin_rockit", ADMIN_DMAP, "- Allows admins to force a vote"); register_concmd("amx_rtv", "admin_rockit", ADMIN_DMAP, "- Allows admins to force a vote"); register_concmd("dmap_rtvpercent", "dmap_rtvpercent", ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP, "<n> - Set the percent (3-100) of players needed for a rtv"); register_concmd("dmap_rtvplayers", "dmap_rtvplayers", ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP, "<n> - Set the minimum number of players needed to ^"rockthevote^""); register_concmd("dmap_rtvwait", "dmap_rtvwait", ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP, "<n> - Set time in minutes before ^"rockthevote^" can occur (0-60)"); register_concmd("dmap_default", "dmap_default", ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP, "- Restore settings to default"); register_concmd("dmap_mapsurl", "dmap_mapsurl", ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP, "<URL|none> - Specify what website to get custom maps from"); register_concmd("dmap_mapsnum", "dmap_mapsnum", ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP, "<n> - Set number of maps in vote (will not take effect until next map) (0-8)"); register_concmd("dmap_nominations", "dmap_nominations", ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP, "<n> - Set maximum number of nominations for each person (0-8)"); register_concmd("dmap_maxcustom", "dmap_maxcustom", ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP, "<n> - Set maximum number of custom nominations that may be made (0-8)"); register_concmd("dmap_cancelvote", "dmap_cancel_vote", ADMIN_DMAP, "- Cancel the rocked vote"); register_concmd("dmap_nominate", "dmap_nominate", ADMIN_DMAP, "<map> - Force nomination of a map by an admin"); register_concmd("listmaps", "listmaps_override", 0, "- List all maps in the console");
register_logevent("event_round_start", 2, "0=World triggered", "1=Round_Start"); register_logevent("event_round_end", 2, "0=World triggered", "1=Round_End");
register_event("30", "event_intermission", "a"); // SVC_INTERMISSION = 30#if FILE_LOGLEVEL > LOGLEVEL_NONE get_time("dmaplog%m%d.log", logfilename, charsmax(logfilename));#endif
pDmapStrict = register_cvar("dmap_strict", "0", FCVAR_EXTDLL|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_PRINTABLEONLY); pEmptyMap = register_cvar("amx_emptymap", "de_dust2", FCVAR_EXTDLL|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_PRINTABLEONLY); pEmptymapAllowed = register_cvar("emptymap_allowed", "0", FCVAR_EXTDLL|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_PRINTABLEONLY); pEnforceTimelimit = register_cvar("enforce_timelimit", "0", FCVAR_EXTDLL|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_PRINTABLEONLY); pExtendmapMax = register_cvar("amx_extendmap_max", "90", FCVAR_EXTDLL|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_PRINTABLEONLY); pExtendmapStep = register_cvar("amx_extendmap_step", "15", FCVAR_EXTDLL|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_PRINTABLEONLY); register_cvar("amx_idletime", "5", FCVAR_EXTDLL|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_PRINTABLEONLY); // No pointer; only used once pNominationsAllowed = register_cvar("nominations_allowed", "1", FCVAR_EXTDLL|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_PRINTABLEONLY); pShowActivity = register_cvar("amx_show_activity", "2", FCVAR_EXTDLL|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_PRINTABLEONLY); register_cvar("amx_staytime", "300", FCVAR_EXTDLL|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_PRINTABLEONLY); // No pointer; only used once pWeaponDelay = register_cvar("weapon_delay", "1", FCVAR_EXTDLL|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_PRINTABLEONLY);
staytime = get_cvar_num("amx_staytime"); IdleTime = get_cvar_num("amx_idletime");
bIsCstrike = (cstrike_running() == 1);
if (bIsCstrike) { register_event("TeamScore", "team_score", "a"); dofreeze = 1; }
set_task(3.0, "ban_some_maps"); //reads from lastmapsplayed.txt and stores into global array //set_task(2.0, "get_listing"); //loads mapcycle / allmaps.txt set_task(14.0, "load_default_maps"); //loads standardmaps.ini set_task(15.0, "ask_for_next_map", DMAP_TASKID_ASK_FOR_NEXT, "", 0, "b"); set_task(5.0, "loop_messages", DMAP_TASKID_LOOP_MESSAGES, "", 0, "b");
oldtimelimit = get_cvar_float("mp_timelimit"); get_localinfo("amx_lastmap", last_map, charsmax(last_map)); set_localinfo("amx_lastmap", ""); set_task(1.0, "timer", DMAP_TASKID_TIMER, "", 0, "b");
new path[64]; formatex(path, charsmax(path), "%s/mapvault.dat", custompath); if (!load_settings(path)) { set_defaults(-1); } formatex(path, charsmax(path), "%s/map_manage_help.htm", custompath); if (file_exists(path)) { delete_file(path); // Remove old HTML help }
atstart = 0; register_menu(DMAP_MENU_TITLE, (-1 ^ (-1 << (maps_to_select + 2))), "vote_count");}